
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 14: Embracing Mana's Flow

I take my leave and head to the training ground. It is empty, the purplish-orange hue of the sun setting. I take out my sword and I open my stats. 


(BB) Master of all weapons (Progressive Type)

(BB) Master of all Martial Arts (Progressive Type)

(SS) Beast Savage Form (Passive)

(A) Mental Strength (Passive)

(S) Enhanced Speed and Acceleration (Passive)

"My weapon and martial skill have only increased by one rank over the year and a half, and it's stagnated," I mutter to myself, with frustration. "It won't progress unless I push myself. I need to fight someone strong, someone who can truly challenge me so I can train and increase my skill rank."

Drawing in a deep breath, I close my eyes, centering myself as I feel the energy coursing through my body. In my mind, I conjure the image of the demon commander Leraja. I visualize her crimson skin, the menacing horns protruding from her head, and the wicked smile that curls on her lips. Her long white hair seems to billow in an unseen wind as her yellow eyes glint with malice and fury. "This is her true form," I say to myself, excited but wary.

With a determined resolve, I get into my fighting stance activating [Beast Savage Form] and [Enhanced Speed and Acceleration], ready to face her. I dash at a blinding speed and launch into a series of attacks, slashing and striking as if Leraja herself were standing before me. The intensity of the fight is palpable, sweat beading on my forehead as I push myself. My muscles ache and burn with exertion, but I ignore the pain, focusing solely on the fight.

Leraja's attacks come fast and furious, overwhelming me at every turn. I block and dodge as best as I can. Despite my efforts, I find myself being pushed back, due to a large difference in our strengths. The weight of her strikes seems to increase with each passing moment, the pressure of the fight mounting.

As I struggle to hold my ground, a voice in the back of my mind whispers, "Give up. You are not strong enough. You will never defeat her. You are weak. Just give up."

I shake my head, trying to ignore the doubt that threatens to creep into my mind.

I am past my limit and I can feel my muscles giving out, and the strain is starting to affect my body. I know that I need to end the fight soon.

With a burst of speed and strength, I push her back. I slash with precision, using her momentum against her, causing her to stumble. As she tried to regain her balance, I strike with a powerful thrust, but suddenly, her blade came down to my neck and the battle came to an end. 

I fall to my knees and punch the ground "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I shout, the frustration and anger getting the better of me. "Why can't I win? Why am I not strong enough?"

I hang my head in defeat, the weight of my failures crashing down upon me. I look up at the moon and it is getting late. I take a deep breath and head to the bathroom.

I stand under the shower wash myself and clean the dirt and sweat. When I finish, I dry myself off and put my clothes on.

I head back to the young Miss's room.

I knock and she opens the door. She is wearing her nightgown and I see a glimpse of her nipple.

"Are you ok, Renzor? Your face is red. Do you have a fever?"

"No young miss. I'm fine."

"OK then, I am heading to bed. Good night." She gets into bed and pulls the covers over herself.

"Good night, young miss." I take a seat on the sofa and I fall asleep.

 The next day, the young miss is sitting in class with her friends Tia and Kelsie. I am standing at the back of the class as usual. The professor is talking about mana and mana channels. About how they are used and developed.

"Good morning, class," the professor begins. "Today, we will delve into the fascinating realm of mana and mana channels. Mana, as many of you know, is the fundamental energy that permeates our world and fuels our magical abilities."

He gestures to the diagram on the board, illustrating the intricate network of mana channels within the body. "Mana channels are the pathways through which mana flows within us. They are crucial for harnessing and directing this energy for various spells and abilities."

"Now, let's discuss how many channels are developed and utilized," he continues, pacing the room with a confident stride. "Through rigorous training and practice, we can strengthen and expand our mana channels. This allows for greater mana capacity and efficiency in spellcasting."

"Imagine your mana channels as rivers," he elaborates, his hands gesturing fluidly. "Just as a river flows and can be redirected, so too can mana within our bodies. By focusing our intent and willpower, we can guide mana through these channels to cast spells or perform magical feats."

Pausing to allow the information to sink in, the professor surveys the attentive faces of his students. "It's important to maintain balance and control," he emphasizes. "Too much mana in a channel can lead to strain or even injury, while too little can result in weak spells."

Hearing the professor's words, I think to myself, "So, mana flows like a river in my mana channels. If I try to take in the mana around me and pull it into my mana channels, will the mana flow through my mana channels?" I have an epiphany and I smile.

