
The game I

Time Skip:

The next day at school

The sir was a buzz with excitement, as students could be seen talking and couples entering the school together. Amongst the crowd, Scott and Stiles arrived in their jeep, catching a few glances. Shortly after, Allison arrived in her father's car. As she stepped out, she said, "Bye, Dad," to which her father replied with a smile, waving goodbye.

Allison couldn't help but notice Scott in Stiles' jeep, but she quickly looked away, feeling a bit frustrated. Sensing the tension, Stiles looked at Scott and said, "So... when are you gonna apologize to Allison for dumping her at the party?" Scott let out a tired sigh of frustration and replied, "I don't know."

Stiles continued, "Well, if you continue to ignore her, someone might snatch her away from you." Scott looked at Stiles with disbelief in his eyes, processing his words. Finally, Scott nodded and said, "Okay...okay," before exiting the jeep. Stiles gave him a thumbs up and a devious smirk, saying, "Wish you luck."

Scott sighed inwardly and walked over to Allison. From Allison's point of view, she could see Scott approaching her, looking a bit nervous. However, she wasn't in the mood to talk to him right now, considering he hadn't said anything to her after dumping her at the party three days ago. She turned her head away from Scott with a hmph.

Eventually, Scott arrived beside her and said, "Allison." Annoyed, she replied, "What?" turning her head towards his direction. Scott gulped, feeling the weight of her reaction. He started to apologize for leaving her at Lydia's party and explained that he hadn't reached out earlier because his phone got lost in the forest.

Scott then mustered the courage to ask, "If it isn't too much to ask, can we start over?" In Allison's mind, she thought, "Okay... I'll only give him one last chance." She looked at him, folding her arms, and said, "Okay, I'll give you one last chance," before offering a slight smile. Scott noticed the hint of a smile and felt hopeful.

Meanwhile, a black car could be seen speeding in and out of traffic, catching the attention of the crowd. However, their focus quickly shifted back to Scott and Allison as they stood together. Just as Lydia was about to approach them, the distinct sound of a revving engine filled the air, causing everyone's heads to turn in curiosity.


The sound grew louder, and all eyes, including Scott, Allison, Stiles, and Lydia, were drawn to the source of the commotion. A black Lamborghini slowly made its way towards the parking lot, captivating everyone's attention. The sight left them awestruck, their faces displaying a mix of shock and admiration.


As the car came to a halt near Stiles' jeep, Lydia couldn't help but think, "Isn't that the car I saw at the hospital?" Scott, on the other hand, looked at the scene with a hint of awe and jealousy in his expression. Sensing his gaze, Allison started giggling to herself, catching Scott off guard. He looked at her with a puzzled expression and asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh... nothing," Allison replied with a small smile, her eyes still fixed on the black Lamborghini. "I wonder whose car that is," she mused aloud. Lydia, who was standing beside her, twirled her hair and tilted her head to the side, saying, "Me too."

Time seemed to slow down as the Lamborghini parked and the door opened. Everyone's curiosity peaked as they waited to see who would emerge from the car. Allison began to say, "Is that...," but before she could finish her sentence, Lydia interjected with a shocked voice, "Michael!"

Sure enough, Michael stepped out of the car, sporting his dark sunglasses. With an air of confidence, he walked around to the other side and opened the door, extending his hand to someone inside the car. The crowd watched in anticipation, eager to see who would accompany him.

A figure later emerged, it was Errica. As she exited the car, all eyes were on her. Errica, with her striking appearance, drew attention with her crimson lipstick and stylish outfit that includes: a short mini black skirt, white under shirt and black leather jacket. The crowd gasped in surprise as they recognized her. Allison noticed Lydia's face contorted with anger and jealousy, barely able to conceal her emotions, which made Allison feel a bit uneasy. Lydia leaned towards Allison and angrily whispered, "Errica?" Allison nodded in response, her gulp betraying her nervousness. Lydia's voice resonated in her head with an angry tone, "I see... that's how you wanna play, huh?"

Meanwhile, Errica wasted no time as she stepped out of the car. She grabbed Michael by the neck, pulling him closer, and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips. Lydia, unable to contain her frustration, clenched her fist so tightly that she broke the pencil she was holding. Scott and Allison, standing beside Lydia, couldn't help but shiver in fear of her reaction.

As Michael and Errica began walking towards the school entrance, Lydia positioned herself in front of them, raising her hands to get their attention. She was about to say something when Michael and Errica simply walked past her without stopping. Lydia's face contorted with a mix of betrayal and anger, feeling dismissed and disregarded.

After a time skip to the hallways, Michael and Errica found a moment to converse before the bell rang, signaling the start of classes. They exchanged a few words before heading in separate directions towards their individual classrooms. The tension in the air was palpable as students continued to whisper and speculate about the unexpected arrival of Errica and the dynamics between her and Michael.



Time skip:

Economics class,

Michael arrived late to class slowly opening the door. As soon as he entered, a familiar voice could be heard shouting through the room, directed at a guy named Greenberg. It was Michael's coach, who was apparently also teaching this class. The coach noticed Michael's late arrival and couldn't resist making a snide remark.

"Well, well... look who it is," the coach said with an angry chuckle in his tone. "Mr. 'Don't show up to practice,' Mr. 'Show up to my class late,' Mr. 'Show off with his new car.'"

