
Days to Come

Sunday Morning

In a Grand Estate, North of the City, a couple is having breakfast. The man has hair as black as the coffee he was drinking with black eyes that had a strange red glow to it, sporting a simple brown shirt and black slacks, he was looking out the window enjoying a bright morning.

"Honey, when did the doctor say you were due?" Jacob threw a question at his wife, who seated by his right, she was enjoying her toast paired with some eggs cooked with garlic and honey.

"The doctor said the baby would come this coming week or two" Martha replied. She stroked her belly as she anticipated the birth of her next child, her golden locks flowing freely onto her shoulder and down to her sides. Her eyes completed her look, blue pupils that were as bright as the sky, she was a beauty, to say the least. Her dress: a simple white tunic that reached down to her legs, she had grown used to wearing them ever since her first child.

*knock* *knock*

The door pushed open and a maid walked in. "Master Jacob, the young master, and young miss have finished dressing up," said the maid.

"Send them down then." Jacob nodded as he sipped his coffee.

The maid quickly walked out and went to fetch the children.

"Honey, how did Father react about your business plans?" Martha asked his husband while sipping some tea, she always did love her tea in the morning.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've contacted your dad and—"Jacob tried to shirk away from the question by downing his coffee, he had put off contacting his father-in-law, they weren't always on good terms, when—

*thud* *thud* *thud*

Running sounds could be heard coming from the stairs.

"It seems the kids forgot the lessons you taught them yesterday, Martha." Jacob cheekily pointed out.

Martha just sighed and stood up, walking to the door to greet the children, when the door suddenly flew open.

"Dad! Elise tried to put spiders in my trousers again." A cute little boy that looked like 6 or 7, had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes that matched his mother, shouted while pointing at her little sister trailing behind him.

"Mom! Don't listen to Clay! I was trying to take it out" the little girl replied with a Cheshire smile, she was trying to hide behind the door, she had eyes like her mother but black hair like her father's.

"Okay Okay, you didn't do it. Come on, get on your chair and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Martha just sighed at her daughter's antics. She always did favor her little girl, she just couldn't help herself, she was just too cute.

The little girl named Elise just walked into the dining area straight to her chair with a cheeky grin, knowing that she had won.

"Dad I'm telling you, she gets more and more mischievous by the day, next time it's gonna be in my pillow or in my—" Clay complained to his dad when he saw his sister looking at him with bright eyes, he knew he had given an idea and he promptly shut his mouth.

Jacob saw her little girl's eyes and sighed. He took to his son's side the same way his wife took to her little girl's. They had figured that if they sided with only one, the other child would get jealous and might feel neglected, and so they agreed that they would only play favorites to make sure they didn't feel left out.

"You should stop getting into trouble young lady, lest your mother takes away your dolls and desserts" Jacob pointed out looking at his wife's squinted eyes, she had picked up on his meaning instantly. Although she didn't want to play the bad cop, sometimes she just needed to, just to keep them in line.

"Ughh, I'm not having any ideas I'm just uhhh looking at brother's hair that's sticking out." Elise quickly changed the subject, trying to avoid her mother's wrath. She knew how her mother got when she went too far.

Martha walked to her daughter's side and sat down before returning to her meal.

"So dear, about you and Father's business plans?" Martha quickly pointed out as she sat down.

Jacob froze for a second before whispering

"I haven't actually talked to your dad about it yet," Jacob whispered meekly.

Martha's eyes widened for a second then boomed. "WHAT? Didn't I tell you to quickly finish this up before the baby comes?" Jacob grimaced for a second thinking, "I really should avoid making a pregnant woman angry, especially this one."

"Well… I haven't met with your Father for a long time and I can't really show up so suddenly with a business proposal, and you know how badly we parted last time" Jacob said regretfully, already feeling the glare directed his way.

His wife was very strict in these kinds of matters. He had successfully avoided the topic after so long, but it looked like he couldn't get out of it now.

"It's only because it's bad for the baby, that I'm not ripping you a new one right now. GET. IT. SETTLED." The lioness growled out.

The table went silent for a while, and then Elise opened up with "Dad, when can I see my little sister?"

"NO! It's a brother I tell you." Clay interrupted.

Jacob let out a weak laugh before saying "Well, we don't really know if you're gonna get a little brother or a sister, we're all gonna have to wait," before whispering to Clay by his side "I'm pretty sure you're gonna get a little brother"

"Yes!" Clay cheered.

"I heard that," Martha said with a warm smile. The situation had been quickly defused with the change of topic. "I hope it's a girl though," she added, getting a shocked look from her son.

The family finished their breakfast before going to their activities, Jacob went to his study to review some documents for his business. Martha to her room for some rest and some reading, the two children to play in the courtyard, their previous altercation was already forgotten.


*knock* *knock*

"Come in," Jacob said, not even looking up from the document he's reading.

Martha walks into the room "Dear, I know you have a bad relationship with Father, but, just this time, let it go and talk to him, it's also for the baby." she said worriedly. She knew for a long time that her father and her husband didn't get along too well, it was partly her fault for running away with him early on in their relationship.

Jacob thought for a second before agreeing, "Alright I'll go talk to him first thing tomorrow"

"I'll tell the kids were visiting their Grandpa tomorrow then" Martha smiled.

"Are you coming? I think it's better for you to just rest, I'll bring the kids" Jacob said hurriedly before whispering, "Hopefully the kids will soften him up."

"What was that?" Martha queried smiling.

"No-nothing!" Jacob spilled. "But I still think you should rest here, the baby might come while we're traveling, and I wouldn't want you to give birth on the road," he explained, moving towards his wife.

Martha just smiled knowingly then said, "Fine, I'll stay home. It is hard to move around with the baby, just bring me some of my Mom's pastries, and get back quickly before the baby comes out, I'll go rest" Martha walked out of the study holding onto her belly humming a song.

Jacob smiled and thought to himself, "It's got to be a boy, who else am I gonna teach the business to, Clay's not really interested in this stuff."

Looking out the window, the bright sky really put his mind at ease. Jacob thought "Everything is going great." Thinking about his family Jacob checked the clock in his room, it was 4 in arvo already. He walked out of the study and decided to join his kids in the courtyard for some snacks.

Why Hello there :)

I'm Seeeeeph00 the Author of this Novel.

I Just want to welcome you to my novel, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing it! it's a new experience for me that I hope to share with a lot of people.

Please do stay for the ride and if you enjoyed it, leave a comment and review! :)


If you spot any mistakes, point them out!

I will try to fix them as I go.


First Published November 14. 2019

Edited January 22, 2021

Seeeeeph00creators' thoughts
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