
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 23: Reget: Unable to let go

Over the next few months, Aya and the children got to meet Verrin more often and slowly the 7 of them became close. The children warmed up to him. The wedding was arranged and soon the day of the wedding came.

Today is the day of the wedding. The venue is beautifully decorated and all the guests have arrived. The bride and groom stand at the altar, ready to recite their vows.

Aya is in a room alone all dressed in a white dress. She looks in the mirror and smiles. "Renzor, are you watching?" She wonders what he would think of her remarrying. 

"I'm sorry, it had to come to this. I know you will still be alive somewhere, our children and I will be waiting for you." She looks at her reflection, and the sadness is evident in her eyes.

She looks down and sees the ring on her finger. It is a ring that Renzor gave her. She reluctantly took it off and placed it on a necklace around her neck. She holds it close to her heart.

"I will always love you, Renzor. I will wait for you." She whispers. She kisses the ring and takes a deep breath. "It is time."

She walks out of the room and heads to the chapel. As she approaches the doors, the music starts to play, and the guests stand up.

"Are you ready?" Draven asks.

"Yes." She takes a deep breath and steps through the doors.

Her children are standing at the end of the aisle. Rex, Kayden, Leo, Liliana, and Selena. They all look beautiful in their dresses and suits.

"Are you ready?" Draven asks, hooking his arm with hers.

"Yes, father." She smiles and starts walking down the aisle.

Everyone watches her as she walks. Some are smiling, others have tears in their eyes. Aya's heart is beating fast, and her palms are sweaty.

When she gets to the front, she sees Verrin. He looks handsome and happy.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Aya Shadow Fenrir and Verrin Wolfheart. A union that will be blessed by the Goddess of beasts." The priest says.

The ceremony is long, and Aya's thoughts drift. She looks at her children, they are smiling but their eyes are full of sadness.

She thinks back to her wedding day with Renzor. It was a small, simple affair. They were both so young and full of life. She remembers how nervous she was, and how Renzor was shaking in his boots.

She laughs softly, thinking of his smile and the way he held her hand. They were so happy then, so full of hope for the future. Now, she is looking forward to a new chapter in her life, but a part of her will always be missing, the part that Renzor left behind.

She glances past Verrin and sees Renzor, he is smiling at her, his eyes filled with pride and love. She smiles back, her heart filling with joy and hope. She blinks, and he is gone. She feels the warmth of his presence, and she knows that he will always be with her, guiding her and protecting her, just as he promised on their wedding day.

As the ceremony ends, and they are pronounced husband and wife, the crowd cheers and congratulates them. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest says.

Verrin leans in and kisses Aya on the cheek. Aya smiles and looks at the sky. "Thank you, Renzor. I love you." She whispers.

Later, the guests are enjoying themselves. Aya and her children are sitting at a table. "So, are you happy Mom?" Rex asks.

"I am, darling." Aya smiles.

"Verrin, you better take care of Mom, or else we will beat you up," Rex says.

"I will." Verrin laughs. "I will take care of you all too, that is my promise."

"Thanks." Rex smiles. all the kids laugh.

"Come, let's dance," Aya says.

As the music filled the air with its lively rhythm, Aya and her children joined hands with Verrin, stepping onto the dance floor. Their movements were filled with joy and a sense of unity, symbolizing the merging of two families into one.

The children laughed and spun around, their eyes sparkling with happiness. Aya couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her as she watched them enjoy themselves. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that Renzor wasn't physically there to witness this day, but feeling his presence in the love and happiness that surrounded her.

As they danced, Aya stole glances at Verrin, who was beaming with affection and adoration. She felt grateful for his presence in their lives, for his patience and understanding as they navigated through their shared grief and built a new future together.