Michael looked at the coach with a sweat drop forming on his forehead. The coach continued, pointing at Michael with a ridiculous angry expression. "I want to see you in my office after class... and don't come late, or else."

"Okay, Coach," Michael responded, feeling a mix of annoyance and resignation.

After their encounter, the scene changes to after class. Michael was heading towards the coach's office when a hand suddenly pulled him into a inside the dark room. In the dim light, he realized it was Lydia, who pressed herself against him and kissed him fiercely. Confused, Michael said, "Not like I'm not enjoying this, but... what are you doing?"

Lydia looked at Michael and replied, "Why are you ignoring me? Am I not attractive enough for you?"

Michael smirked and said, "I'm not ignoring you... I'm just respecting your boundaries. After all, you do have a boyfriend."

Lydia frowned at his response but then smiled playfully. "I see... you also have a girlfriend. So now... we're even," she said, twirling her fingers on Michael's chest before leaning in to kiss him again.

Michael then lifted her up onto a nearby table, their kissing intensifying, smashing down every book that was nearby. He threw down his jacket on the floor, and a couple of seconds later, the room was filled with the sound of their intimacy. BAM_ BAM _BOM BOM...AAAAA, those were the sound that could be heard through the entire room. Some students passing by the room couldn't help but have a sweat drop appear on their faces.

Suddenly, the coach entered the room, a look of anger on his face. "What the hell is going on in my office?" he exclaimed, pausing for a moment his facing gaining a look of shock before closing the door.



10 minutes later, Lydia could be seen exiting the coach's office with dazed eyes and a slight limp. She glanced at the coach before uttering with a tired tone, "He's free now," and then left. The coach watched her departure, his expression filled with shock as he muttered to himself, "I think that boy almost damaged her beyond repair."

He entered his office to find his documents scattered all over the floor and Michael sitting innocently in front of his desk, as if he had no idea what had just transpired. The coach narrowed his eyes in annoyance before saying in his mind, "Does he think I'm an idiot or what? He thinks I don't know what took place in my office a moment ago." He rubbed his temples, trying to compose himself, and then said, "Look, I'm going to cut to the chase. I need you to stop skipping practice, and we have a game coming up tonight. You may be our hope of winning."

Michael raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why is that? What about Jackson?"

The coach sighed and replied, "Jackson won't be able to play at his full potential due to his arm injury."

Michael then inquired, "What about your new star, Scott?"

The coach smirked and responded, "He's complaining about not wanting to play the game tonight. But if he thinks I'm going to let him miss it, he's made a grave mistake." An evil smile crept up on the coach's face as he said that.

Michael let out a sigh of resignation and said, "Okay... I'll play the game."

The coach chuckled evilly and remarked, "You didn't have a choice here." Michael couldn't help but sweat drop at the coach's words.



A couple of hours had passed since the earlier events, and now in the locker room, Michael began changing into his game attire. As he did, he noticed Jackson standing nearby, his shoulder wrapped in a sling. Michael couldn't help but think, "Scott messed him up real bad."

Greenberg, another teammate, glanced at Michael and then turned his attention toward Jackson. "Man, didn't you hear what happened when you were at the hospital getting a check-up today?" he asked.

Jackson, with an annoyed tone, responded, "What?"

Greenberg leaned in slightly and whispered to Jackson, "I heard Lydia was alone with Michael for a minute or two."

Jackson's expression turned angry as he glanced at Michael, then looked at his teammates and whispered, "Don't pass the ball to Michael. Forget about Scotts. Just keep the ball away from him."

Michael listened intently to Jackson and the others' conversation, a mischievous smirk forming on his face as he heard their plan. He was ready to prove them wrong.



Time skip:

The game

A loud whistle pierced through the air, signaling the start of the first half of the game. The coach's stern voice commanded the team to gather around in a circle, ready to strategize for the match, the coach then look to Michael while smiling, you'll take the bench for the first half. Michael sighed, knowing that he had to accept his role on the bench for now. As the coach give the other players instructions, a mischievous thought crossed his mind, thinking, "Yeah... hope you like your punishment for skipping practice."



No questions asked, Michael took a seat on the bench beside Stiles. Stiles looked at Michael and said, "So, bench buddies, huh?" Michael responded with a smile, his eyes closed, not saying a word. He was focused on the game that was tooking place on the field.



As the game progressed, a girl's voice suddenly cut through the crowd, shouting, "Why won't you put your best player on the field?" The attention shifted towards her, and it was revealed to be a fierce Erica, her eyes briefly emanating a dim yellow glow before returning to normal, unnoticed by most.

Ignoring the outburst, the game continued. It was a lacrosse match between Beacon Hills and another team, and the opposing team had taken the lead by four goals. Beacon Hills' defense was strong, putting up a good fight and making it challenging for the other team to score.

Frustration crossed the coach's face as he exclaimed, "Come on, what kind of play was that?" He then turned his gaze towards Scott and said, "Scott, get out there." Scott, determined to turn the tide, nodded and sprinted onto the field, ready to make a difference.

Authors note.

Comment how you guys are enjoying the story thus far, dont be afraid to recommend changes you might see take place in the future of the story, Aslo can you guys Drop some power stones please🙏😭, and comment.

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