
Rise of the Strongest

Jim’s dream was from the start that he wants to become a magic knight. From his young age, he trained a lot by himself when everyone laughs from him as he has the weakest magic power in the village and probably in whole Berties country from which he is from. After he passed his eighteen birthdays, he hasn’t passed the test as he tried a lot but while everyone knows how it will be, and after this; he needed to throw away his dreams and go work as a blacksmith in the closest city. Due to unexpected actions, he loses his memory, and when he landed in Jida; he becomes a magic knight and then his story begins. In which he remembered his past after many fights. His past wasn’t good and one of twelve immortal beasts wakes up fully in him and now he can talk with him not only hear his words from time to time mostly in dangerous situations. “So you want to take revenge,” Immortal beast said. “yes but I don’t want your help now I remember who I am and maybe with help of my new friends I can have revenge,” Jim said while looking at the sky and thinking of his love and the faces of few people which beast show him. When he was doing it he swore revenge after knowing what happened one year ago just before he lost consciousness and because of it he lost his memory. But first, he needed to talk with his captain about it and he might have his help but this route will be full of the death of people and what more important it will mean war against whole nobbles which will be stand in front of them and their countries before he finds persons responsible for what happened to him and more important if he finds who he truly is which was his second dream to know who he truly is and why he was left in an orphanage. ------------- The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Where I am

When Jim was sleeping there for a short time, he finally falls on the ground and while he hit it he wakes up. While feeling pain in his hand he looked at it and while in seconds his wrist started becoming purple and much bigger than it was earlier he looked at it while trying not to cry and when he was doing it he takes a stick and while moving it closer to it he looked around and when he saw wet and around meter long rope, he takes it and somehow he tied it up together.

When he had done this he still looked at it and while the pain started becoming bigger and bigger he looked around and while seeing it's still night, he decided to walk to look for better cover. While he was walking for a few hours while taking a breath when he needed to tie rope again or drink a little water from the river he continues his walk.

"where I am" he started asking himself while still don't know where he is and as he was walking more and more he finally come to the route. While seeing it he looked at the ground and while seeing in what direction most horses were going, he walked there. As he was doing it, he collapsed at one point.

While being now in the middle of the route and somehow his mask rolled away when he fell from tree solders meet him and while seeing in what condition he is, they take him and after being put in the wagon they go to the city but before this; they searched his body as they find nothing to steal they know that they will not have some extra money to get drunk.

As they come there, he goes directly to prison for vagrancy. While being throwing there Jim opened his eyes and when he looked that he is somewhere he doesn't know what to do. While being there for some time voice comes to him "so next one for vagrancy".

"I don't know," Jim said.

"You see here in Uskuna we have this rule that everyone can come here," the guy said.

"Where," Jim asked.

"Country in which you are," the guy said.

"Oh, you see my so-called friend kick me to portal and I don't know where I am," Jim said.

"Don't say it make some lie," the guy said.

"Thanks," Jim said to him, and when now one again peace comes, he started thinking about some excuse. When he was doing it solder come and when he gives food to the prisoners Jim take it and while it only was bread and water, he eats it and then he looked at his broken wrist. When his eyes go there, he could see that it's still like it was earlier but it started healing. As he saw it, he still couldn't believe what is happening that he can heal so fast. While he was eating and now, he has a good excuse that he was kicked out from home.

While deciding about it he waited there until solder come again come and while seeing it Jim said "when I can go out".

"Soon as you are young you will soon," solder said while smiling. While seeing it Jim could feel that something is not right but still, he sit and wait. When he was doing it some people come and while seeing prisoners one said "ok I hope to all that this will never happen".

"Yes," everyone said and then one by one cell was opened but only Jims left close. While seeing it he said, "and me".

"You are young so for you something else we prepared," men said.

"Which is," Jim asked.

"You can go out but under one thing," men said.

"Yes," Jim said while looking at his eyes.

"You will disappear from here," men said.

"Ok," Jim said and when he was taken out by two solders Jim walked out from the small city and as he was there, he could see that two soldiers were walking after him. While seeing it he said "what".

"You will disappear," solder said and when he rushed to Jim while having his sword in his hand he said, "but first something else we want".

While seeing it Jim looked at him and as he felt in danger, he used his magic, and as he killed both while using firebolt he looked at them, and then he runs away. As he was running as his life depends on it he disappeared in the forest. While being there he stopped at one point to take a deep breath and when he looked for his mask, he couldn't find it "fuck" he said, and then based on only one road which was going to the city he rushed close to it but not so close. As he was doing it hunger started rising in him and something else. While feeling it he could feel that after some time his body started being weaker. While feeling it he stopped and then he started thinking about what could it is. As for now, he has no idea what it was he comes back to running. When he was doing it his energy goes more down and down but he doesn't stop as he has a bad feeling what can happen next.

In Black Owls base.

From the moment when Jon find out that Jim isn't here, he was impatience and while at sunrise he could finally contact with Martin he said what happened and while hearing his words Martin contacted with his spy in Danbar to know if they haven't sent soldiers to kidnap someone from them but while having to deny answer Martin only said: "wait and search for him". While hearing these words in Jon anger started rising and when everyone wakes up news comes to them about Jim. While hearing them everyone rushed to search for him in the closest area.

As now only Jon and harry were in base Harry said "and what".

"Nothing," Jon said while looking at him.

"So what now," Harry asked.

"I don't know we need to wait and see what will happen but I hope Jim is all right,".

"I hope too," Harry said while looking at Jon and then he said, "we can always ask other units for help".

"No, we will not you should remember what Jim said," Jon said.

"Yes, I remember his words clearly and still I have a bad feeling about toucans," Harry said.

"me too but for now we will wait and if nothing will happen to tomorrow, we will ask for help but only them," Jon said while looking at Harry which nodded, and then they walked out too to search but not close area but harry to Madrif and Jon to Ledo.