
The mysterious Lady

Sweat dripped down Scott's forehead as he slowly shifted back to his human form, his face receding its wolf features. He looked up, regaining his senses, and noticed Michael kneeling in front of him, his eyes closed with a smile. "Good to have you back," Michael said, smiling at Scott. Scott nodded his head in gratitude, then noticed a girl standing behind Michael, clutching her injured belly. Squinting his eyes, Scott asked, "Is that you, Errica?" His gaze shifted to her wound, and a look of realization washed over his face. "I did that... didn't I... I'm sorry," he said, regret evident in his expression.

Errica winced but reassured Scott that it was okay. Scott then turned his attention to Michael and asked in a shocked and hurried tone, "Did that thing turn her as well... the alpha?" Michael shook his head as he started to stand up, saying, "No... she's my beta." Michael's eyes glowed red, and Errica's eyes turned yellow. Errica paused for a moment before finishing her thought, saying, "I didn't know there was another alpha..." She looked towards Michael, seeking an answer.

"Yes, there's another alpha," Michael confirmed, then looked at Scott. "And Scott here... is his beta." Errica nodded her head, accepting Michael's answer, before asking, "So... out of the two of you... who is stronger?" Scott turned to look at Michael upon hearing Errica's question. Michael noticed both Errica and Scott staring at him, sighing as he put one hand in his pocket and rubbed his head with the other. He looked up at the sky and said, "I'm not quite sure... I defeated him last time, but he was injured." After a pause, Michael added, "I think I can take him at his best, though."

Errica smiled upon hearing Michael's confidence, while Scott looked at Michael with desperation in his eyes and asked, "Do you know how to turn me back to human?" Michael replied, "I don't know... but I bet if you ask Derek, he might know something about it." He nodded to Errica, gesturing for her to follow him. As Michael turned to leave the locker room, he glanced back at Scott and said, "Are you sure you want that, though?" before continuing on his way, with Errica following behind. Scott was left to ponder his decision.



Errica could be seen wincing in pain, as her hands pressed against her belly. Michael glanced at her, and asked, "Does it still hurt?" Errica replied, her voice filled with pain, "Yeah...," revealing her discomfort.

As they continued driving, Michael's gaze shifted to Errica's wound on her belly. He held out his hand, gesturing for Errica to hold onto it. She reached out, her fingers intertwining with his, and suddenly noticed black veins starting to crawl up his arm. Simultaneously, her wound began to heal rapidly, and the pain subsided. Michael released her hand, a slight smile forming on his lips, and said, "Feeling better now?"

Errica nodded gratefully, her voice soft as she whispered, "Yes... thanks." She let out a sigh and added, "He... got me good." Michael's brows furrowed in concern, and he asked, "Who, Scott...?" Errica nodded again.

"Well, he's been a beta long before you... and you haven't experienced your first full moon yet," Michael explained. Errica sighed, her gaze drifting out of the car window as Michael continued to drive.

Meanwhile, a black car could be seen driving down the road and playing music. Inside the car, a blonde lady could be seen, singing along to the music. Unbeknownst to her, a dark shadow figure trailed behind the car, almost like it was stalking her. The lady started feeling a sense of unease and glanced at her rearview mirror, trying to dismiss it as her imagination.

As the car stopped at a red light, the lady thought to herself that she was probably just overthinking things. However, just then, the shadow figure leaped onto the car's roof, shaking it violently. Startled, the lady reached for her shotgun, prepared to defend herself. The shadow figure, using its large claws, began to stab into the roof of the car in an attempt to reach the lady. She managed to dodge the attacks, and with a series of loud gunshots—BAM BAM BAM—the lady fired three rounds into the figure, causing it to scream out and jump off the roof.

Quickly, the lady opened the car door and jumped outside, pointing her gun around, searching for any signs of the creature. She caught a glimpse of it jumping onto another roof and realized, "Oh, it's the alpha.", she walked over to the trunk of her car and retrieved a sniper rifle loaded with special bullets.

