
Shimazu Takeru

A/N: A lot of research was put into this so that it would be historically accurate with slight changes so I hope you all enjoy it.

October 13,2023

North Memphis, Tennessee

The sky was dark and the air was calm. Not a single cloud or star in sight. Inside a normal sized house, there was a teenage boy who had turned 18 not too long ago. The boy looked very average with his brown hair and dark brown eyes.

His build wasn't anything to brag about either, but he worked out from time to time to stay in shape and not become some lazy fatass. He worked at a Chick-fil-a on Union and Summer as a manager. His paycheck was good and he was somewhat of a loner. Well a popular loner after he found out what that means.

The boy's name was Alex Jackson. Currently he was sitting in his bedroom on his phone as he talked to people in discord. He wasn't a social person because it basically drained him and his head would start hurting like crazy.

On the phone he was able to converse normally and although he doesn't sound like he's showing emotions, using emojis helps with getting his fillings across.

«To be honest, If I was a swordsman all three haki would be all I need.» One of his friends said.

«Yeah, but with haki it would take too long to master and let's be honest, you wouldn't even want to do 10 push-ups.» Alex replied.

«Lol. I'd at least try to get there.»


«Hold on, my doordash is here. Brb.»

After sending that, he got from his bed and went to answer the door. He opened the door and immediately froze in his step.

"I should really beat your ass right now." The man said as he held a gun to his head.

"For what?" Alex asked.

"For what? FOR WHAT? I had to wait in that long ass line at Chick-fil-a because your lame ass wanted some fucking food. It's Saturday bruh!!" He yelled.

"Bruh, all you had to do was decline mine and you wouldn't have had to do it. How is this my fault?"

"If you wasn't so fucking hungry we wouldn't be in this situation. Take this damn food before I do something to you!!" He said and shoved the bag of food into his chest.

He put the gun away and stomped back to his car. Alex closed the door, but started hearing the faint sound of a car engine. It wasn't the car in his driveway and so he peeked through a window and all he saw was the high beams of a truck before his vision went dark.

—Some Time Later—

"Where am I?" He asked as he suddenly gained consciousness. Although he could think, he couldn't see, couldn't feel, and he didn't know if he was moving or not.

The darkness made it impossible to deduce distance. He tried putting his hands out, but as he did he saw that his hands were a transparent grey color. He looked at both of his hands and suddenly realized his situation.

'I'm dead and this is my soul. What else could be the answer?' He thought. He wasn't on drugs because he didn't like them and had asthma. He also didn't drink, so he wasn't drunk.

"That was lame. I was expecting you to flip out and have a whole fit, but oh well." He heard a voice that seemed to be going in and out of existence.

"Are you god? I didn't really believe you existed, but I guess I stand corrected." Alex said.

"No, I'm not God. There isn't one god anyway. I'm just a higher ranked one, so I'm able to do things like this." It explained.

"I see. I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but why am I here? Usually this is when some reincarnation crap happens right?" Alex asked in his normal voice.

"Not in this exact space, but you're right. You of all people should be jumping for joy in this situation." The deity said.

"I am on the inside, but doing it physically is just draining. Even more so than yelling." Alex said with a sigh.

"I see. In that case, let's get this on this show on the road shall we? I presume you already know where I'm going with this?"

Alex nodded his transparent head and began thinking.

"I'd like to go to the world of the Drifters, before Toyohisa was killed in battle." He said.

"That's unexpected from you, but I already have a grasp on your ideals, personality, and philosophy. Otherwise your soul would be pure white." The deity noted.

Alex had already known that the way he thought about things would get him destroyed socially if they were made public. He wasn't a messed up guy or anything, but people hate uniqueness and if you aren't conforming with them then you're against them.

"I've always liked the Drifters anime. Although I don't seem like it now, when I get in the groove of things I'll be locked in and ready to work since it'll actually mean something." He said.

"I can see. Not tell me your wishes so we can both be on our way." The deity said.

"How many do I get?"


"First, I'd like to have a body with no physical or mental limitations and that my capabilities grow as I get stronger."


"Next, I want the sword style of Roronoa Zoro."


"Lastly, can I have knowledge of some martial arts like Krav Maga, LINE, and Ninjutsu?" Alex asked.

"I can do that. Well then, I'll be sending you off." The deity voiced.

"Thank you for the op-…" Before Alex could speak, he vanished and began his new life as Shimazu Takeru.

July 3, 1570

Kyushu Island, Satsuma Province

Sadowara Castel

"Quickly Quickly, bring water and towels!!" Ordered an Imperial Samurai. The peasants he ordered, ran off quickly to get the items he wished for as he stood by the nursing ward of his Lord's castle.

"DAMN IT IEHISA I'LL KILL YOU!!" Yelled a woman who's screeching would be mistaken for a banshee. Soon the peasants came back with two gourds of water and two big towels. He slid the door open as they quickly walked into the room.

There was a woman on a table with a big stomach and watery eyes as she grit her teeth holding the hands of a man. The man had black hair with some gray areas and yellow eyes, but he looked to be about 50 or so. He was 5'7 and had the body of a trained warrior although it was hidden by his kimono.

This was the Castle Lord, Iehisa Shimazu. The woman he was with was his wife. Nejime Shimazu. She had long black hair that had been disheveled because of her situation, dark grey eyes and was pale at the moment.

Next to her was a medical expert which was rare during this time period.

"I need you to push one more time." He said. She yelled to the top of her lungs as the physician helped deliver the last baby. The first born son was already getting cleaned, so that the mother could hold him when she's ready.

The medical expert used a scalpel and cut the umbilical cord. The baby was covered in blood and was crying it's heart out. Nejime was breathing heavily as she fell back and released the grip on her husband's hand.

Quickly Iehisa grabbed the gourd and raised her up a bit with luscious pillows as he helped her drink the water. He started wiping the sweat from her forehead and neck as the imperial samurai gave the physician a bag of 300 silver pieces.

"Thank you." The physician said as he grabbed the samurai's hand and bowed. The samurai bowed his head a bit as well and the physician was escorted out of the castel and to the carriage back to his prefecture.

"How are you feeling?" Iehisa asked Nejime as she sat there with stabilized breathing.

"Where are my babies?" She asked, ignoring his question.

"Quickly bring us our children!" Iehisa ordered. The peasants ran off again and after a while they came back with two sleeping babies. Both were wrapped in red cloth that had the Shimazu symbol in white.

"What should we name them?" Nejime asked as she grabbed the one on the right. They both woke up and opened their eyes although they couldn't see. The one Nejime was holding had light grey eyes like herself and the one Iehisa was holding had yellow eyes like him.

"I'll name this one…Shimazu Toyohisa. What do you think?" Nejime asked.

"It sounds good. Like the name of a general. Hmm, I'll call you…Shimazu Takeru. I hope you both grow up to be fierce warriors and lead us to many victories." Iehisa said in a gentle tone.

He looked over to his wife and saw that she had fallen asleep just as the baby in her arms.

He quietly called in one of the peasants to come get the child and so they did. While she was sleeping he went to pray to Izanami, the god of creation, Hachiman, the god of warriors and to Sojobo, the god of strength.

This was all in hope that his children grow up to be strong men while leading a happy life. For the rest of the day he let everyone rest and went to bed with his wife.

Next chapter