
Rise of the Strongest

Jim’s dream was from the start that he wants to become a magic knight. From his young age, he trained a lot by himself when everyone laughs from him as he has the weakest magic power in the village and probably in whole Berties country from which he is from. After he passed his eighteen birthdays, he hasn’t passed the test as he tried a lot but while everyone knows how it will be, and after this; he needed to throw away his dreams and go work as a blacksmith in the closest city. Due to unexpected actions, he loses his memory, and when he landed in Jida; he becomes a magic knight and then his story begins. In which he remembered his past after many fights. His past wasn’t good and one of twelve immortal beasts wakes up fully in him and now he can talk with him not only hear his words from time to time mostly in dangerous situations. “So you want to take revenge,” Immortal beast said. “yes but I don’t want your help now I remember who I am and maybe with help of my new friends I can have revenge,” Jim said while looking at the sky and thinking of his love and the faces of few people which beast show him. When he was doing it he swore revenge after knowing what happened one year ago just before he lost consciousness and because of it he lost his memory. But first, he needed to talk with his captain about it and he might have his help but this route will be full of the death of people and what more important it will mean war against whole nobbles which will be stand in front of them and their countries before he finds persons responsible for what happened to him and more important if he finds who he truly is which was his second dream to know who he truly is and why he was left in an orphanage. ------------- The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Fantasy
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211 Chs

We will go to the capital

When boys with help of El moved a few stones Joe, then started training with them. As he was doing it he looked around and then Adam said to him "move".

"I know but my grip," Joe said.

"Don't look at it just work" Adam said. While hearing those words Jim looked at them and then he moved to help Joe if he would drop this stone. When boys were doing it EL comes back to girls and then she comes back to being a judge. When the night started coming El looked at them and then she said: "I will come here until this".

"Ok," Natasha Ann and Helen said at the same time and when El opened the portal she walked by it. When it happened Jon comes to them and then he asked "so how it's going".

"Good," Helen and Natasha said and then Ann asked, "captain question when this festival will take place,".

"I don't know," Jon said to her and when he has done this they nodded, and then everyone walked back to base to eat and rest. When the next seven days come, they only trained for it Joe tried to have his muscles in better shape which slowly started happening Helen and Natasha had their own training and Jim only observed while playing with the sword which the captain give him. When Jim was doing it he moved his hand around his handle take care of it and what is more important, he moved with it from time to time but he started feeling directs between his own magical sword and this normal one.

When he was doing it he trained too but not so much as he followed the captain's words that everyone is scared about him. While hearing it Jim at first wanted to be happy but when Jon's words come to him "confidence can kill you" he keeps calm and tried to improve himself. When he was doing it Jon come out from his room and when he looked at everyone, he said loud "it will happen in two days so today you can train and tomorrow to dinner later rest are we clear".

"Yes," everyone said to him, and now seeing that they have a full day as dinner for them is coming which El is cooking. While they trained El comes out and then she screamed "food is ready".

"Ok," everyone said and then they walked inside and started eating. When they were doing it members which will participate in ended the food fast and then they go to train. While seeing it Adam said to Joe "try poses".

"Ok," Joe said as he knows that he needs to start doing it while he is full and as he was outside he started showing up his muscles. When he was doing it Helen looked at Natasha who was trying to improve her summon magic which as many colors as she can in one go and she said: "I contacted with dad".

"Oh, something happened to him," Natasha asked.

"No, all good he is so excited about this that he can't wait for this," Helen said while shaking her head. When she has done this Natasha looked at her and she said: "and I haven't talked with mine for a long time maybe I should tell them this,".

"Oh, it might be a good idea let me help you with sending a letter," Helen said while smiling at her.

"Better not," Natasha said to her after short thinking. While hearing her words Helen looked at her and then Helen said "ok" and then they come back to training.

When they were doing it, the rest of the black owls come out, and then they started training or helping. While they were doing it harry looked at Jon and then he said "so it's happening soon".

"Yes," Jon said to him, and when harry nodded he come back to looking at black owls. When it was happening night has come and the next day, everyone started from training, and as dinner time has come resting time comes. When they were doing it each of in their rooms. While it was happening Jon looked at Harry and then he said "they are excited".

"Are you surprised about it?" Harry asked him.

"No, I'm not," Jon said while looking at his vice and then he said, "I hope no dirty tricks will be there".

"There will be for sure," Harry said.

"so let's be prepared," Jon said and when they started discussing everything night has come and when nobody from Black Owls walked out which surprised Jon who with Harry started walking around the rooms and while seeing that everyone is sleeping Harry said, "let's eat and then we need to go sleep too as the festival is starting and who knows what will be there".

"True," Jon said to him, and as they eat they walked to their rooms, and while being there they fall asleep fast. When the day of the festival comes everyone wakes up when the sunrise and while they started eating breakfast Jon looked at them and then he said: "Today we will have a festival".

"Yes," everyone said.

"so please be prepared and soon we will go to the capital," Jon said and when everyone nodded, they have done eating and then they walked to their rooms and while being there they take what they need and while having everything they go down and as they meet El who come not long time ago Jon said, "now we can go".

"Ok," everyone said and as el opened the portal, they walked by it.