
Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf

Author's Note: Dear readers, I'm excited to present to you my very first fanfiction, inspired by the captivating world of Teen Wolf. I want to emphasize that this story is purely created for fun and entertainment, driven by my passion for storytelling. As a result, there might be occasional word errors or inconsistencies, and I appreciate your understanding in this regard. In this fanfic, I wanted to explore the character of Michael, a True Alpha werewolf, and showcase his extraordinary powers and potential. Unlike other werewolves, Michael's abilities will not be nerfed or weakened; instead, they will continue to evolve and grow stronger over time. This decision was made to create an even more formidable protagonist within the Teen Wolf universe. Throughout Michael's journey, he will face various challenges and encounter supernatural beings, all while striving to reunite with his missing sister and protect the town of Beacon Hills. His unwavering determination and unique status as a True Alpha will guide him through the treacherous world he finds himself in. I hope you'll join me on this enthralling adventure filled with action, romance, and supernatural intrigue. I'm eager to share this story with you and bring the Teen Wolf universe to life in my own way. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Author's Note: I wanted to take a moment to clarify that while I have created the character Michael in the context of the Teen Wolf universe, I do not own the rights to Teen Wolf or any of its original characters, or storylines except for michaels. My contributions to the Teen Wolf fandom are purely creative and inspired by the existing material. I am a fan, just like you, who enjoys exploring different narratives. Michael is a character I have imagined and developed within the Teen Wolf universe, but the ownership and creative rights of Teen Wolf belong to its original creators and respective copyright holders. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of Michael in this alternative storyline. Note, I don't own the cover page or anything related to its copyright everything belongs to the original creater.

j_k_l · TV
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28 Chs


As Michael's car sped through the night, his mind was consumed with thoughts of finding his sister. It had been a long time since he last saw her, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Determination fueled his every move as he navigated the winding forest roads.

Suddenly, his heightened senses picked up two distinct scents. One was undoubtedly his sister's, but the other, stronger scent puzzled him. It smelled like a beta, and it was familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. Michael's eyes glowed a dangerous red as he accelerated even further, his instincts driving him.

Within minutes, he arrived at a burned-down house, a place that held significance in his family's past. As he followed his sister's faint scent, he dug into the ground, his heart pounding with anticipation. But when he uncovered what lay beneath, his world shattered.

Half of his sister's body lay before him, and the sight left him paralyzed with shock and grief. In his distraught state, he failed to notice the presence behind him, another werewolf drawing closer. Consumed by rage, Michael roared, his howl echoing through the night, causing the other werewolf to cower and transform into his beta form, his eyes turning blue.

Far away, at Beacon Hills hospital, a man with half his face bandaged felt a surge of red-eyed power course through him, drawn to the monstrous roar in the distance. Meanwhile, Scott fell to his knees in his bathroom, his claws and fangs involuntarily emerging.

Returning to Michael, his red eyes blazing, he confronted the beta werewolf, Derek. With a primal fury, Michael lunged at him, unleashing a flurry of powerful blows. He dominated the fight, overpowering Derek with his superior strength and agility. The sound of growls and snarls filled the air as the battle raged on.

Derek, battered and bruised, managed to ask amidst the chaos, "Were you the one who killed my sister?"

Those words struck a chord within Michael, momentarily bringing him back to his senses. He paused, his red eyes fading to their natural hue, as he looked at Derek, confusion and sorrow etched on his face.

Panting heavily, Derek explained through labored breaths, "Your sister... she's my sister too. We're family. I thought you were dead, lost in the fire that consumed the Hale house that night."

A mixture of emotions flooded Michael's mind: anger, grief, and now the faint stirrings of hope. He released his grip on Derek, his body trembling with the weight of his newfound knowledge.

After Derek finished healing his wounds, he took a moment to catch his breath. The pain receded, allowing him to speak more clearly. "Michael," he began, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination, "that night, the night the Hale house burned... I wasn't there. I thought you were gone, lost in the flames. But now... seeing you here, alive, it changes everything."

Michael listened intently, his eyes focused on Derek as he tried to absorb the information. The realization that he had a brother, someone who shared his blood, was overwhelming. They had lost so much time together, and now fate had brought them back together under tragic circumstances.

As they walked through the forest, Michael and Derek engaged in a series of conversations, catching up on the lost years, sharing stories, and reminiscing about their family. They spoke of their parents, their childhood memories, and the bond they never knew they had.

Eventually, Derek mustered the courage to tell Michael the truth about their sister's death. "It was an alpha," he revealed, his voice heavy with sorrow. "An alpha killed our sister. We've been searching for answers ever since."

Michael's eyes sparked with rage, glowing a bright red once again. The thought of someone taking his sister's life ignited a fire within him. "We have to find this alpha," he growled, his voice laced with determination. "We have to make them pay for what they've done."

Derek nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Michael's determination. The two brothers ventured deeper into the forest, their senses heightened, searching for any sign of the alpha responsible for the tragedy that had befallen their family.

Suddenly, they sensed the presence of another beta nearby. Michael's gaze sharpened as he realized it was the same guy named Scott that Derek had mentioned earlier. Beside him stood a friend, Styles, engaged in a conversation about gum.

Derek turned to Michael, a knowing look in his eyes. "That beta is the one who serves the alpha that killed our sister," he explained, his voice filled with a mix of anger and resolve. "We need his help to track down the alpha."

Approaching Scott and Styles, Derek confronted them. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, his voice commanding.

Scott looked surprised to see Derek, his eyes darting between him and Michael. "I... I'm looking for my inhaler," he stammered, caught off guard.

Derek tossed Scott his inhaler, a gesture of dismissal. "Leave," he commanded sternly.

Scott glanced at Michael, curiosity and confusion evident on his face. As they parted ways, Scott and Styles exchanged puzzled looks, wondering about Michael's connection to Derek and the Hale fire.

Meanwhile, Styles turned to Scott and said, "Dude, that was Derek Hale! You know, the guy who survived the Hale fire? And who was that with him?"

Scott, still trying to process everything, replied, "I don't know. But it seems like there's more to this story than meets the eye."

Their minds filled with questions and curiosity, Scott and Styles continued on their way.