
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 20: The Breaking Point

"Uncle Cyril, it has been a whole 9 months since I saw you. How have you been?" She hugs him, and they both smile.

"It's good to see you, my niece. 9 months and you have become a full-fledged woman. Come, sit. Tell me about your studies." He replies.

"Of course, Uncle." She grabs my arm and pulls me with her. "Renzor come."

I look at Cyril and he gives me a look, "Sit, Renzor."

"Yes, Master," I say.

We have a seat in the carriage, and it begins to move.

The whole journey the young miss was chattering about her studies, her classmates, and her professors. Cyril asked many questions, and the young miss was happy to answer.

The next few hours were spent with her telling stories, and he just listened.

A few hours into the journey the young miss falls asleep on my lap.

Cyril looks at me and sighs. "Looks like you guys have gotten close. I can see that you guys have become quite intimate."

I remain silent.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Master Cyril, is it fine to speak freely?"

"Yes, go ahead." He nods.

"Master Cyril, I have been enduring and taking all of her lust and desires. For the last 3 months, I have done whatever she has asked of me, please-"

"You are a slave, Renzor. She is allowed to do whatever she pleases." He says.

"I-I know but don't you think this wr-"

"Enough. You have no right to speak back. I don't care what she does with you, as long as she gets what she wants."

I hang my head down in shame.

After a whole day of traveling, we finally reached the Darkfang estate. Master Jirin and Lady Maria are standing at the entrance of the house, waiting for our arrival.

As soon as the carriage stops, I help the young miss out of the carriage and carry her luggage.

"My, my, what a lovely young lady. You have become a beautiful young woman, my daughter." Master Jirin says, a warm smile on his face.

"Thank you, Father. You are too kind." She replies, hugging him.

"Mother, how are you?" She asks.

"I am fine, my dear. It's good to have you home. Come, let's go inside." She leads the way and we follow.

I walk behind them, Jirin slows down his pace and walks with me. "Renzor, you have done well, keep up the good work." He pats me on the shoulder and gives me a nod.

"Thank you, Master Jirin."

After a whole day of catching up and chatting, the young miss finally falls asleep in her mother's lap.

Marlia and Jirin smile as they look at their daughter, sleeping peacefully.

"Renzor, take her upstairs and put her in her bed. Then come and join us in the lounge." Jirin orders.

"Yes, Master Jirin." I take her from Marlia's lap and carry her upstairs.

I lay her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. Before I walked away, she grabbed my hand.

"Renzor..." She mumbles, half asleep.

"What is it, Young Miss?" I ask, kneeling beside the bed.

"I love you...please stay by my side forever..." She says as she drifts off to sleep.

I sigh and look at her. She is sound asleep, a faint smile on her face.

I walk away and go to the lounge.

When I get there, I find Marlia and Jirin drinking tea and talking.

"Give me a report for the last 9 months and don't leave anything out," Jirin says.

"Yes, Master Jirin."

"The young miss has improved immensely in her combat, magic, and alchemy. The professors are impressed by her and her talents. Her close combat has improved, and she is a natural prodigy in using mana. She can cast a wide range of spells, and is quite talented at manipulating the elements."

"Anything interesting happens, like a boyfriend or something?" Maria asks.

I stay silent for a moment before responding.

"Yes, there is. It is not a relationship, but she did become intimate with me." I say.

"Intimate? What do you mean?" Jirin asks, a stern look on his face.

"She used the slave mark to make me serve her. I have endured it for the last 3 months. The first two months, it was just the occasional fondling, kissing, and rarely sex. Then, it progressed to her ordering me to perform oral sex on her, and sex at least once a day."

"What?" Jirin exclaims, looking at me with disgust.

"What are you doing? Why are you allowing this to happen?" He shouts.

"I have no choice, Master Jirin. If I don't obey her, I get a burning sensation by the slave mark. And it is not like I wanted to do this, I was forced into it. I couldn't say no." I say, a bit of anger seeping through.

Marlia looks at Jirin with a serious expression on her face.

Jirin stands up and walks toward me, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and lifts me up.

"Are you questioning me, Renzor? Did you forget that you are a slave? That is all you are, a tool to be used and discarded. Don't forget your place. I could have left you for dead, and yet here you are, living in luxury and comfort." He says, his voice filled with anger. "So what if my daughter forces you, do you have a problem with it?"

My face filled with rage, and I looked at him with disgust. "Do I have a problem with it? Who in their right mind would allow their 19-year-old daughter to do this? To have sex with a man who is her slave? I have a fucking problem with it!" I yell, unable to control my anger anymore.

He throws me to the ground and kicks me. "You ungrateful piece of shit. I have shown you mercy and kindness, and yet you have the audacity to defy me. You are nothing, do you hear me? Nothing! Your life is worth nothing." He spits at me.

