
Rise of the Shadow Prince

Shadows were persecuted throughout the world. Will Ray find out about the cause of it and overcome it as a shadow prince.

DaoistM9fIfY · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Shadow Prince

Soul continent, Ninth Heaven. In a bamboo forest, a woman was laying on the ground with a man. The lady was a classic example of picturesque beauty as if she was a goddess. Her blue eyes and silver hair gave her a unique charm. The man was handsome with a powerful aura. He was tall and had broad shoulders. The flowing red hair gave him an unrestrained aura like he was a blazing sun.

'Clara, I'll have a breakthrough in less than a year and then I'll declare our relationship to the whole world. Even my clan won't have nothing to question at that time.'

'Umm'. The lady just nodded her head and snuggled into the man's arm.

'Rick', the lady wanted to say something but clearly was hesitant.

'Don't say anything. Today I want to forget everything and just love you.'

The night was peaceful with lingering romance in the air.

Early morning next day.

'I am going to celebrate the success of the last mission with my friends. I will come find you at the city plaza tomorrow.'

'Ok'. The lady smiled at him. He gently rubbed her hair and both of them went their own way.

Next day, the lady was in a city plaza that was bustling with crowd of people. They had decided to meet here today. She was a little early so she went to a nearby restaurant to pass some time. On her way to the restaurant, she heard some gossip.

'Did you hear that 'The Golden Sun' and 'The Sea Goddess' are going to get married?'

'They sure made a perfect couple. The man is as handsome and powerful as a god and the woman is as beautiful as a goddess. They are match made in heaven.'

'The Sea Goddess has openly admitted her admiration for The Golden Sun but he has never acceded to her love, has he?'

'Who would dare reject a beautiful fairy such as the Sea Goddess? I envy the Golden Sun.'

'Hmmm, you dare to envy him. Do you even qualify? People like us can only admire them from far.'

'Something might have happened. Someone had seen them coming out of the Celestial Pavilion together early in the morning. The goddess was crying and the man was consoling her.'

When the beautiful lady heard the crowd, her heart skipped a beat. She didn't want to believe what she heard but an unusual fear gripped her heart. She decided to determine the truth herself. So she made her way to the Celestial Pavilion.

Celestial Pavilion was a hotel in the center of the city. It was the best hotel in the city of Lexus. There was a huge crowd outside the pavilion. Clara squeezed herself through the crowd and reached the front. But she didn't reveal herself and hide herself behind a person. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was shocked to the core. Tears started flowing uncontrollably.

'Don't cry Anna.' Rick was trying to console Anna (The Sea Goddess). She had a jade like complexion and blue wavy hair. But she was looking a little downcast at the moment.

'It doesn't matter Rick, I….' Anna said weakly as if to say something.

'I didn't do it on purpose. I was drunk. I...' Rick was going crazy. He couldn't believe what happened last night. How could I lose my consciousness over a few drinks? And even more so how could I do that to Anna? Looking at the weak appearance of the girl before him, he felt bad for her but thinking about Clara, he was feeling anxious.

'No matter what, you have to take responsibility for her, Rick' said a man walking towards them. He was tall with big biceps. He came with a wild look like a bull.

Looking at the man coming Rick had a flare of anger arose in his hearts but he calmed his heart soon after. 'Hmm, you don't need to meddle in my business'

The onlookers were surprised yet they had a vague understanding of what was going on. Everyone were discussing within their own groups in low voice so as not to be heard by the main parties. Some were saying that Rick raped Anna while he was drunk while some were saying it was consensual. Hearing the crowd and watching the scene before her eyes, Clara felt as if she was struck by lightning. She didn't know what to do or where to go. Ask him what happened? What has happened has already happened, what's the meaning of asking? And how does that change the situation? She quietly left the scene without giving a second look. She wanted to go far away from all this.

A year later. Glory city. A lady with a silver hair and blue eyes was holding a baby in her arms. The baby had silver hair like the lady but his eyes were black. At first the baby's eyes were scarlet red like burning sun but just a day after his birth, his eyes turned pitch black. The lady was obviously Clara. She was smiling at the baby. Her face was so beautiful that any man would want to go to even to the depths of hell just for the smile on her face. However just then she felt something. The smile on her face disappeared and a cold look appeared in her face. She handed the baby to an old lady beside her and disappeared in thin air.

'Hohoho, just when we thought we lost track of you. So you were hiding in such a desolate place among those mortals.' A man with an arrogant look said with a fake laughter. Surprisingly the man had silver hair just like the woman.

'It's none of your business' said Clara coldly.

'Hahaha, it is my business alright. Why are you hiding in such a remote place? What about the mission the elder handed to you? Shouldn't you give me an explanation?

'I don't have to explain anything to you.'

'Don't you know the situation in Soul continent right now? Why have you not reported back? What's your motive of coming to this place at a time like this?' the man retorted back with a faint trace of anger.

'What happened? I had an issue to sort out that's why I came here. Don't try to meddle in my affairs or don't blame me for being cruel.' Clara said in a threatening manner.

Hearing her words, the man felt fear deep within his heart. Even though the lady was beautiful like a fairy, he knew how strong and cruel she really was. He was silent for a moment. 'The Soul continent is in chaos. The Golden Son married the Sea Goddess a year before. But two days after the marriage, he killed The Wild Boar. The Wild Boar's clan wanted to punish The Golden sun but instead they were defeated by him and even several powerful experts were killed and there were many other casualties. After that he announced he would travel to the dark world to fight against those dark races. After his departure, there had been power struggle in the continent ever since.'

He married her and left for the dark world? She thought inwardly. There was sadness and despair as well as worry in her heart. However, she didn't say anything and there was no change in her expression. Just when she was about to speak, a voice came behind her.

'Clara, the child is crying non-stop.' The old lady whom she had handed the baby came running.

'This….' The man with the silver hair wanted to say something but when he saw Clara looking at him with cold murderous eyes, he felt a chill run down his spine.

'You know too much' saying this Clara moved in a lightning speed and appeared before the man. She directly grabbed his throat. He wanted to speak but except an unclear and desperate "No" nothing came from his mouth. He knew his death was certain. Clara dragged him far and threw him to the ground. Seeing himself being free, the man tried to escape but just as he stood up. He was cleaved in two from head to toe.

Clara returned to where the lady was and took the baby in her arms. The lady was dumbfounded with what she had seen. Clara whom she had always perceived as a docile and gentle girl was grabbing a man by his throat and she could guess the end of it. She wanted to ask Clara but she was interrupted by her 'let's head to the home first.'

'Uncle and aunt, you two have taken care of me like your own daughter. I'm really grateful for your kindness. It's time for me to leave but it's not safe for little Ray to be with me. Please take care of him for me. I'll come for him in the future. One more thing, don't tell about me to anyone including little Ray.'

She reluctantly handed the baby to the old lady. Caressing the cheek of the little baby she smiled with tears in her eyes. She took out a pendant she was wearing and placed it on the baby's chest. 'Little Ray, this is the least mother can do for you. I hope you won't have to use it.'

'Uncle, Aunt, take care. Goodbye'

'Take care of yourself Clara and don't worry about little Ray' Both of them replied.

'Umm'. With a slight nod, she disappeared with the wind as if she was never there.