Derek's pov.

Derek had been tracking the scent of the alpha all night, hoping to locate it and join forces with Michael to kill it. He heard the sound of three gunshots and a subsequent howl, signaling that the alpha had been injured. Derek swiftly dashed towards the area where the howl originated, arriving only two minutes later.

Upon reaching the scene, Derek looked up and saw the alpha leaping to a nearby roof, he then made his way up a building to follow it. As he prepared himself to jump across to pursue it, suddenly, he felt a powerful impact on his side. Losing his balance, Derek plummeted toward the ground, falling off the roof.

Backtrack three minutes ago blonde lady pov.

She had been at the trunk of her car, retrieving the sniper rifle and loading a special bullet into it. Through her scope, she spotted the alpha on the roof. However, her attention was diverted when she saw another figure joining the chase. loosing sight of the alpha, she decided to take a shot and fired at the unknown figure, causing it to fall off the roof and into an alley.

Setting aside her sniper rifle, she swiftly pulled out a handgun and cautiously approached the spot where the figure had fallen, ready to confront it.



Derek winced in pain, tightly gripping his injured arm as blue mist emanated from the bullet hole. He glanced back, hearing a lady's voice shouting, "I know you're around here!" As she approached, Derek moved further behind a trash bin, trying to keep out of sight.

"Darn it," Derek muttered under his breath, sweat dripping down his forehead. Just as she was about to get closer, a car pulled up behind her, and a voice called out, "Kate, what are you doing?" It was Chris. The lady now known as Kate responded, "You always know how to spoil my fun, Chris."

Derek's eyes widened in shock as he heard Kate's name. Argent then said to Kate, "Come, let's go before someone reports seeing someone walking around shooting up the street." Kate replied reluctantly, "Okay, fine. Let's go." As Kate was about to pass him, Argent spoke quietly, "I have something to discuss with you when we reach home... about the wolves."

Kate's face turned serious, after his words, before she and him departed.

After a while,

Derek let out a sigh of relief as he sensed they were gone. He knew he needed to call Michael, his hands trembled as he tried to dial Michael's number, his body still throbbing with pain. The call went through, and he anxiously waited for Michael to answer. Meanwhile, not far away, a black Lamborghini sat parked near a cliff, offering a breathtaking view of Beacon Hills. On top of the car hood, Errica and Michael were engaged in a passionate moment, their embrace momentarily interrupted.

Michael, catching his breath, looked into Errica's eyes and spoke softly. "How's your wound? Is it feeling better now?" he asked, with a smile on his face. Errica leaned in, kissing him before responding, "Yes, a lot better,".

Just as they resumed their intimate moment, Michael's phone began to ring, shattering the tranquility of the moment. Errica looked up, her eyes falling on the phone. She picked it up, glancing at the screen before informing Michael, "It's someone named Derek."

Michael's expression quickly shifted as he took the phone from Errica and answered the call. Derek's weak voice echoed through the line, punctuated by fits of coughing and the sound of blood. "I need help," Derek pleaded, his voice strained.

Urgency flooded Michael's tone as he asked, "Where are you?" Derek's response came in a weak whisper, "Meet me at our old home." Michael's concern deepened, as he manage to say. "Okay, we'll be there," he assured Derek before ending the call.

Turning his gaze to Errica, Michael's expression grew serious. "We gotta go," he said. Errica nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Without wasting another moment, they quickly climbed into the Lamborghini, The previous intimacy now overshadowed by the urgency of Derek's plea for help.

The engine roared to life as Michael pushed the car to its limits, leaving the cliff and racing towards his old house.

Authors note.

Sorry for the late update, my baby was sick so didn't have any time to type yesterday.

comment how you guys are enjoying the story thus far, dont be afraid to recommend changes you might see take place in the future of the story, Aslo can you guys Drop some power stones please🙏😭, and comment.

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