
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 7: Journey to The Royal Academy

Over the span of six months, my standing within the Darkfang Family improved significantly. The once frosty relations with the maids, servants, and guards softened, as they gradually warmed up to me, perhaps recognizing my dedication and hard work. Many of them began to greet me with genuine smiles and even offered small gestures of camaraderie.

In particular, my bond with young Miss Kira grew stronger. As we were spending a lot of time together, she would discuss books, share stories, and even occasionally train together in the courtyard. Our conversations became more comfortable and familiar, and I found myself enjoying her company more and more.

Master Jirin, observing the rapport between Kira and me, entrusted me with a new responsibility. He asked me to train Kira's younger siblings, Zane and Zora, in the ways of swordsmanship and martial arts. I approached this task with earnestness, focusing on the fundamentals and ensuring they developed a solid foundation. However, I refrained from teaching them any of my techniques and skills.

As the months passed, I witnessed Zane and Zora's progress, their skills improving under my guidance. They showed enthusiasm and dedication, eager to follow in their sister's footsteps. 

I also got to know that the war has ended, between the humans and the other races. A peace treaty was signed by the human Kingdom, but it was not in their favor. Most human were able to keep living their daily lives. Although half of the human population was eradicated.

The day came for the young miss to leave for the Royal Academy. The maid was packing her luggage and belongings. Kira and her parents, Zane and Zora, and the servants and maids were all excited, and anxious for her.

A few hours pass and the maids come downstairs carrying her bags and other luggage, and I grab a couple of them and head out to place them in the carriage. 

"Renzor, the maids will be sitting with Kira in the carriage, and you will be sitting up front with the driver," says Marlia 

"Yes, Marlia."

Master Jirin, comes out and sees his daughter.

"Daughter, promise me to bring honor... forget that... take care of yourself, and make sure you are safe."

"Father, don't worry. Thank you for everything." Kira walks up the Jirin hugs him, and tears up.

"Don't cry, now. Be a strong woman. You will do fine. Now, go." Jirin gets teary-eyed as well and releases her.

"Thanks, father. I will" Kira wipes her tears straightens her back and smiles.

Kira then hugs her mother and siblings and sits in the carriage. The 4 guards mount their horses and the 2 maids sit in the carriage with the young miss and I sit next to the driver.

"Brother Cyril, please get my daughter to the royal academy safely," Jirin tells one of the guards.

"Yes, brother"

The guards and Cyril, start moving.

"Renzor take care of my daughter" Jirin shouts.

"Yes, sir," I say and the driver cracks his whip and the horses move forward, pulling the carriage along.

As we leave I look back to see Master Jirin standing outside with a tear falling down his face. Although have not been with Master's family for long, I have grown attached to them.

As we continue, the Young Miss falls asleep and the maids and the guards chat a bit, we have been traveling for the last 12 hours. The Young Miss calls for us to stop, and Cyril tells the driver to head for the nearest town. 

As we arrive in a town all New Fall. The sun was setting, we arrived at the inn and I helped the young miss out of the carriage and take her inside.

The leader of the guard unit is a dark elf named, Cyril, he has dark brown skin, is tall, and has a lean body, but has well-developed muscles. His eyes are green, and has short hair, and a scar across his nose. He looks extremely strong. He gets off his horse and walks into the Inn.

Cyril talks with the Inn Keeper, and we get 3 rooms, he makes the payment and hands one key to the maids, gives one to the young miss, and the last keys he keeps to himself.

"Alright, the maids will be retiring to your room after taking care of the young miss. The driver makes sure the horses are taken care of. We will be leaving early in the morning, so please be prepared." says Cyril.

"Two guards will be set up on shifts in the corridor near the young miss room. We will be switching every 4 hours. Renzor will stay with the young miss, understand" says Cyril.

"Understood, Cyril," says the guards and maids.

The maids and I head up the stairs, and we head towards the young misses room. I take my place standing a couple of feet away from the door, while the maids help her prepare for bed.

The maids take the Young Miss to the room, and help her get changed, and ready for bed.

"Ok, Mistress. We are going to the next room and will return in the morning. Do not hesitate to call us if you need anything" Priscilla says.

I am standing outside the room waiting for the maid to finish. When both maids leave the room, one of the maids named Jana says, "Hey, Renzor. Why don't you have some fun with us" she says and touches my arm with one hand and the other hand grabs my butt.

"What, I can't," I say shocked, and look at Priscilla.

"Jana, enough, you always teasing him. Leave him alone."

"You are no fun, Priscilla." Jana pouts.

Priscilla sighs and grabs Jana by the hand and leads her to their room, and they close the door.

I knock on the door. "Young miss it is me, Renzor. Can I come in?" 

"Yes, Renzor, I am."

I open the door and see her in bed. I have a quick look around for any potential threats.

"Going to sleep," I ask and I go to the window and open it to let some air in.

"Yeah, goodnight." Kira closes her eyes and quickly falls asleep.

"Good Night, Young Miss," I say and I close the curtains, and go sit in the chair and look outside.

It is quiet, and I can hear the Young Miss's breathing. It was calm and soothing. I sigh, and I lean my head against the window. I whisper to myself "Aya, how are the children? Are you doing well? I wish I could see you, and see the children." I close my eyes "I love you, and I miss you." I take a deep breath and exhale.

The next morning I woke up early and saw the young miss sound asleep.

I go outside the room and the maids are coming out of the room, and they are already dressed.

"Priscilla, can you help wake up the young miss and get her dressed? We need to be leaving soon."

"Sure, no problem," Jana says and she tries to go into the room.

"No, I meant Priscilla."

"Ugh, you are no fun" She pouts.

Me and Priscilla laugh.

