
Canned Food

Rise Online was in an uproar.

Famous guilds sprang into action to find the mysterious blacksmith. In various media and on the Webnet, the Mutant Classification arrows appeared as the hottest topic. 

Who was the blacksmith with excellent skills and potential but devoid of reputation and fame, who managed to craft a Mutant Rank Arrow using only Primal Nature items?

Many people were searching for the whereabouts of the blacksmith.

The players who had joined the blacksmithing profession and reached the highest possible level were now wondering where they had gone wrong.

'I have always done my best. However, is there a better blacksmith than me?'

Zofnys, the legendary Draconian blacksmith, had only experienced making a Mutant Rank item twice with Primal items. He held the title of the first Mutant item producer. However, the items he created were a sword and a spear, so his achievements didn't even manage to get such attention. 

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