
The future (2)

After Falken and Hans stopped admiring the rich German architecture brought into existence by their ancestors they finally took their thrones in front of the many chairs circling the entirety of the oval-shaped room and the massive black and gold steel lectern where someone would go up to speak or make their case (For high ranking noblemen and women they we're judged by the Congress instead of another governing body do to their position being too high for a lower court to do anything to the higher-ranked members of society) and standing at the lectern was a cherry gold-haired man with silvery blue eyes, the twenty-fourth emperor of the Kufstein Reich Berengar (XX).

Soon the Emperor's loud voice exploded throughout the Congress room. "I emperor of this realm gather you here Kings, Queens, Dukes, Barons, and common folk of the most Intellectual part of our Reich to discuss a matter of great importance and Immediate crisis." The Emperor charismatically tied his words together to increase their impact. "The great kingdom of Bohemia finds herself in turmoil, but the Empire has not been able to send aid do to a certain power on our borders waiting to make a move if they so desired, but we have found a way to Incapacitate this enemy with a mighty weapon created by our ancestors! Peace will be brought back to Bohemia and it will be sooner than later."

Some of the Congressmen began to applaud the Emperor's statement with more joining in, the applause lasted for several minutes before the Emperor raised his hand to silence the Congressmen and began to speak again.

"Now as a few of you more informed gentlemen know the reason for the Empire's indecision is due to this power at our borders equally advanced military that they painstakingly developed over a hundred years ago." The Emperor looked around the Congress room at a few select Individuals that showed mixed emotions upon their faces. "but with the newly developed weapon we can now alleviate their threat, re-secure Bohemia, and take out this last threat permanently!"

Many of the Congressmen yelled and clapped in approval of the Emperor's plan, it took a while for them to calm down, but eventually, the Emperor had done so.

"Now this is a special weapon developed by Grand Duke Falken Schmidt, please come up to the Lectern." The Emperor said calmly with many of the Congressmen being unsurprised by this.

Falken gracefully stood up and walked toward where the Emperor stood. "Thank you, Your Majesty." Falken said before bowing and taking the Emperor's position behind the Lectern as he went to take a seat in his thrown that had an overview of the entire room. "Upon the request of the Emperor, I have Weaponized the IGSC.Falko' with a new revolutionary, 'Plasmatic Gas' solar-charged orbital cannons, also called a Reichswaffe Mk.I."

Multiple confused looks came from the hundreds of Congressmen trying to understand the concept of "Plasmatic Gas" but Falken soon deliberated that information.

"Plasmatic gas is like hot steam, but far more devastating in its effects. It can be physically condensed and propelled by a large swath of light. It is as powerful as a Hydrogen Bomb if not more so, but is very controllable and less dangerous to utilize." Falken emphasized the last part of his small speech a lot.

Still, plenty of gasps and concerned glances came from many of the Congressmen, but we're soon quiet after a feed came on behind Falken with the GISC.Falko' already preparing to fire.

"Long live the empire." Falken said as the spacecraft fired its orbital weapon upon the part of the world that quickly submerged itself in a bright yellowish gas-like substance that caused the whole world to tremble slightly.

Many of the men's faces paled at that sight and the feeling of the tremor after, the blast was so fast that they didn't have time to react to the event whatsoever.


+-After the Congress meeting-+

"Your Majesty I have done as you have asked now may I make the trip to Venus." Falken asked the German Emperor as courtly as he was able to and awaited his reply.

"Yes, you have done splendid work your ancestry would be proud" The Emperor exclaimed happily at his long-time friend's work. "and you don't have to be so formal when we aren't in public Falken." The Emperor said with a weary smile.

"As you wish...Berengar." Falken forced himself to be less cordial and more casual to the emperor of the Kufstein Reich.

"Wonderful! Now move along I have a realm to manage and land to claim." The emperor ushered the Swiss Duke out of his office before diving into the piles of paperwork on his desk with a dreadful expression on his face. "Damn you Berengar Kufstein I of Austria! Out of all the things you decided to event why paperwork I'm the damn emperor, not a machine!" The emperor cursed at his ancestor for his suffering.


+-1987, 3rd of May. IGSC.Falko'-+

Three months after approval was given for the trip and colonization of Venus Falken had finally made his preparations and gathered his crew of ten thousand German citizens. (Composition: two thousand five hundred engineers; one thousand habitation specialists; three thousand German Space Marines [The German Space Marine Corps was founded in 1926 after the first colony on the moon was constructed.]; two thousand construction workers; and two thousand civilians of various needed jobs and positions.)

Falken heaved a sigh as he looked at the earth for one last time it would be hard for him to be away from his family and home planet even if it was for just a short while. [The IGSC.Falko' was docked on a space station right above the earth that could contain twenty thousand people and enough supplies to last them two generations.]

"We are ready for take-off sire!" one Colonel Mosses Jaeger said while saluting Falken who nodded his head before turning around to face the Colonel.

"We leave immediately!" Falken said as the pilots of the IGSC.Falko' set off upon their orders and soon set their course to Venice.

"It will take a month or more to get there the ship is too slow to get there any faster than that." Captain Herman Raj [A British man who came in service of the German Space marines (Britain willingly joined the German Empire in June of 1766 after overthrowing their oppressive government at that time.)-]

Falken nodded to the British man before heading in the direction of his personal quarters.


+-1987 10th of June, Venus off orbit-+

"Sire we have arrived!" Captain Herman's voice rang through Falkens door.

"I'll be at the bridge in five..." Falken lightly grumbled as he got out of his "bed".




As Falken entered the bridge many of the marines saluted him before he came in front of the hard reinforced protective glass that revealed a bright marble-like orb, Venus. "It's beautiful." one of the Lieutenants said while looking at the planet.

"It will look even more so when colonized." Falken said without looking at the officer.

Falken wasn't too complicated of a man, he valued loyalty, practicality, but also his ancestry and his own desires came at the top of that list. He served the Empire faithfully but was not bound by soul like many of his other relatives though his friendship with the Emperor was genuine it also gave him more benefits at the same time.

Thinking about himself made Falken sigh he always got distracted in his world even if he was doing something important but he always managed to snap himself out of it and get back to what he was doing.

"We set off I want us on that surface as quickly as possible the faster this colony is set up the better!" after the orders we're received the many pilots set to their tasks and almost instantly reached halfway to the planet's atmosphere but the entire ship shook and swerved left as the alarms went off the ship came crashing down into orbit with hundreds flying out of a large hole that destroyed the emergency lander habitats and within a mere second the hulking mask of German Engineering crashed into the planet and exploded destroying a [Our timeline, Poland size] large crater into the planet.


+-1462 August, Birth of Vlad III-+

[Do to the massive changes in this timeline Vlad III (and his parents and other family) were born at later dates.]

"It's a boy!" A German doctor said as he handed the baby boy to his lovely young mother.

"Darling look he's beautiful!" the young woman yelled in joy with teary eyes. The man beside her also had an ecstatic look on his face as he looked at his healthy child.

"Thank you, doctor!" The Man said to the German doctor with great respect.

"Of course you are paying me for this, besides with the new German medication I gave you, worrying about being barren isn't something you'd do, of course, this was a prototype so you might not be able to sire more children." The doctor explained.

"This is more than enough!" The woman said happily as she looked at her newborn son who had already started to feed.

end of chapter.

[This is the end of the 'Future' chapters, the next chapter will finally begin the actual story, and mark the real beginning of ROW!]

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