
Rise of The Strongest Hunter

In the midst of a world constantly attacked by malevolent demons who comes from a hellish dimension, the only hope for humanity lies with the 'Hunters'. They were exceptional humans born with the mystical power of mana and had been fighting the eternal war against demons since the beginning of humanity’s history. In the middle of this eternal war between humanity and demons, a boy was born in the deepest trenches of destitution, whose destiny was marked by profound struggle and heartbreak from the moment of his birth. His life takes a tragic turn when he loses his only beacon of love and support, his mother, to a devastating act that left him confused and broken, leaving him alone to navigate the world's harsh realities. From the ashes of his despair, he finds himself forced into a year of cruel hardship and then sold to a powerful family of Hunters, where he experiences firsthand the relentless brutality and grandeur of their world. But destiny, cruel yet compelling, had different plans for this young boy. While being surrounded by the shadows of darkness, he awakens a power hidden in his blood that would make him live a harrowing life filled with trials and tribulations. Yet, this power helps him rise from the ashes and fly so high that Hunters would look up at him in awe and worship him while the demons would cower in fear as their legs tremble. But...is his story as simple as that? Read and find out how his journey unfolds… -- This novel is the prequel to my other novel "Damned Demon". Both have the same MC but there is no need to read that novel to read this since each novel can be read without reading the other, though you can if you want to. There might be slight variations in this novel compared to the details mentioned in the Damned Demon novel to make this novel more compelling. But all the important events will remain the same just like how the origin stories of comic characters are mostly the same. ===== Discord Link https://discord.gg/HjWkd4nB3z =====

Resurgent · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Elegant Foreigner

Before Andrei could make sense of what was happening, the mysterious kid darted towards him with lightning speed.


The world spun as a well-executed roundhouse kick connected with his face, sending him sprawling onto the cold floor.

Pain blossomed across his cheek, but before he could gather his bearings, the small figure straddled him, their tiny yet strong hands closing around his neck.

Andrei gasped, his lungs screaming for air as his vision started to blur. His heart pounded against his ribcage, each beat echoing the fear coursing through his veins. This wasn't a friendly intervention. This kid was trying to kill him.

Fighting back the wave of panic, he gritted his teeth and clutched at the hands choking him. He summoned every ounce of strength left in his body, muscles straining under the effort.

Slowly, he managed to pry their grip from his throat. Both their arms trembled in the struggle for dominance, but Andrei felt his strength gradually overpowering theirs. The masked figure looked at his hands, their body language expressing surprise.

Seizing the moment, Andrei released one of their wrists, aiming a strike at their throat.

He remembered Irina's advice once again, but this figure's reflexes were faster than he anticipated.

Their hand shot up, stopping his attack mid-air with a swift precision that was hard to believe coming from someone their age.

As suddenly as they had attacked, they let go of Andrei and bolted out of the door.

Andrei was left lying on the floor, his hand instinctively rubbing the red, throbbing mark on his neck.

Confusion and fear coiled in his stomach. For a moment there, he thought his life was over.

He couldn't comprehend which kid that was and why they were trying to kill him while hiding their face.

Suddenly, Andrei got startled when Ivan stormed into the dilapidated toilet, his eyes quickly taking in the scene.

Andrei, with blood staining his lips, a fallen claw hammer, and the unconscious bodies of Alexei and Boris. His jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing into thin slits.

"What the hell happened here?" Ivan's voice reverberated through the tiny room, an audible manifestation of his rage.

Andrei winced, the intimidating presence of Ivan further aggravating his fear. In a trembling voice, he explained, "Alexei and Boris... they attacked me... And then... someone else... with a mask..."

Ivan's brows furrowed, his gaze sharp and scrutinizing, "You're saying you knocked these two out?"

Andrei swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. If he lied and Ivan found out, the consequences would be worse.

Yet, telling the truth felt like willingly walking into the lion's den.

But he had no choice. Nodding, he stammered, "I... I knocked out Alexei... but I didn't mean to. The kid...with the mask...they knocked out Boris."

A guttural grunt left Ivan's throat as he processed the information, "Go back to your quarters," he finally ordered, his voice icy. His gaze lingered on Andrei, scanning him from head to toe. How could this small kid knock out a bigger one like Alexei?

Ivan's mind reeled back to the small silhouette he had seen fleeing the scene. He decided to investigate this masked kid, but for now, he had to deal with Alexei and Boris.

As Andrei scampered off, a mixture of fear and relief etched on his face, though a subtle smile hung on his lips, feeling satisfied that this time he was the one who didn't end up getting thrashed like before.

A week later,

The serene afternoon was punctuated by the thunderous purr of an engine as a classic, luxurious black car rolled up to the entrance of the dilapidated orphanage.

Its shiny, polished exterior seemed oddly out of place amid the grim setting. The gates of the orphanage opened, revealing Marfa, Ivan, and a few burly men.

They looked on, their faces etched with anticipation, awaiting the person who was to disembark from the lavish vehicle.

As the car's door swung open, a young 20-year-old woman of arresting beauty stepped out. She was a statuesque figure, her body boasting an hourglass shape and an ample bosom.

Dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit and matching pants, her attire highlighted her elegance and authoritative aura. Her black hair was neatly tied into a bun, and her captivating blue eyes were cool and composed, exuding a sense of quiet dominance.

"Miss Elizabeth," Marfa greeted with a warm smile, stepping forward, "Welcome back to Russia. How fare things in Britain?"

Elizabeth raised her hand in a dismissive gesture, "Let's skip the pleasantries, Marfa. Is everything ready?"

The response was immediate, Marfa nodding eagerly, "Of course, Miss Elizabeth. The goods are ready. We've selected the best we could and you and your boss won't be disappointed."

"Good," A thin smile tugged at the corners of Elizabeth's lips as she followed Marfa and her men into the orphanage.


Ivan's grip on Andrei's shoulder was firm as he guided him into Marfa's office.

Andrei could feel his heart pounding against his chest. He was sure he was going to be reprimanded for the incident with Alexei and Boris, though he wondered why it took them a week to decide to do this.

Yet, as he was ushered into the room, his eyes landed on an unexpected sight. There was Irina, sitting in a chair, her usual stoic expression fixed on her face when suddenly she turned her neck and stared at him for a few seconds before looking away.

Andrei blinked his eyes, wondering what that was about.

But his attention was soon caught by another figure. Seated across Marfa's desk was a woman who emanated a sense of unfamiliar sophistication.

Her tailored black suit and her appearance seemed foreign to the confines of the orphanage.

Andrei found himself stealing glances at her, intrigued and intimidated all at once. He quickly averted his gaze as she turned to look at him, an enigmatic expression playing on her features.

Elizabeth's sharp gaze studied Andrei, taking in the dirt-streaked face, the thin yet toned frame, and the cautious gaze. There was something about the boy's demeanor that intrigued her.

Quietly, she watched as Andrei was motioned to sit next to Irina, his movements tentative and nervous.

"You two," Ivan's gruff voice broke the silence, "Keep quiet unless spoken to," He pointed at Andrei and Irina. Andrei and Irina gave a swift nod in response, a clear sign of their understanding.

The atmosphere shifted subtly as Elizabeth moved from her position across the desk, her steps as elegant and poised as her demeanor.

Andrei watched as she seated herself on the sofa beside them, her presence emanating an unplaceable warmth.

An unfamiliar scent wafted into his senses - sweet, floral, and distinctly feminine, a fragrance that was foreign yet captivating.

How could a person smell so good?

Elizabeth turned her attention to Irina first, her voice calm yet commanding, "How did you end up here?" she asked.

Andrei was taken aback, seeing how she knew their language and how she had a flawless Russian accent, adding yet another layer to the intriguing mystery that she was.

Irina took a moment before answering, her gaze lowered and her fists slowly clenching, "My father abandoned me after my mother's death," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "He stole the money that my mother had saved, and left me behind to buy booze and escape town. I was left with nowhere else to go, so I ended up here."

Andrei blinked his eyes with a soft gaze, realizing her life before coming here was bad just like his but in a different way.

Elizabeth listened, her expression unreadable as she took in Irina's words.

She then turned her attention to Andrei, her hazel eyes meeting his. He tried to avert his gaze, but the intensity of her stare was disconcerting.

"And what's your story?" she asked, her voice somehow softer than before while taking in his subtle gestures and expression.

The memories flooded back to Andrei - the night his mother took her own life, her desperate words, and the desolation that followed. He could feel his throat tighten, his eyes welling up as he struggled to speak.

Seeing Andrei's difficulty, Elizabeth quickly interjected, "It's alright. You don't have to share if you don't want to." With those words, she stood and made her way back to Marfa, leaving Andrei feeling a strange sense of relief wash over him.

Elizabeth gave a curt nod as Marfa inquired, "So…are they to your satisfaction?"

"Yes, they both seem well-suited for the job," she responded, her words succinct and direct.

Marfa paused for a moment before venturing further, "Which one will you be taking?"

Elizabeth fixed her gaze on the two kids seated across the room, contemplating for a few seconds, "I will take both of them," she finally declared, her tone firm and decisive.

Marfa's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you certain? Is Mister Evangelion willing to pay for both?" she asked, trying to mask the shock in her voice.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed at her question, her voice taking a subtly sharper tone, "Are you implying that someone like him can't?"

Marfa immediately shook her head in denial, "Oh, no, Miss Elizabeth. I did not mean to give that impression. No soul in this world dare underestimate Mister Evangelion's capabilities," she hastily reassured, "I simply thought he was looking for just one."

Elizabeth folded her arms across her chest, "An extra hand is always useful," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well, in that case, we shall follow Mister Evangelion's wishes. He is our generous benefactor, after all," Marfa acquiesced, her tone still holding traces of surprise.

She then ventured to ask a question that had been burning in her mind, "May I ask why Mister Evangelion wants to pick these kids from here? Surely, he could find someone closer to home?"

Elizabeth looked over at Andrei and Irina, her gaze thoughtful, "My boss believes that those who have endured hardship, who have fought for survival, understand the value of life better. Besides, these children have no ties to anyone and nowhere else to go, so they are less likely to abandon their duties or run away once they experience a better life."

Marfa nodded in understanding, "Of course, that makes sense. Well, we will send those two on your way as soon as possible."

Are they getting shipped off? :#

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