
Rise of the Strongest

Jim’s dream was from the start that he wants to become a magic knight. From his young age, he trained a lot by himself when everyone laughs from him as he has the weakest magic power in the village and probably in whole Berties country from which he is from. After he passed his eighteen birthdays, he hasn’t passed the test as he tried a lot but while everyone knows how it will be, and after this; he needed to throw away his dreams and go work as a blacksmith in the closest city. Due to unexpected actions, he loses his memory, and when he landed in Jida; he becomes a magic knight and then his story begins. In which he remembered his past after many fights. His past wasn’t good and one of twelve immortal beasts wakes up fully in him and now he can talk with him not only hear his words from time to time mostly in dangerous situations. “So you want to take revenge,” Immortal beast said. “yes but I don’t want your help now I remember who I am and maybe with help of my new friends I can have revenge,” Jim said while looking at the sky and thinking of his love and the faces of few people which beast show him. When he was doing it he swore revenge after knowing what happened one year ago just before he lost consciousness and because of it he lost his memory. But first, he needed to talk with his captain about it and he might have his help but this route will be full of the death of people and what more important it will mean war against whole nobbles which will be stand in front of them and their countries before he finds persons responsible for what happened to him and more important if he finds who he truly is which was his second dream to know who he truly is and why he was left in an orphanage. ------------- The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Fantasy
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211 Chs

First day of turnament (1)

When the next day has come, Jim wakes up while feeling refreshed, and as he looked around his bed, he could see Eve standing close to it. While seeing her, he said, "something has happened".

"I come to wake you up as food soon will be ready," she said.

"Ok," he said to her and when Eve walked out, Jim changed, and as he walked downstairs, he could see that everyone is there eating, and as he walked to free space Eve to bring him food, and while seeing it has started eating it. When he had done with it he walked back to his room and while being there he takes a short shower and when he had done with it, he changed into battle clothes. While having them Jim looked at himself, and as he takes one sword from the crystal, he hangs it on his side and when he had done, he takes crystal with himself for being while having his sword on his side and he plans not to use it as its treasure which probably family which owned it want to have it back. When he walked out, he comes downstairs, and as nobody was there Jim sit on the couch and then started waiting for rest to come. When he was doing it, they had come not long after, and while they wear normal clothes Jim put his hoodie on and as a mask show up on his face he looked at them, and then the captain of parrots said: "We are going out".

"Ok," everyone said to him and when they walked out, they started walking to the castle. While being there someone saw them and then said "tournament will take place there" and as show the biggest building which saw from far away captain of parrots nodded and then they started walking there. As they come there after around twenty minutes going by the crowd which moved sometimes from their side when they saw unfamiliar masks, and while being there parrot talked with someone in the gates, and while hearing it they were let inside while telling them where room for them is. While hearing it they walked there, and while seeing one big room prepared with a big screen which shows what was happening in the area, there they sit and short talks were ongoing. While this all was happening Helen said "are you nervous".

"No," Jim said and when he removed the hoodie he looked at her, and then he asked, "did my face show that I'm nervous".

"No," she said and then Eve said, "you need to win".

"I will don't worry not for this I trained for so long," Jim said, and when Eve nodded someone come inside and while being there he said, "please participants come with me". While hearing his words Jim and the captain of parrots get up and when they walked out, they followed the person there. When they come to the area captain walked in front and as the starting ceremony has begun the most important people started showing up and they had their talks. While it all was happening, they waited there and as it finally comes to the end tree of the tournament show up and then each country was a show with whom will be fighting. While seeing it Jim hasn't looked against who he will have his fight but when. When he looked there, he could see that he is in the first fight. While seeing it smile show up on his face and while seeing it voice comes "now we will start to please participants of the first fight to be here while the rest go back to their rooms". While hearing it Jim left there, and when he looked at who his opponent is he waited for some time and while seeing the girl there he smiled and then he said: "let's have a good fight".

"Yes," she said and then they waited for it to begun.

When this all was happening Helen informant Jon that Jim will have his fight now, and as she sends a text to him she looked at eve and she said "so who will win".

"I hope that Jim but based on her posture she might," Megan said.

"Yes, she has well and we still don't know which magic she is using," Sofia said. When she said it parrot said, "earth I don't know which type exactly,".

"Oh, so easy win," eve said.

"Why you think like that," the sparrow said.

"Ann use in our and she is a monster of it," Eve said and when she smiled sparrow said, "I'm unit where I am is earth user and he is strongest one,".

"be quiet he will lose to her," the eagle said, and when they looked at each other captain of parrots come back and when he looked at them he said, "what is happening".

"Nothing," they said to him, and when he looked at them he nodded, and then he started observing it.

In another room.

"Mom are you sure," the woman asked.

"Yes, I'm sure he will have problems," the elderly woman said.

"My child will win," the woman said.

"Keep quiet," the elderly said while punching her daughter in the forehead. When she had done this she added "I know that your son is strong but I have no data about him".

"don't worry he will be fine," the woman said, and when she looked at her mother doors opened, and when older men come inside, he looked at his two beloved women's and then he said, "it's rare that you watch this".

"You know honey I like from time to time to do this," the older woman said and when she comes closer to her husband he said, "so it's starting now".

"Yes, let's watch it and see what will happen," Greg said and when they sit they started watching as the fight will begin in a few seconds.