

A transmigrator like I am , what's so great about joining a sect, when the sect can't even compare to my branch family.

longrunhen · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Roar of Victory

The echoing roar of the Thunderstorm lion king reverberated through the cave, sending shivers down the spines of the assembled group. The tension in the air was palpable as the cultivators braced themselves for the impending battle. City lord Fang's eyes burned with determination as he raised his hand, signaling the attack to begin.

Xiao Feng felt a surge of energy and purpose welling up within him. He exchanged a determined look with old Meng, their past grievances momentarily forgotten in the face of a common enemy. With a nod, they both rushed towards the Thunderstorm lion king, their swords gleaming in the dim cave light.

As the Thunderstorm lion king prepared to unleash its fury, it was met with a barrage of attacks from all sides. The cultivators were skilled, striking with precision and teamwork. Lightning crackled around the lion king as it defended itself, but its roars grew increasingly desperate as the onslaught continued.

Xiao Cheng, although young, displayed remarkable talent. His movements were swift and agile, evading the lion king's attacks with ease. With a focused determination, he struck the beast's hind leg, inflicting a deep wound. The Thunderstorm lion king roared in pain, its attention momentarily diverted.

Amidst the chaos, Xiao Feng seized the opportunity. Drawing upon his newly acquired martial skills, he infused his fist with the power of fire and launched a devastating Fiery Punch. The flames erupted upon impact, engulfing the Thunderstorm lion king in a fiery inferno. The beast's agonized howls echoed through the cave as it writhed in pain.

Seeing the lion king's vulnerability, City lord Fang capitalized on the moment. His aura surged as he unleashed a powerful attack, further weakening the beast. With a fierce determination, he struck a final blow, leaving the Thunderstorm lion king vulnerable.

Xiao Feng, his heart pounding with adrenaline, saw his chance. With a surge of strength, he leaped forward and struck the Thunderstorm lion king's heart, landing a critical blow. The beast let out one last defiant roar before collapsing, its life force extinguished.

Outside the cave, the battle between the other members of the group and the subordinate beasts raged on. The clash of weapons, the sound of spells, and the roars of the beasts filled the air. Despite the chaos, the cultivators fought with unwavering determination, their individual strengths combining into a formidable force.

Xiao Feng's eyes flickered to the ongoing battle. The cultivators were pushing back the beasts, but the fight was far from easy. He exchanged a quick glance with old Meng, and they both nodded in silent understanding. With a united effort, they joined the fray, lending their strength to the fight.

City lord Fang's voice boomed, rallying the group. "Hold your ground! We are close to victory!" His words infused the fighters with renewed vigor as they pressed forward.

As the battle reached its climax, the Thunderstorm lion king's subordinates began to falter. One by one, they fell to the relentless attacks of the cultivators. The cave was soon filled with the triumphant cries of victory.

Finally, the last beast was defeated, and the cave fell into a momentary silence. Exhausted but victorious, the cultivators stood amidst the fallen creatures, their chests heaving as they caught their breath.

City lord Fang approached Xiao Feng, his gaze filled with respect and admiration. "Xiao Feng, your courage and skill were instrumental in this victory. You seized the opportunity and struck the final blow that brought down the Thunderstorm lion king."

Xiao Feng bowed respectfully to the city lord. "It was an honor to fight alongside all of you and protect our city."

As the group emerged from the cave, they were met with cheers from the waiting cultivators. The news of their success had spread, and gratitude filled the air. The family heads who had initially doubted Xiao Feng's strength now looked at him with newfound respect.

However, the victory had come at a cost. Several cultivators had been injured during the battle, and a few lives had been lost. The sacrifices weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, a reminder of the dangers they faced in their pursuit of peace.

In the aftermath, the group gathered to pay their respects to the fallen and honor their memory. City lord Fang addressed the crowd, his voice solemn but resolute. "We have achieved a great victory today, but we must remember those who gave their lives to make it possible. Let their sacrifice serve as a reminder of the importance of unity and strength."

As the sun began to set, Xiao Feng looked out at the horizon, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. The battle had been won, but the price had been steep. He vowed to continue striving for a better future, to protect his family, and to honor the memories of those who had fallen.

With the Thunderstorm lion king defeated and the Hidden dragon Mountain no longer a threat, the city could breathe a sigh of relief. The journey had been arduous, but their determination had led them to victory. The chapter had closed on one battle, but Xiao Feng knew that their journey was far from over. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay in wait, guided by the strength of his family and the bonds they had forged in the face of adversity.