The evening wore on with laughter, music, and celebration. Aya found herself surrounded by friends and family, feeling the warmth of their love and support. It was a day she would cherish forever, a day that marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with love, hope, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

And as the night drew to a close, Aya found herself looking up at the stars, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that wherever Renzor was, he was watching over them. As she held her children close, the warmth of their embrace a comforting reminder of the bond they shared, Aya, Rex, Kayden, Leo, Liliana, and Selena, head home to begin their new life together, filled with love and hope for the future.

As the years passed, the bond between Verrin and the children grew stronger with each passing day. He was not just a stepfather to them but a mentor, a friend, and a pillar of support. Together, they navigated the ups and downs of life, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Their home was filled with laughter, warmth, and love. Verrin's presence brought a sense of stability and security, and Aya couldn't have asked for a better companion to share her life with. Together, they faced challenges head-on, supported each other through difficult times, and celebrated the joys that life had to offer.

"Happy Birthday kids," Verrin says as they wake up.

"Thank you, Verrin," Rex, Kayden, Leo, Liliana, and Selena respond all of them excited.

The children rush to the table, and their eyes widen in surprise when they see the delicious breakfast that Verrin has prepared.

"Happy birthday, my little ones," Aya says, walking into the room. She gives each child a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

The children laugh and enjoy the delicious food. "Welcome to your teens!" Verrin says, smiling. "You all growing so fast, I love you all." He laughs hugging Aya.

"Thank you, Verrin, we couldn't have asked for a better birthday!" Rex responds.

"I love you, Dad," Kayden says, and there is a silence, as everyone processes his words.

Aya and Verrin are shocked by his words. Rex, Leo, Liliana, and Selena realize what Kayden said.

"I mean, Verrin," Kayden says embarrassed.

Verrin is in tears.

"Dad, I love you," Kayden says, hugging him.

"Me too, Dad." Rex, Kayden, Leo, Liliana, and Selena say all of them rushing to hug Verrin.

"I love you too," Verrin responds, hugging them back, tears running down his face.

Aya smiles, her heart filled with joy and love. It is a moment she will cherish forever, a reminder that no matter what happens, they will always have each other, and the bonds of love and family will never be broken. She jumps into the hug.

The laughter and tears of joy are contagious, and soon the whole room is filled with love and happiness. The servants and maids all smile, seeing their mistress and master so happy.

The family spends the rest of the day together, playing games, eating cake, and exchanging gifts. It is a day that will forever be etched in their memories, a day that solidifies the strong bond between them, and a day that celebrates the power of love and family.

Verrin and Aya find themselves alone later, looking out at the city.

"Today was great, wasn't it?" Verrin asks, smiling. "They called me dad, wow."

"Yeah, they did," Aya replies, tears of joy in her eyes. "You have become an amazing father to them, Verrin. I appreciate you for what you have done for us."

"You don't have to thank me, Aya," Verrin says, gently squeezing her hand. "I'm just honored to be a part of this wonderful family. I love each and every one of you."

Aya looks into his eyes, and her heart swells with affection and gratitude. She breaks her eye contact, blushing. "The children seemed so happy," Aya responds. "They are growing up so fast, aren't they? I can't believe it's already been 13 years since they were born. It feels like just yesterday I was holding them in my arms for the first time. And Ren-..." Aya stops, not wanting to speak his name.

"Hey, it's okay," Verrin reassures her, sensing her pain. "I understand, you can't help but miss him."

"Yeah," Aya replies, smiling sadly. "I will take my leave now, Verrin. Thank you for today. I'm really happy." Aya stands up.

"Good night, Aya," Verrin says standing up as well.

"Good night, Verrin," Aya replies, she walks off, turning around once. Seeing Verrin watching her.

She walks up to him. She puts her hand on his cheek and leans in, kissing him softly.

Verrin is taken aback by her action.

"Good night, Verrin." She repeats and heads off to bed.

Verrin touches his lips and smiles, the kiss is so sweet. His heart beats faster, and his cheeks redden.

Aya closes the door to her room and collapses into bed. Her heart is racing, and her body is filled with desire. She touches her lips, they are tingling from the kiss. She sighs, a smile on her lips.