"Father, stop!" The young miss yells, running towards us. She jumps over me and covers me with her body. "Leave him alone, he is mine, and you have no right to touch him!"

Jirin his eyes turn red, "KIRA, GET AWAY FROM HIM, NOW!" He shouts.

"No, he is mine, and you can't tell me what to do. I am a grown woman, and can make my own decisions." She says, with tears in her eyes.

"What are you saying? Get off him now, and get back here." Marlia orders, standing up.

Kira stays on top of me and looks at her father, her eyes filled with fear. "I love him, and I will not allow anyone to harm him. Not even you, Father."

"You...you what?" He asks, taken aback.

"I said, I love him. I have always loved him. Since the time when you first introduced him to me, I have been attracted to him. I have tried to ignore my feelings, but they won't go away." She says, her voice breaking.

Jirins face contorts in anger, and his eyes glow with power. "You BITCH!" He slaps her across the face and she falls to the ground.

"I didn't raise you to fall in love with a slave and a human at that. Do you know how much of a disgrace this is to our family? You have dishonored us and yourself."

He lifts his leg and stomps down on my chest. The pressure is so great that I can feel my bones breaking.

"Father, please stop." Kira cries.

"Shut up, you slut!" Jirin yells, lifting his foot, and is about to bring it down again.

"I FREE YOU, RENZOR!" Kira shouts.

The slave mark on my arm glows and then disappears. A surge of power rushes through me, and I am filled with joy and excitement.

"No!" Jirin yells, bringing his foot down.

But it is too late, I grab his foot and push him back. He flies into the wall and hits it hard. He falls to his knees.

"What did you do? You foolish girl!" Jirin shouts.

"I freed him. He is no longer a slave." She says, her voice filled with determination.

"You stupid girl, what have you done? He is going to kill us all." Marlia cries, tears streaming down her face.

I stand up and see Jirin standing back as well. He looks at me with hatred, his eyes glowing. "You dare defy me, Renzor? You think you are free?" He laughs. "You better put on the collar yourself, because if you don't, I will make sure that you suffer the faith of seeing your wife Aya and your children killed."

"What did you say?" I look at him, my blood boiling.

"If you don't wear the collar, I will kill th-" Before he could finish his sentence, [Enhanced Speed and Acceleration and Beast Savage Form] activate, and in an instant, I am standing before him.

I punch him square in the face, a shockwave of force blows out from the impact and sends him flying through the wall and he lands in the garden.

Marlia and Kira scream and run toward him.

I am breathing heavily, the voice is ringing in my ears. 'YES, YES, FINALLY! Become the Bloodhound, RIPE HIM APART, KILL HIM.'

I jump out into the garden and see Jirin standing up.

He has a broken nose, and he charges at me and a blade made of mana forms in his right hand. He swings it at me and I move to the side, his blade passing inches from my face. With his left hand, he blasts me with a fireball and it explodes on contact, sending me flying back. He runs after me and jumps at me, swinging his blade down.

I dodge the slash while in mid-air and land on my feet. He slashes again, and I duck under the attack. He then blasts a bolt of lightning at me and I read the attack and roll out of the way.

The moment I regain my footing I see him slap his hands together. Not even a second later the earth underneath me folds up and I am slammed between two slabs of rock. The force is immense and I feel my bones cracking.

Jirin is grinning at me. "Not bad for a human." The slabs of stone fall to the ground and I try to stand up, but the pain is excruciating. I can't move my body and the blood is pooling in my mouth.

Jirin walks toward me and picks me up by the throat, "Pathetic, a man of your skill is reduced to this, and Aaaaarrrrgh" he screams in pain and looks down, my hand in on his chest, [Soul Drain - Drains the life force of the target and heals the caster.] activated.

"You son of a bitch." He slams me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach, sending me sliding on the ground.

I stood up, the once feeling of pain was gone, and I was filled with the thrill of the battle. [Shadow Bind - Binds the target with shadowy tendrils, restricting movement.] activates, and Jirin's shadow grows, the tendrils rise from the ground and wrap themselves around his legs and arms. He struggles to break free, but the bindings are strong.

I walk up to him, and Kira comes running. "Renzor, Stop." She cries grabbing my arm.

Marlia shouts, "KIRA, NO!"

'This bitch thinks she can control us? She is not our master. We must kill them, and destroy everything in sight.' The voice in my head screams.

I grab her by the neck and lift her him the air, her legs dangling, trying to gain footing.

Jirin screams, "LET HER GO!" He struggles, trying to break free.

Sorry to leave at a cliff hanger. HEHE :)

It will be worth it.

(Sorry for the delayed chapter update)

Ray_Ycreators' thoughts