I leave and go downstairs, and see the guards having breakfast. Cyril comes up to me and asks, "Is the young miss awake."

"No, she is still sleeping, but the maids are waking her up, and will get her ready soon. Sir."

"Good, have your breakfast and get ready, then come to me"

"Yes, Sir"

I go eat and have a quick bath and change my clothes. Afterward, I head outside and see Cyril. "Give me your swords."

I give him my swords "This sword is now old, and the blade is dull, but that is not the problem. These are not good quality, and we cannot have you wielding them. Here, take these." He gives me a sword, and he hands it to me. "You are representing the House of Darkfang, and you must look presentable."

As I unsheath the blade, and examine it. It is made out of Luminium. Luminium is a rare and precious metal known for its unique properties. It is renowned for its incredible strength and durability, able to withstand the force of mighty blows yet remaining surprisingly lightweight. The sword is 107 cm from hilt to tip, the blade is about 9 cm wide, and the blade is extremely sharp. I examine the handle, it has an intricately designed guard, and the hilt has the Darkfang crest. "Thank you, sir"

"Don't thank me, Master Jirin said to give it to you. Now, get to the carriage and make sure the Young Miss is ready."

I go into the Inn and upstairs and knock on the young misses door.

"Young Miss, the guards are preparing to leave, we need to leave soon."

The door opens and Kira walks out, and Priscilla and Jana are following behind her."Let's go, and let's get going." Kira says.

"Yes, Young Miss" I bow and I follow her downstairs.

She gets in the carriage and we are set to depart. The carriage starts moving, and the young miss and maids sit in the carriage. The guards mount their horses, and we head to the royal academy.

The journey is quiet, and the Young Miss reads, and the Maids are doing their embroidery and knitting. As we are traveling the road is rough, and the carriage is bouncing.

"Renzor, please come inside" The young miss calls for me. 

"Yes, Young Miss." I hop off the carriage and get into the carriage.

"How may I be of service, Young Miss."

"Sit down, and help me."

I take a seat next to her. "With what, Young Miss" both Priscilla and Jana giggle and look at each other.

"Can you read this book to me, and help me memorize it? I need to know the history of the countries and kingdoms around us."

"Ok, Young miss, I am not that good at reading, so sorry if I miss any words, or don't pronounce some words properly." I hesitantly take the book.

"It's ok, just read what you can, and help me memorize this."

"Ok, young miss." I start reading the book and help her memorize.

A few hours later. "Young Miss, the Academy is coming up," Cyril yells from outside.

I sigh in relief, both Priscilla and Jana giggle, and the Young miss just laughs and pats me on the shoulder. "Thanks, Renzor."

"Young miss, it is no problem. I just hope you understood what I was saying" I smile while scratching my head.

"You were great, I understood everything."

"Well, that is good" I smile.

As we entered the huge gate of Rexhiem, we were all shocked. There were tall walls, and the town was bustling with people. There are different races living here, but out of all the races I only see humans as slaves or servants. It was sad to see so many of the same race as myself, be treated like this. We passed by the market and the streets were packed. It is a big city, and it has a lot of different types of shops. We passed a large blacksmith and an apothecary shop. We continued towards the Royal Academy, and the carriage started slowing down.

We finally arrive at the entrance to the academy, and it is huge, it has a tall wall surrounding the huge ground of the academy and has 4 guard towers standing tall on each side. As the gate opens the carriage halts to a stop, and Cyril meets the guard at the entrance.

Cyril gets off his horse and walks up to the guard, handing him paperwork, and the guard looks over it and nods his head.

"Everything seems to be in order. What is the name of the person enrolling" Says the guard

"The Young Mistress of House Darkfang, Kira Darkfang," says Cyril

While we are waiting there are many more noble coming with their entourage. Guards come with Cyril and walk to the carriage.

"It is a pleasure to meet the young miss of the Darkfang house." The guard bows "My name is Sir Richard Miril, I will escort you and your items to the dormitories. I have talked to Sir Cyril, Please prepare your luggage and your attendant that will be accompanying you."

I open the carriage door and help her out, the other nobles see her and start talking and pointing.

"So, that is the Young miss of the Darkfang house."

"She is pretty, and she has a slave accompanying her. She is lucky, her parents are rich"

"I hear she is a powerful mage and a genius."

"That's amazing, but her slave is a human, why not an elf maid."

"Yeah, that is weird."

Sir Richard Miril gets me a magic cart for the luggage and I start unloading the luggage. I also go and grab my sword and a backpack. I put the luggage in the cart and the young miss says her goodbyes to the maids and the guards.

"Priscilla, Jana, I will miss you, thanks for all your help," says Kira

"Mistress, It was a pleasure to be with you and serve you. It was an honor, I hope to see you in 4 years looking stronger and more mature," says Priscilla

"Mistress, take care and study hard," says Jana

Sir Cyril comes up and hugs Kira "I will miss my niece. Make sure to write us."

"I will uncle, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to escort me."

"Niece, it is nothing, and if you ever need help, just write."

Kira smiles and hugs her Uncle, and he gets back on his horse.

Jana walks over to me and pulls my shirt and I turn back to face her. "Hey, Renzor, are you not going to say bye to me." She is pouting.

"Yes, sorry. Take care, Jana." I say and she hugs me, and she wraps her arms around me and her head on my chest. I hug her and she releases me.

Her eyes welling up, she says. "It was nice getting to know you, even though it was only for 6 months, I will miss you. Take care." I pat her on the head. 

"Yeah, Jana, thanks, and take care" 

Jana and Priscilla get back on the carriage, and they leave.

If you like the story till now please feel free to add to your library! Thank you for reading

(Updated 27.02.24)

Ray_Ycreators' thoughts