
Miss Morrell (R18)


This chapter contain R18. Continue with caution.


An alarm clock could be heard blaring with a loud beep beep beep beep. As Michael smashed it in frustration, rubbing his head and muttering, "That damn clock." He picked up his phone and checked the time, realizing it was really late. With a sigh, he mutterd, "I think I might skip today," and started walking towards the bathroom, still rubbing his head.

(Time skipped to school)

Scott and Stiles could be seen in class, talking to each other with an agitated expression. Stiles looked towards Scott and asked, "What do you think they want with Lydia?" Scott pondered for a moment and replied, "That's what I'm trying to figure out." As they continued talking in the hallway, Scott suddenly felt a terrifying presence. He glanced behind him and saw a guy in a white jacket with white hair walking away. For some reason, the guy felt familiar to him.



As Michael was walking in the hallway, he thought to himself, "Looks like Scott has grown up... his aura feels a bit more powerful." He smirked slightly, intrigued by the change he sensed in Scott. Meanwhile, Lydia, lost in her thoughts, was walking with her earbuds in, reading a book. Suddenly, she bumped into someone, causing her book to fall out of her hands. Just As she reached down to pick it up, she felt a hand touched hers, offering to help. She looked up and realized it was the person she had bumped into. Grateful, she said, "Thank you." The person smiled and walked past her, waving his hand and saying, "No problem." Lydia's face filled with confusion as she recognized the voice, she quickly turned around, searching for the person who had just helped her, but he had disappeared into the crowd. She wondered if she was starting to hallucinate, as she thought she had heard Michaels voice, as she rubbed her forehead, deciding to continue on to her class.

Meanwhile, Michael continued his stroll through the bustling hallway, observing the students passing by him staring at him, he then felt a familiar presence near by as he thought to himself,"what is she doing here". He then stop at a door, his gaze fix on the student counselor's office.

Driven by his curiosity, Michael approached the office door, his hand reaching out to the door opening it, as he entered.

Inside the office, Miss Morrell could be seen engrossed in her paperwork, frustration evident on her face. As she sifted through the students' profiles, one folder caught her attention. Holding it closer, she examined the familiar face within. Her eyes widened in recognition, and she whispered to herself, "Isn't this the guy I met at the gas station?" The picture closely resembled Michael, only with black hair instead of the white he now had.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, she heard the door opening. Startled, she quickly put the profile away and looked up, but as soon as she saw the person a look of surprise was evident on her, as Michael entered her office, She quickly composed herself and greeted him with a friendly smile saying. "what a pleasant surprise! Please come in," she said, gesturing towards a chair. Michael nodded and took a seat, as his eyes met with hers, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as He sense her surprise at seeing him.

Maintaining her professional demeanor, Miss Morrell decided to address the reason for Michael's being here. "So, what brings you here today? Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, her voice warm and welcoming.

Michael leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on her. He contemplated his words for a moment before responding, "I've been noticing some changes lately, and I thought it might be worth discussing with you. Something feels different, and I can't quite put my finger on it."

Miss Morrell's eyes widen with curiosity as she lean closer towards Michael saying "Changes? In what sense?".

Michael's eyes narrowed slightly as he pondered his response. "It's hard to explain, but it's like theirs a shift in the energy around me, ever since I've awaken". She then then inquired "what do you mean by that" as she placed her hands under her chin.

Taking a deep breath, he gathered his thoughts before speaking. "I've been having these dreams lately... I hear screams. And when I follow these voices, they lead me to a forest clearing with a massive tree stump."

A look of contemplation crossed her face as she absorbed Michael's words. Her eyes locked onto his as she leaned in closer, her voice filled with curiosity. "Can you do a sketch of this tree you're talking about?" She handed him a piece of paper.

Michael took the paper and swiftly sketched the tree from his dreams. Handing the sketch back to her, he watched as her eyes widened. Almost to herself, she whispered in a low tone, "The Nemiton..."

With his superhuman hearing, Michael caught her words despite her soft voice. A sense of realization washed over him, as he thought to himself "how does she know that name...I knew something was off about her the very first moment I met her at the gas station". Rising from his chair, he slowly walked around the desk, closing the distance between them. "You know," he said, his words deliberate, "not a lot of people know the name of that specific tree. I've only heard it mentioned once in my life ."

