
Rise of the Shadow Prince

Shadows were persecuted throughout the world. Will Ray find out about the cause of it and overcome it as a shadow prince.

DaoistM9fIfY · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Passing the exam

Ray found himself inside a dense forest. It was too realistic. If he didn't remember entering the formation, he might think this is a real forest. He walked slowly while observing his surroundings. There were tall trees everywhere. He couldn't even see the top. He slowly crept up beside a tree. He heard a screech and tilted his sideways.

Suddenly he saw a monkey coming towards him hanging in a thick vine. Just as the monkey was a few feet away from him, the monkey let go of the vine and leaped towards him in a frightening manner showing its claws and sharp teeth. Ray had no time to think and grasped the monkey's shadow. The monkey came to a halt in mid-air within and fell down on the ground. Taking his chance, Ray slashed the monkey's throat with his blade. The surroundings began to change. Ray didn't even get the chance to look at the dead monkey when he was back to the ground where the spectators were waiting for the result.

"Why is he already out? Did he fail so quickly?" Everyone had the same thing in mind.

"He passed the test. If he had failed, he wouldn't be transported out so soon. Either he would be dead or struggling till the end of the test. The only reason he is out is because he passed the test." The old man said in a shocking manner.

"Impossible! He has been there for only a few breathes of time. How can he pass so quickly? Doesn't it mean that he defeated a level 1 beasts in so short time?" another person chimed in. Even more people couldn't believe when they heard this.

"Brat what happened inside? Why are you out so fast?" an elder asked.

"I defeated the beast and the formation sent me out. Is there a problem?" replied Ray nonchalantly.

"Arrogant brat, I'm asking you what happened? Tell me in detail."

"There was a monkey and I killed it." He casually said.

"He has definitely cheated. Otherwise, how could he pass so quickly. He isn't even willing to explain what happened clearly." The elder was clearly dissatisfied with Ray.

"Where does it say that I need to explain myself and you said I cheated? Tell me how did I cheat?" Ray was not bowing down. Perhaps if the elder asked in a polite manner he would answer honestly but since the elder was disrespectful, why would he bow to him. Tit for tat.

A cruel intent passed by the elder's eyes. A child who was stinking of his mother's milk was answering him back in an arrogant tone. But he could not answer back or deal with him in public. Instead, he turned towards the old man with the scar.

"Grand elder, please disqualify this stinking brat. He surely cheated and not even willing to explain. He isn't polite to his elders. Such a person will only degrade the academy's reputation."

The grand elder narrowed his eyes. "Tell me how exactly did he cheat?"

The elder shut his mouth begrudgingly. He only wanted to accuse Ray but didn't know how he cheated or if he even cheated.

"Little boy, you passed the test. Stand aside and wait for others to finish. Don't be overbearing to elders though." The old man said with an emotionless face.

"I understand." Ray said but curved his mouth to give a sly smile.

Half an hour later, a boy came out of the formation. The boy was half a head taller than his peers. He was the same boy who reached the fourth floor first in the potential assessment test earlier.

"Hahaha, I am the first to finish the power test, right?" the boy quacked loudly.

Everyone was dumbfounded with his narcissistic attitude. The boy realized something was odd. He looked around and saw a boy standing beside the elders and recognized him immediately. He saw the same boy who he saw going up the fifth floor in the previous test.

Could he have passed the test before him? The boy was flabbergasted. His timing of half an hour was already an outstanding performance compared to the performances in the test in previous years. He knew this from his grandpa. The boy had an embarrassing expression after realizing the truth.

Another half an hour passed by. Another 16 people came out one by one. These were the ones who have managed to reach the fourth floor. Only one boy who hadn't reached the fourth floor passed before the one-hour mark.

During the next hour many started to came out. But they were clearly in a very bad shape. Most have blood stains in theirs and wounds all over their body. Some had even lost their limbs. For children of age 12, it was a gruesome scene to watch but it was a cruel world filled with dangers. One cannot grow to become strong without fighting hardships and facing challenges. Even life or death situations were normal.

The bell rang and marked the two hours deadline. 312 students have passed the assessment. Out of the 1053 remaining after the first test only 312 managed to passed the second test. Of the 1053, more than 200 died during the test. Those who survived but failed the test were not in any good shape either. Wounds and scars were not as hurtful as not passing the test for them though. Their relatives had even more disappointing looks.

"Let me declare the end of the second test. The 312 of you shall head towards the place for the third test. The third test is a test of personality. You will step inside the formation. The test will only take 15 minutes and there will not be any danger."

Everyone was relieved to hear that there would not be any more dangerous situation. So, they started to head inside the formation in an excited manner.

It was an illusion formation. All of them faced the same situation. Situations where they would have to make various choices. Fifteen minutes later everyone finished. All the participants have bewildered expressions. It was like they had faced a great shock.

"I hereby announce the end of the entrance examinations. Congratulations to those who have passed."

"Grand elder what was the result of the third test." Asked an elder with a curious tone.

"Didn't you hear me? All of them passed. Don't think about the things you shouldn't know. Ehh?" The grand elder left with the girl with the ponytail after saying that. After leaving the crowd, the grand elder seems to have a panicked expression. He didn't say anything to the girl and immediately went to the inner courtyard of the academy.