
Rise of the supreme commander

A boy of unknown origin. A boy forced to join the army. A boy fighting against all odds. read and find out what our friend has in store for us. update once a week from now on. join my Patreon: RedAbyss61 for early access and join the abyss

TheRedAbyss61 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 8

The Alpha growled at the group angered that his pack was murdered by these pesky humans.


The Alpha directly attacked the strongest in the group, Jonathan.


Jonathan held his longsword sideways to block the Alpha. The Alpha attacked Jonathan so hard that he got sent flying while spitting blood. ''AAAAGGGHHH!!!'' yelled Rex while attacking. Rex's greatsword glowed with a yellow energy, and it hit the Alpha, at the same time two of Samantha's arrows closed in on the eyes of the Alpha.


Rex's greatsword and Samantha's arrows hit the Alpha at the same time. Rex's attack did nothing the Alpha didn't even bother to protect himself or dodge, but the Alpha did close its eyes to block the arrows.

In the meantime, Julia was healing Jonathan to the best of her ability. Jonathan was healed enough to stand up and say ''Cyrus RUNNN, GO AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!!!!''




All of them wanted to buy some time so that Cyrus could escape from the Alpha, even though they met the boy not so long ago none of them wanted to see the kid die here with them, all of them liked the quiet little kid that was so talented. All of them hoped that Cyrus would escape safely, it might also be that they did not want to hurt their pride by being the cause of a little boy's death.

Cyrus gripped his spear tightly and nodded his head, he looked all of them in the eye for one last time and ran back to the outer perimeter of the Great Fire forest.

All of them sighed a sigh of relief seeing Cyrus run. While all of this was taking place both Rex and Samantha continued attacking the Alpha while Jonathan stood up and gathered his energy for another attack.


It seems like the Alpha got too annoyed to play with these humans. The Alpha lifted his claw and swiped at Rex with incredible speed.

Rex tried to block the attack with his greatsword.


The Alpha's claw cut through the greatsword. 'This beast cut through a peak-grade mortal weapon with ease' is what Rex's last thought was before he got cut into three pieces.

''NOOOOOOO!'' screamed the remaining members of the group.

''YOU FOUL BEAST, DIE!!!'' screamed Jonathan while attacking with his strongest move 'sun piercer'.

Jonathan moved straight for the neck of the Alpha.


The Alpha did not even bother to dodge it even looked like the beast was sneering.


Samantha fired another arrow after the attack of Jonathan. The Alpha came out of the smoke with one leap and arrived before Samantha with a bite bit the head of the beautiful woman off.

'CRUNCH' is all that the remaining members of the group heard.

''AAARRGGHHH!!!'' Jonathan screamed with anguish into the air, at this point both of the remaining members gave up resisting, all Julia could do was cry, with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

'Bush rustling'

The remaining members were too sad to hear the nearby bushes rustling.


Cyrus appeared out of the bushes with all the power he could muster and struck one of the legs of the Alpha, but what could a child at the peak of foundation establishment do to a beast at the initial stage of the earth realm?

Julia was still crying with her eyes closed waiting for her death, only Jonathan noticed what Cyrus did.

The Alpha did not even register what Cyrus did. ''CYRUS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GO AWAY, RUNNN.''

Even though his attack did nothing to the Alpha, Cyrus did not become discouraged but became more determined to kill the beast. Jonathan seeing this became ashamed, a little kid still had the courage to face this monster a beast with much higher cultivation than himself. Cyrus created some space between him and the wolf.

Jonathan looked at his dead friends and thought 'will we all die here?'' after that he looked at the crying Julia who was next to the corpse of Samantha.

'''NOOOOOO!'' Jonathan stood up with newfound vigor. Jonathan's heart became extremely determined he grabbed his longsword took his stance and closed his eyes, the clouds of despair disappeared from his mind and because of that Jonathan entered a trance, he became one with his sword.


Jonathan opened his eyes and ....Booommm

A sharp aura appeared around. With a single leap, Jonathan appeared above the wolf. The Alpha felt threatened by the aura but did not even bother to dodge or run.

The Alpha opened his mouth to blast a beam of dark energy, but was too late. Jonathan used 'sun piercer' but this time it was imbued with sword intent.

'sun piercer'


Jonathan was one step faster and pierced the head of the Alpha.


The head of the Alpha exploded and the rest of the body burnt to a crisp. The magnitude of this attack was so great it created a crater as large as a bus.

This was the power of intent.