Miss Morrell's expression shifted to one of shock as Michael's words sank in. Her guard went up, and she replied tentatively, "well that's quite the coincidence "

A smile played on Michael's lips as he heard her response. He placed his hands on the sides of her chair, leaning in closer, locking eyes with her. With a serious tone, he said, "So tell me Mari....what do you know about the supernatural world?"

After hearing Michael's word, and she smiled leaning in closer towards him, catching him off guard. Instinctively, he moved back in surprise. "Yes," she replied,

"I've also heard about you, Michael. And a little birdy told me that you were you were dead." Her fingers grazed lightly over his chest as she continued, "So why don't you tell me how is it, that you're still alive?"

Their eyes remained locked, and Michael started to smell a familiar fragrance emanating from her as she moved closer, her breath tickling his ear whispering, "Tell me... what exactly are you, Michael?"

A chill ran down Michael's spine, and he slowly turned towards her, meeting her gaze replying, "Why don't you find out?" As he closed the remaining distance between her, pressing his lips against hers.

He then lifted her onto the desk, sending papers and books flying. She let out a gasp of surprise, but her eyes were filled with desire. Without a word, Michael began to unbutton her blouse. She helped him by pulling it off completely, revealing her lacy bra.

Michael's eyes lingered on her for a moment, taking in the sight of her curves before he leaned in to kiss her again. This time, his hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning as their bodies pressed together.

As they kissed passionately, Michael's hands moved lower, tracing the outline of her bra. Miss Morrell (Mari) moaned louder as he unhooked it, revealing her full breasts. He took one in his mouth, sucking gently as she arched her back in pleasure.

They continued to make love on the desk, their bodies entwined. Michael bit down on her kneck, causing her to cry out in pleasure. She grabbed onto his back tightly, pulling him closer as she climax.

As they lay there breathless, Michael looked into Miss Morrell's eyes. He knew that there was more to her than she let on.

Michael pulled away and looked at her with a serious expression. "I want to know more about you," he said. "But not now. Right now, I need to find my class." Miss Morrell smiled and kissed him gently. "I understand," before passing out.



Time skip science class

Mr Harris was scolding Stiles in front of the class before addressing the students saying "Okay, class...today we'll be doing a practical group project on chemical reactions." He then turned to Stiles and said, "We'll see if the saint is true...that two heads are better than one...but in Mr. Stilinkis' case...less than one."

After he said those words, a knock could be heard at the door. Mr Harris looked at a document in his hands and said, "I almost forgot...class, we have a returning student, and he'll be joining us in our session." Lydia thought to herself after hearing what he said, "I wonder who that might be."

Mrs Harris then said, "You may come in." The door slowly opened as a figure with white hair stepped into the room, wearing a white leather jacket, black pants with a chain, and sporting black shades. All the girls in the class blushed as they saw who it was. They whispered under their breaths, "Is that the cute guy Michael?"

During all this commotion, Scott and Stiles' faces looked like they had just saw a ghost. Michael then noticed them and smiled. He then notice a seat next towards Allison to which he made his way over sitting down.He then noticed Scott and Stiles still staring at him, he couldn't help but smirk to himself. They were probably wondering how he was still alive after seeing him die. He then felt then felt the presence of another eye staring towards him as he glance back noticing his beta Errica, he then heard Allison voice which caught him off guard when she called his name. He turned towards her direction, a charming smile on his face as he responded, "Yes, that's me."

Allison's voice then carried a hint of suspicion as she asked, "Why did you come back, Michael?" Her eyes pierced through him, her previous warmth disaparing. She continued, "I know what you are. And I know Derek sent you here to kill Lydia as well."

Michael's face hardened, his playful expression fading into seriousness. "What do you mean by that?" he questioned, his gaze locked with Allison's.

Meanwhile, Erica couldn't tear her eyes away from Michael. Memories of witnessing his supposed death flooded her mind. How was he standing there, alive and well? Confusion and fear gripped her, causing her hands to shake uncontrollably. She tried to compose herself, lowering her head to hide her trembling. But Isaac noticed her discomfort.