I close my eyes and focus on the mana in the room. I try to absorb it and pull it towards my mana channels, and I can feel it flowing into me. I feel the mana start at my heart and flow throughout my body. My body feels refreshed like a cool breeze has washed over me. It feels amazing.

I try again. I absorb the mana around me and pull it into my mana channels, but this time I control it and lead the mana where I want it to go. As the mana starts at my heart and choose specific mana channels and lead it to my hands. I open my eyes and look at my hand. It glows a faint blue and I smile.

[Skill Acquired]

(C) Mana Manipulation (Progressive Type)

(D) Mana Channelling (Progressive Type)

(C) Mana Absorption (Progressive Type)

"Yes," I exclaim. "I can do it. I can control and manipulate mana. Now I can improve and develop my skills and abilities."

I look back at the class and see the professor, Kira, Tia, Kelsie, and the other students looking back at me. I realize I said the words out loud.

I scratch the back of my head and look down. I feel embarrassed.

The professor continues his lecture, but I have a hard time paying attention. I am very excited about this new development.

"Now, let's talk about the different types of mana," the professor says, drawing the attention of the class back to the front. "Mana is not a monolithic energy. It comes in various forms, each with its properties and uses."

"First, we have Elemental Mana," he explains, demonstrating himself using Fire elemental magic. "Elemental Mana is attuned to the natural elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Those with an affinity for Elemental Mana can cast spells related to these elements, such as creating flames, summoning storms, or shaping the earth itself."

"Next, we have Arcane Mana," he continues, "Arcane Mana is the most versatile and mysterious form of mana. It is the energy that permeates magical artifacts, enchantments, and rituals. Those skilled in Arcane Mana can manipulate the very fabric of reality, casting illusions, teleporting, or even bending time."

"Then, there's Healing Mana," the professor says, "Healing Mana is vital for those with a gift for restoration magic. It can mend wounds, cure illnesses, and restore vitality. Those who specialize in Healing Mana are often sought after for their life-saving abilities."

"Lastly, we have Dark Mana," he says, "Dark Mana is perhaps the most misunderstood and feared. It is associated with shadows, curses, and necromancy. Those who wield Dark Mana can drain life force, summon undead, and cast debilitating curses."

"It's important to note that these are broad categories," the professor explains, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone. "Many magic users may have affinities for multiple types of mana, and there are countless variations and combinations."

He pauses, looking over his notes. "With that in mind, let's talk end of class here for today. We will talk about the various ways to develop mana capacity and control in the next class. Class is dismissed."

Learning about what the professor was teaching, I am excited and I can't wait for the next class. I can't wait to use my newly acquired skills to become stronger. 

The young miss gets up and she comes over to me, "What was that about, in the middle of class?"

"Oh, it is nothing young miss. I had an epiphany and I realized something," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Alright, well I'm heading to the dining hall for lunch with the others." She turns and heads out the door, and I follow her.

As the day goes by, and the classes end for the day. Me and the young miss are in her room. She is studying and I am sitting on the couch.

"Young miss, I have a question. Can a mage use all 4 types of mana? Elemental, Arcane, Healing, and Dark mana?"

"Why do you ask Renzor?" She looks at me, tilting her head.

"Well, you know, in the last class, the professor was talking about mana and the 4 different types of mana. And, well, I was wondering if a mage could use all 4 of them."

"Hmm," she taps her chin, "No, mages can only use one type of mana. It is rare for a mage to have an affinity for more than one type. However, it is not impossible."

"Thank you, young miss, during class when I listen to the professor. I tried to absorb the mana in the room and it worked. And then I tried to manipulate it and using my mana channels, I led it to my hands. And, well, I did it."

"What are you talking about?" She looks at me, her brows furrowed.

"Oh, it was the first time, that I was able to control and use my mana. It was amazing."

"I have been training since I was 5 years old and it took me 2 years to get a hang of it. How were you able to do it, so easily?" She stands up and walks to me, "Get up, let's go." She grabs her staff and heads for the door.

"Young miss, where are we going? The sun has set a while ago. And it's dark outside."

"We are going to the training ground. If what you say is true, we are going to test it."


We leave the dorm and head to the training ground.

We enter the training ground and there are few people left. She leads me to an empty area and she takes out her staff. 

"So, tell me, how were you able to control and use your mana?"

"Well, ok." I stand in the middle of the area and I close my eyes. I take a deep breath and relax my body.


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