
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Back to school

Today was the day I would return to classes, I woke up excited and went running to have breakfast.

"Good morning," Zoe said.

"Good morning daughter" said my mother.

After breakfast Joe took me to school, halfway I noticed Ben injured, I asked Joe to stop on the way and help him.

"Isn't this the idiot who dated you to cheat on some tests and then vandalized a teacher's car and blamed you?" asked Joe.

"Yes, it's him, even so we must help him" replied Zoe irritated.

"Wait, isn't he that doctor's son?" asked Joe.

"It is," replied Zoe.

Joe helps Ben to the hospital and drives me to school. At school I discovered that some students from some schools affected by the destruction of their cities would start to attend our school, probably their families decided to move to our city.

"Today we will welcome 3 new students, please introduce yourselves" said the teacher.

"Hello, my name is Liberty Hearth" says the orange haired student.

"My name is Steve Constant it's a pleasure to meet you" said the student next to Liberty.

The teacher and the students realized that there were only two students in the front of the room and suddenly the door of the room opens, the director appears with a girl with red eyes.

"Roxy did you cause any trouble again?" asked Liberty worriedly.

"Don't worry sister, I got lost" says Roxy.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something, I just came to leave this student here" says the director.

"Hello, my name is Roxy Hearth" says the girl to the students.

After that the principal left the room and the class began. During the break several students went to talk to the new students.

"Are you kids of superheroes?" asked a girl to the new students.

"I don't," replied Steve Constant.

"I don't even need to answer" Roxy replies sarcastically.

"I'm sorry about my sister," Liberty said.

"They're Rox and Lady Liberty's daughters," Zoe said, fiddling with her cell phone.

"Do you have super powers, if so which ones?" asked some students.

"We do, but it's a secret," Liberty replied.

The students were in awe of this surprise, meanwhile Zoe was busy thinking about something. Roxy gets up and goes towards Zoe, Liz and Ed, who were in the group of students interested in the new students, thought Roxy was angry with her and would start a fight.

"What is your name?" asked Roxy.

Zoe was so focused on her cell phone that she didn't even notice Roxy. So Roxy simply levitates Zoe's cell phone causing her to notice her.

"Hey, give me my phone back," says Zoe.

"Hi. What's your name?" asked Roxy again.

"My name is Zoe" replied Zoe.

"Zoe, wants to be my friend?" asked Roxy.

"Which?" all students spoke together.

"You're interesting, you were one of the few people here who didn't seem like a sycophant person," Roxy said.

Liz and Ed appear in front of Roxy.

"Who's calling you a sycophant, we just wanted to talk to you guys," Liz said.

"We were just wondering more about you," Ed said.

Liberty appears and apologizes for her sister, they started discuss and so the day passed quickly.