Glancing at Erica, Isaac nudged her shoulder gently and asked, "Hey, are you alright? You seem off."

Erica replied in a low tone, "Yes, I'm okay," but her shaky hands and lowered gaze betrayed her words. She couldn't understand how Michael could be here when she had seen him die in front of her. Isaac then started to think to himself that everything that's happening is because of him, as he stared towards Michael, his eyes emitting a small yellow glow.



As class continued, Michael sense someone staring at him. He turned towards Allison and asked, "Hey, so is that guy one of them?" as he gestured towards the guy who was starting at him. Allison whispered back to Michael, saying, "Yes... his name is Isaac."

Michael looked at Allison and said, "I'll be back." With that, he raised his hands, catching Mr. Harris' attention. "Yes, you may speak," Mr. Harris addressed him.

Michael asked if he could use the restroom, and Mr. Harris replied with a yes. He stood up, smiling towards Allison, and she looked at him, questioning, "What are you gonna do?"

Michael reassured her, saying, "Don't worry." He then got up out of his seat and exited the class. Isaac noticed this and raised his arms, asking Mr. Harris if he could be excused to the bathroom as well. Mr. Harris, engrossed in his book, nonchalantly replied, "You all could go to the bathroom; I don't care," without even looking in Isaac's direction.

Isaac smiled and stood up, preparing to leave. However, Erica, alarmed, grabbed his arm and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Isaac calmly responded, "Don't worry." He continued towards the door, ignoring Erica's plea to wait.

Stiles and Scott, both noticing Isaac leaving shortly after Michael, exchanged worried looks. Stiles turned towards Scott and asked, "What do you think is gonna happen?"

Scott, concerned, replied, "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's not good." He then added, "You stay here and watch Lydia; I'm gonna go after them."

Stiles nodded his head, agreeing. Scott raised his hand towards Mr. Harris, who responded with an irritating tone, "You may go." Scott bolted out of the classroom, to catch up with Michael and Isaac.

Meanwhile, Michael could be seen walking in the hallway with his hands in his pockets. He smirked, feeling Isaac's presence trailing behind him. He suddenly stopped and said aloud, "So you really followed me," as he glanced at Isaac.

Isaac slashed his claws out, his eyes glowing yellow. He declared defiantly, "Yes, I did."

Michael noticed Isaac's claws and glowing eyes as he smirked. Slowly, he turned towards Isaac's direction and taunted him, saying, "So you're challenging me?" He chuckled and gestured towards Isaac, inviting him to attack.

Isaac growled low in his throat as he charged towards Michael, his claws extended and eyes glowing yellow. Michael smirked and stepped aside, causing Isaac to lose his balance and stumble into a nearby locker.

Surprised by Michael's quick reflexes, Isaac looked up at him, seething with anger. "I'll make you pay for that," he snarled, rushing towards Michael once more.

But Michael was ready this time. He dodged Isaac's slash with ease and then kicked him in the chest, knocking him back against the wall. Isaac gasped for air and glared at Michael with a fierce intensity.

Again, Isaac charged towards Michael, this time slashing at his face. But Michael moved, dodging Isaac's attack and causing him to stumble once more.

Frustrated, Isaac lunged at Michael again, kicking out at him. But Michael didn't dodge this time. Instead, he grabbed Isaac's feet and pulled him to the ground. Looking down at Isaac with eyes glowing red with fire, Michael punched him hard in the gut.

Isaac clutched his belly in pain and dropped to the ground, gasping for breath. As this was happening Scott appeared around the corner in a gush of speed, rushing towards them. Michael then sense his presence as he called out "Hey Scott,", still glaring at Isaac. "It's been a while hasn't it?".



Authors note.

Sorry for the wait, as I said I'm gonna be really busy for this Christmas so I don't have much time to write but I'll do what I can and still continue it. Comment how you enjoy this chapter and any future updates you'll like to see. Also please can you guys drop some power stones, and for those who read my auther fanfic I'll be posting soon over there as well.

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