She turns on her side and looks at a picture of Renzor on her bedside table. She turns the other way. She doesn't want to think about him, not right now. Not after she kissed Verrin. 'No, I'm not thinking about him,' she says, closing her eyes.

"He is not coming back," She says, the words sounding hollow even to her ears. She buries her face in her pillow, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's been 8 years, you have to let him go," she says, trying to convince herself.

She cries, her body wracked with sobs.

"It's been so long," she says, her voice breaking. "Why haven't you come back to me?" She whispers, her voice barely audible. "Why?" She screams, her heart breaking.

The night passes, and morning comes. Aya gets up, her eyes red and puffy. She looks at herself in the mirror and sees a woman who has aged beyond her years. She has not slept.

"Good morning, Mom," Selena says, running into the room.

"Good morning, my dear," Aya responds, putting on a brave face.

"Are you alright?" Selena asks, concern evident in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine," Aya says, smiling reassuringly. 

"Are you sure?" Selena asks, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, I'm sure," Aya replies, ruffling her hair. "What do you say we have a girl's day out and have some fun today? Just the 3 of us."

Selena's face lights up. "Really? That sounds great! But Dad is calling us for breakfast."

"Renzor!" Aya cries out.

"No, I meant Verrin," Selena says, confusion evident in her voice.

"Right, yes, of course," Aya replies, her cheeks flushing.

"Mom, you still miss him, don't you?" Selena asks, her tone uncharacteristically mature.

Aya's heart clenches. She takes a deep breath and smiles, trying to stay strong. "No, not anymore," she lies, forcing herself to look into Selena's eyes.

Selena walks up to Aya and hugs her tightly. "It's okay, mom. I understand." 

The moment Aya is pulled into Selena's embrace, the dam breaks, and her tears start to fall. She hugs Selena back, her body trembling. "I really miss him," she confesses, her voice barely audible.

Selena holds her mother close, not saying a word.

A few minutes in the warm embrace, "I'm sorry," Aya says, pulling away. "I didn't mean to get so emotional. Come on, let's go have breakfast with Verrin and the others."

Selena wipes her eyes and nods, smiling.

As they make their way to join Verrin and the rest of the family for breakfast, Aya tries to compose herself, wiping away the last traces of tears. She puts on a brave smile, determined not to let her emotions overwhelm her in front of the others.

As they enter the dining area, the delicious aroma of breakfast fills the air, and Aya's stomach grumbles slightly, reminding her that despite her emotional turmoil, life goes on.

"Good morning, everyone," Aya greets, her voice a little hoarse but filled with warmth.

"Good morning, Mom!" the children chorus, their faces lighting up at the sight of their mother.

Verrin stands up from the table, concern etched on his features as he notices Aya's slightly red eyes. "Is everything alright, my love?" he asks, his voice gentle.

Aya nods, offering him a reassuring smile. "Everything's fine, Verrin. Just a little emotional this morning, that's all."

Verrin gives her a supportive nod, understanding glinting in his eyes. He reaches out and squeezes her hand gently, silently offering his support.

Breakfast proceeds with cheerful chatter and laughter, the children excitedly recounting their plans for the day now that they're officially teenagers. Aya listens attentively, her heart feeling a little lighter amidst the warmth of family.

After breakfast, Aya pulls Verrin aside for a moment, wanting to express her gratitude for his understanding and support.

"Verrin, thank you," she says softly, her gaze meeting his. "For being there for me, for us. I know it's not easy, especially when I have moments like this."

Verrin smiles warmly, reaching out to cup her cheek tenderly. "Aya, you don't have to thank me. Supporting you and the children is what I want to do. We're a family, and we're in this together, through the good times and the bad."

Aya's heart swells with affection for him, and she leans into his touch, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. "I love you," she whispers, her voice barely above a breath.

"I love you too," Verrin replies, his eyes filled with unwavering devotion.