
Chapter 4

Lower level creatures run in cower and the tranquil surroundings evolved in chaos.

Beastial instincts shouting danger. He's back shivers


John ,for two weeks of smooth sailing venture, became so calm believing everything is under his control and manipulation.

But life is ever changing . Mishaps could happen everytime.

His seemingly seamless deduction gone haywire with just one single ignored variable.

His instinct is screaming. His body became stiff. He's in panic.

'How could I salvage the situation?'

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Wind blades ravaged the surrounding 1 kilometer radius with a ferocious Three-legged Golden Eagle as the center.


All snake type beasts felt the natural fear of facing their nemesis.

Even the other beasts sensed the aura of danger.

Would he die....


"No way"

A scream of rage escaped from his mouth. His shaking pupils start to stabilize.

'I'm a snake bit with a human soul. I'm not afraid.'

'I faced death once. Why shake in cower?'

Thinking of this ,he slowly turned his head above, towards the creature that cast the shadow in his flowing blood, the blood of a snake.



An explosion in his mind lifted the crawling fear in his tensed muscles.

'Ding, Awakened an ability, Will of the Oppressed'

'Will of the Oppressed. An ability to withstand pressure from higher ranking creature and release its own oppressive power. Calm the mind letting the user to think in the middle of an impossible battle.'

John regained his calm and face the enemy with keen eyes.

How did this eagle have such an effect on him?

The White Tiger couldn't even make it. How did this eagle become different?

And there he sensed it , with clarity he felt it,

A peak Level 6 creature, nearing the legendary level 7 of this wilderness.

A ruler that appeared to claim the spot and dominate the overlords.


A roar sounded from the distance .

Crash and Flash

Lighting strike and smoke screened John's vision.

Then a figured revealed itself from the dispersing smoke with majesty.


Another Roar and the White Tiger announced his arrival.

But the surprise never ended there.

Because there and then other mighty creatures rush in to join the party.

A Rock-Armored Giant Pangolin. Earth Elemental Creature , Overlord of the South.

A Gargantuan-Island Turtle . Water Elemental Creature, Overlord of East.

A Fire-Mane Snake-Tailed Lion, a chimera. Fire Elemental Creature, Overlord of the North.

Four powerful overlords arrived surrounding the trouble maker.

Things are becoming interesting. A big battle is about to begin.

John became a bit relieved. Though he's temporarily out of trouble, a early stage level 5 like him could still die if he's caught in the middle of crossfire.