

A transmigrator like I am , what's so great about joining a sect, when the sect can't even compare to my branch family.

longrunhen · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Rising Beyond Limits

In the chamber of the Xiao Family House, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Ling Mei, Xiao Feng's beloved wife, lay on a comfortable bed, her face radiant with determination as she prepared to bring a new life into the world. Xiao Feng stood by her side, his hand gently holding hers, offering strength and support.

Around them, the family had gathered, each member sharing in the excitement and nervousness of this momentous occasion. Han Ruoshi, who had already experienced the joys of motherhood, was there to provide comforting words and guidance to Ling Mei.

Hours passed in a whirlwind of emotions, but finally, a soft cry filled the room, and Ling Mei held her newborn son in her arms. Tears of joy glistened in her eyes as she looked at the tiny life she had brought into the world.

"He's perfect," she whispered, her voice filled with love.

Xiao Feng, equally overwhelmed with emotion, leaned in to kiss Ling Mei's forehead. "Our son, a new member of our family. What shall we name him?"

Ling Mei gazed at the child in her arms and smiled. "Let's call him Xiao Long. It means 'Little Dragon,' a symbol of strength and courage."

Xiao Feng nodded in agreement, his heart swelling with pride. "Xiao Long it is."

As the family celebrated the arrival of the newest member, a soft chime resonated in Xiao Feng's mind—a signal from the system. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for the birth of a child with a mutated sword spirit root. The system is pleased to reward the host."

Xiao Feng watched as notifications appeared before him:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 60000 spirit stone."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the martial art skill 'Saber of the Azure Sky.'"

The rewards from the system were met with astonishment and gratitude. The sword spirit root within Xiao Long held immense potential, and the martial art skill promised to be a powerful addition to their family's arsenal.

Meanwhile, within the Xiao Family House, other remarkable progressions were taking place. Xiao Wei and Xiao Mei, the youngest of the siblings, had embarked on their own cultivation journeys. Under the guidance of their older siblings and the nurturing environment of the family, they had already progressed to the 2nd stage of Body Refinement.

Xiao Cao and Xiao Ye, who had once been the youngest, had now reached the impressive 9th stage of Body Refinement. Their dedication and hard work had paid off, and their martial prowess was a testament to their unwavering commitment to cultivation.

In terms of Qi refinement, Xiao Futian had reached the 4th stage, while Xiao Nanshan had attained the 5th stage. Their progress was a reflection of the family's collective dedication to the Dao.

The most remarkable breakthrough, however, came from Xiao Cheng. With unparalleled determination and strength of will, he had achieved the coveted Blood Formation stage. His cultivation had transcended the boundaries of ordinary Qi refinement, marking him as an extraordinary talent within the family.

As night fell, and the family celebrated the birth of Xiao Long and the incredible progress of their children, Xiao Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of unity and accomplishment. Their combined efforts had yielded extraordinary results.

With the rewards from the system still fresh in his mind, Xiao Feng addressed his family. "My beloved family, today is a day of great joy and achievement. But it is also a day of new beginnings. With the strength we've gained and the gifts bestowed upon us, I believe it's time for us to set our sights higher. I propose that we make preparations to journey to the Sky Dragon City."

Han Ruoshi, her eyes filled with determination, nodded in agreement. "It's time for us to step onto a larger stage, to seek new opportunities and challenges."

The rest of the family expressed their unanimous support for Xiao Feng's decision. They knew that their collective strength and unity were their greatest assets.

In the serene surroundings of the Xiao Family House, the joyous celebration of Xiao Long's birth continued into the night. The newborn's cries were now accompanied by laughter and heartfelt conversations among family members. Xiao Feng couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment as he held his son in his arms, a symbol of new beginnings and the family's unwavering legacy.

As the night deepened and the sky filled with stars, Xiao Feng's thoughts turned inward. He knew that the birth of Xiao Long and the remarkable progress of his children were a testament to their unity and determination. The rewards bestowed upon him by the system had only reaffirmed their path.

With a sense of determination and purpose, Xiao Feng decided that this was the perfect moment to take his own cultivation to new heights. The system's rewards, including a spirit stone and the martial art skill 'Saber of the Azure Sky,' were a sign that the universe was aligning in their favor.

He placed Xiao Long gently in his crib, where the newborn peacefully slept, cradled by the gentle presence of the family. With a deep breath, Xiao Feng closed his eyes and began the process of assimilating the newly acquired martial art skill.

The 'Saber of the Azure Sky' was a formidable technique, one that resonated with Xiao Feng's desire for strength and protection. As he absorbed the essence of the skill, he felt a surge of power coursing through him. His understanding of saber techniques deepened, and he knew that this skill would become an integral part of his martial repertoire.

But Xiao Feng's ambitions didn't end there. He had long aspired to reach the pinnacle of Spirit Transformation, the 9th stage. With a newfound sense of purpose and the rewards from the system, he channeled his energy into his cultivation. His aura expanded, and the room seemed to vibrate with his power.

*Ding!* Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the 8th stage of Spirit Transformation.

The announcement from the system echoed in his mind, but Xiao Feng was far from finished. He continued to draw upon his inner reserves of strength, pushing the boundaries of his cultivation to new heights.

The night wore on, and the stars in the sky seemed to shimmer with approval as Xiao Feng's energy surged.

*Ding!* Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the 9th stage of Spirit Transformation.

As the final breakthrough was achieved, Xiao Feng opened his eyes, his aura now radiating the power of a 9th stage Spirit Transformation cultivator. He had reached a new pinnacle of strength, and the sense of accomplishment filled him with a deep sense of satisfaction.

But there was no time to bask in his achievements. The family's journey to the Sky Dragon City was on the horizon, and Xiao Feng had a vision of what awaited them. He turned to his family, who had been watching his progress with awe.

"My dear family," he began, "tonight, not only did we welcome Xiao Long into our lives, but we also achieved a breakthrough in our cultivation. With the strength we now possess, there's no challenge we cannot overcome. Our journey to the Sky Dragon City will mark a new chapter in our lives—a chapter filled with opportunities and the realization of our dreams."

Han Ruoshi, her eyes filled with pride, nodded in agreement. "We are a family bound by love and a shared purpose. Together, we will face whatever lies ahead."

The rest of the family voiced their unwavering support and determination. They knew that their unity was their greatest strength, and with their father's leadership, they were prepared to achieve greatness.

As the night continued, Xiao Feng couldn't help but smile.