

A transmigrator like I am , what's so great about joining a sect, when the sect can't even compare to my branch family.

longrunhen · Fantasy
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34 Chs

**Clash of the Titans - The Intercity Competition**

The day had finally arrived, shrouded in an air of anticipation and tension. The intercity competition was set to begin in the grand arena of Sky Dragon City. The delegations from various cities, each representing their unique martial traditions, had gathered for a display of skill, unity, and honor.

Xiao Feng, representing Qingzhou City, looked out at the bustling arena with pride. His son, Xiao Cheng, stood at his side, resolute and eager to prove himself. Around them, the other members of their delegation exuded determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The Sky Dragon City's arena was a sprawling coliseum, its seats filled with spectators eager to witness the clash of martial talents. Banners representing the participating cities adorned the arena, creating a kaleidoscope of colors. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the collective energy of anticipation.

As the opening ceremony commenced, City Lord Fang stepped onto the grand stage, his presence commanding the attention of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and participants, welcome to the Sky Dragon City's intercity competition!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their voices echoing through the arena.

City Lord Fang continued, "Today, we celebrate not only the strength and skills of our young cultivators but also the unity of our cities. Let the competition begin!"

With those words, the arena's gates opened, and the competitors from each city filed onto the battlefield. Among them were the formidable geniuses of Sky Dragon City itself.

Leading the charge for Sky Dragon City was Yun Xue, a prodigious talent known for his mastery of the Wind Serpent Fist technique. His agility and precision were unparalleled, and he moved across the arena with the grace of a serpent in the wind.

Opposite him was Li An from Crimson Phoenix City, whose fire-based techniques created a fiery tempest that clashed with Yun Xue's gusts of wind. Their battle was a display of elemental mastery, each strike and counterstrike a testament to their dedication.

Meng Shan, representing Qingzhou City, faced off against Lan Zhi of Vermillion Tiger City. Their battle was a clash of brute strength and relentless ferocity. Meng Shan's unyielding defense withstood Lan Zhi's fierce onslaught, creating a dynamic struggle.

Lin Qi, the practitioner of the Lin family, engaged in a mesmerizing duel of precision and strategy with Liu Yun from Jade Serpent City. Their martial techniques wove intricate patterns in the air, a dance of skill and intellect.

Gong Shang, known for his boundless energy, faced off against Shang Lei, a member of Sky Dragon City's Shang clan. Their fight was a display of raw power and endurance, the earth quaking with each strike.

The arena erupted with cheers as each battle unfolded. The geniuses of Sky Dragon City proved to be formidable opponents, their techniques and tenacity pushing their adversaries to their limits.

In the midst of the battles, a figure emerged from obscurity. Tang Yin, a mysterious cultivator with no known background, displayed astonishing prowess. At the 8th stage of Body Refinement, he defied expectations, nearly defeating his opponent from Jade Serpent City.

But the most remarkable display came from Xiao Cheng, who faced Yun Xue in the competition's final bout. Xiao Feng watched with bated breath, his heart filled with both pride and anxiety.

Xiao Cheng's opponent, Yun Xue, moved with an otherworldly grace, his Wind Serpent Fist creating gusts that seemed to dance around him. But Xiao Cheng, with the martial skills gifted by the system, unleashed a dazzling display of swordsmanship. His Celestial Sword Dance technique was a breathtaking sight, as he weaved through the tempest of wind, striking with precision and finesse.

The battle raged on, the clash of elements and swords creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Xiao Cheng's determination and skill were evident, as he gradually gained the upper hand. With a final, sweeping strike, he sent Yun Xue tumbling to the ground, victorious.

The arena erupted in thunderous applause as Xiao Cheng's victory was declared. He stood as a symbol of Qingzhou City's strength and unity, a testament to his father's guidance and the wisdom of assimilated experiences.


As the battles raged on, a hushed conversation unfolded among the geniuses of Sky Dragon City. One of their own, a young cultivator named Wei Jie, had chosen an unexpected path. He had consumed a Blood Exploding Pill, a dangerous elixir known for its ability to temporarily boost cultivation levels.

With crimson eyes and an aura of unrestrained power, Wei Jie had ascended to the 9th stage of Body Refinement, far surpassing his initial strength. His power was palpable, and the arena fell into a tense silence as he stepped onto the battlefield.

Wei Jie's opponent, a cultivator from Vermillion Tiger City, stood no chance against the overwhelming might of his opponent. With a single strike, Wei Jie sent his adversary flying, the force of the impact shaking the very foundations of the arena.

The sight of Wei Jie's incredible power sent shockwaves through the crowd. Consuming a Blood Exploding Pill came at a great cost, as it could lead to severe repercussions and damage to the cultivator's meridians. But Wei Jie's gamble had paid off, at least in the short term.


The final battles of the competition drew near, and Xiao Cheng found himself facing formidable opponents from the Xu clan and the Royal Family (Yang clan) of Sky Dragon City. These geniuses displayed techniques that were a testament to their family legacies.

Xiao Cheng's first opponent was Xu Ming, a practitioner of the Xu clan's Earthshaker Fist technique. The arena quaked as their fists collided, each strike sending shockwaves through the ground. Xiao Cheng's mastery of the Celestial Sword Dance allowed him to match Xu Ming's strength with precision, ultimately emerging victorious.

In the climactic battle, Xiao Cheng faced off against Yang Lei, the prodigious talent of the Royal Family. Yang Lei wielded the Thunderstrike Blade, a weapon infused with lightning. Their clash was a symphony of swordplay and lightning strikes, a dazzling display of power.

With a final, thunderous strike, Xiao Cheng disarmed Yang Lei, his blade crackling with residual lightning. The crowd erupted into applause as Xiao Cheng emerged victorious once more.


The competition concluded with Xiao Cheng's victory, a triumph that resonated with the spectators. City Lord Fang stepped forward once more, his voice ringing through the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed participants, I am honored to announce the winners of this year's intercity competition."

The crowd fell silent, awaiting the results.

"In third place, we have Vermillion Tiger City!"

Applause and cheers erupted from the supporters of Vermillion Tiger City, acknowledging their valiant efforts.

"In second place, we have Sky Dragon City!"

The arena shook as the hometown crowd celebrated their city's strong showing.

"And in first place, emerging as the victors of this competition, we have Qingzhou City!"

The cheers that followed were deafening, a testament to the unity and strength of Qingzhou City.

As the cheers subsided, City Lord Fang continued, "I would also like to express my gratitude to all the participating cities for their sportsmanship and camaraderie. In the spirit of unity and friendship, I am pleased to announce that the King of the Azure Kingdom has graciously offered gifts to all the delegations as a token of appreciation."

With those words, a procession of attendants entered the arena, bearing gifts of rare treasures, profound techniques, and precious cultivation resources. The delegations from each city received their rewards, strengthening the bonds of friendship and alliance forged during the competition.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Cheng stood proudly, their hearts filled with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment. The intercity competition had been a test of skill and unity, and Qingzhou City had emerged victorious, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As the sun set over the grand arena of Sky Dragon City, the younger generation of cultivators looked toward the horizon, their hearts filled with the promise of a bright future.

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