

Amden Vantistart is a heir to one the leading consortium. But Amden has a secret. This is his second life. Amden have received a mysterious inheritance in this life. He will go beyond the boundaries of the Blue Water Planet in the wider universe to rule over everything. Watch how he conquerors and become a supreme ruler. The story is set in urban fantasy. (Must comment and review your opinions. And yes send more power stones please.)

Graviele · Urban
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96 Chs


Few days passed since the banquet.

Everything was calm. The Cloves showed no outwards reaction to the incident at the banquet. But people were speculating that it was the calm just before the storm.

In a manor in Climia City, the power centre of Cloves a meeting was taking place.

Few people were sitting around a rectangular table.

At the head seat was Narin Clove. He was the gradfather of Natale. On his right side sitting was Fexon Clove, his son and Natale's father and the current head of the Cloves.

Next to him was Felix Clove.

On Narin's left side of Narin sat Likon Carter, smaller brother of Carter family head. Next to him sat William Wilson, head of the Wilson family.

Narin Clove broke the silence, "You have disappointed me Felix. You acted without any thought and reason. Things should have never that reached point. Even if Natale had won the duel, would it had given any more respect? It would have only reflected as if we are afraid to challenge our equals."

He sighed, "Even then if things came down to that and Natale was defeated you should have kept your cool. Natale's defeat was something we could have accepted and move one. But you Felix, acted without reason and that cost us heavy. You moved againts a child and failed miserably and that bitch Clara trashed like you a little insect."

Narin went quiet for moments and continued, "It has really pulled our image and respect in mud. Not only this we are being forced to act against Vantistarts. If we don't then our power and respect will get damaged and if we go against them, well it is not easy, specially after Clara has also broken into SSS Rank."

Felix did not dare to refute and neither did he dare to look at Narin's face. He knew very well what a big blunder he had caused.

No one broke the silence and kept quiet.

Narin questioned, "And that little brat, Amden. How is he so talented?"

This was a question no one had answers. Everyone was trying to find the answers to these few questions.

Jamien looked at everyone's face and brought into the topic which was the reason for his presence, "With Clara breaking into SSS Rank and Lousia family completely backing them up, Vantistarts have become extremely strong. With their talents Rexon and Lily in few years would definitely break into SS Rank and then into SSS Rank. And then this Amden, even he is a monster. We must do something otherwise Vantistarts will shift the power completely in their favour."

Fexon nodded in response and spoke, "Father Jamien is correct. We need to act otherwise things would be too late and with what have already happened Vantistarts would never reconcile with us."

William Wilson could only nod in response to all this. With his status even being invited in such a meeting was an over priviledge for him. He dare not open his mouth.

Narin was lost in his thoughts for few minutes.

He finally commanded, "Fexon, Jamien try and talk to other elite families and try to find out their reaction. By seeing this increase in the Vantistarts strength they must too be feeling anxious. But be careful while talking to them. Don't directly expose our plan."

He then turned to William, "William you try to talk to families at your level and persuade them to form an alliance and join our camp."

William to which replied happily, "Don't worry uncle. I will try my best."

For Cloves or for Vantistart family at level of Wilson were nothing, but if Narin could persuade them to form a group against Vantistart then they could turn out to be useful.

Soon their meeting concluded with few more additional discussions.

Many such meeting were being held in different elite families. Many were wary of the rise in the strenght of Vantistart. They were all contemplating their next course of action.

Meanwhile Amden was busy training himself. Additionally now he was now also training in runes. With the memories and experiences of ancient god grasping the concept of runes was not too hard for him. He had now started forming the basic runes and kept practicing them diligently.

Along with this he was waiting for the selection to the Star Sky Academy to get started.