
Rise of the Senju

WARNING: NOT CURRENTLY UPDATING! After a drunk one night-stand Tsunade Senju finds herself pregnant, the elemental nations will never be the same again... Being reborn into the elemental nations was far from being the ideal situation for Kazuki Senju. Toddlers being trained by the military to become preteen soldiers and expected to die before reaching adulthood is all well and good in a manga but, in real life, it is just unacceptable. Unable to see children becoming killing machines Kazuki decides he'd follow his great grandfather's footsteps, Hashirama Senju made the warring states era obsolete, Kazuki is gonna make the Hidden village's era obsolete or die trying and, with his cheat of a bloodline, he may even manage it. After losing everyone she ever cared about in life Tsunade finaly managed to find some happiness in her new son and no one, absolutly NO ONE, is gonna take it away from her! She's gonna make sure of it even if she needs to surpass her grandfather to do so.

CaptaoCav · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

Kazuki was seven years and two months old and he was annoyed, although he was starting to try and stick to walls again his mother still refused to unlock his seal, his cousin had also stopped training his chakra control with him and Kazuma not only continued to refuse to teach him any jutsu or even their hand seals he had also started to take longer and longer between visits so, without anything to distract him, he had started to become very irritated.

His only enjoyment was chakra sensing, the skill came easier and easier to him as time went on, now he could already sense the great majority of those with their chakra network unlocked and, if he concentrated hard enough to block everything else, he could even learn things about them, he was pretty sure Tou and Kazuma had lightning nature in their chakra and both his mother and Yugai probably had water affinity, his own affinity was still unclear since the seal interfered with it and he was now trying to sense people's natures with chakra, he briefly remembered Karin doing something similar in the manga so he knew it was possible and would make for a great skill as a noble, warrior or ninja.

The damn seal on his chakra network was unbearable, well it wasn't really unbearable he was clearly bearing the thing for years now but it was beyond aggravating making channeling chakra so hard he looked like he was constipated most of the time he tried, it was not a good look.

Concentrating hard he shut his eyes tightly and laid a hand against the tall tree's bark, it immediately slipped so he concentrated hard and tried again, when his palm locked onto the bark without slipping or blowing up he put one of his feet on the bark and did the same, then he pushed himself up and started climbing the tree like an arthritic spider-man.

He could have climbed the tree like a normal boy but that would make his reward far less satisfying.

Fifteen minutes later he pulled himself up and sat down on one of the tallest branches that still remained well concealed, he was covered in sweat from her to toe and breathing hard, the experience having drained every scrap of chakra in his body and exercised his muscles into exhaustion, catching his breath he pushed himself on his knees and looked.

"Nooooooooooooooo" his mournful cry was released as quietly as he could "Another burst, damn pampered nobles!"

Kazuki only hit the jackpot one in every seven or eight times but he still tried every day, today had been especially bad leaving him scratching at his eyes and wishing the ninja world had bleach to se could forget the vision of hell, the daimyo's own wife and two of her sisters taking their bath without even one towel between them, tired as he had been he was not fast enough to turn his head away and the image was forever branded into his mind.

At least he wasn't an uchiha, without a sharingan he could get older and the memory of this hell would fade, those red eyes truly were a curse upon their bearer.

Demoralized Kazuki didn't even wait for his chakra to recover and just started climbing down the normal way, he would go play shogi with Asuma and then go home earlier today, the blow to his mind had been too great.

Laying on all four on the ground he took deep breaths and tried to think happy thoughts, then he pushed himself up and continued towards Asuma's house by the palace, some of the outer guards nodded at him while other ignored his presence trying to appear stoic and hard working in their samurai armor and ornamental helmets.

Over the years Kazuki had gotten to know the outer guards fairly well despite most of them refusing to talk with a child, they were all second sons of lesser families whose chakra network had been awakened, some had been army captains, others lead the guard on big cities and a few had even been wandering samurai for a while hunting down bandits and rogue ninja but all of them had proved themselves to the daimyo and became guards in the palace.

Kazuki didn't know how useful samurai would be as guards in a world full of ninja but he guessed they could stop bandits or another country's soldiers from killing the daimyo, or at least they could look impressive while the twelve ninja guardians did it.

One of said guards bowed to him and opened the little patch that lead into the house of the heir to the sarutobi clan, Asuma himself was sitting on the porch already with the game board laid out for him, he was in deep thought and seemed to be replaying an old game.

Kazuki wasn't the best at shogi, he probably wasn't even that good at it, but the man enjoyed it so much he probably found it fun to teach him so they played at least once a week, either that or he was trying to get some brownie points with his mother and score himself a date but he was a ninja so there was no chance of that happening in this life.

Even if the man was better than any noble he had met he still wasn't good enough for his mother.

"Morning Sarutobi-san" He greeted the man making him lift his head from the game and sigh.

"Morning little Sawani" he greeted and started clearing the board

"Trouble with a game?"

"My father was always a tricky man to play against" he laughed and then lighted a cigarette.

"Gonna tell mom you're smoking around me again"

"Cheeky brat" he cursed under his breath but put down the cigarette and then tried to mock him "come, it's time for you to lose again"

"Do you enjoy bullying a seven years old? Very mature" Kazuki sat down and started gathering his pieces putting them on their places before they started playing.

They started playing the game with Asuma making strange noises every time Kazuki would have made a stupid mistake making the game last far longer than it should and making Kazuki's head heat up as he tried to find his own mistakes, make better moves and learn, it's not that Kazuki was dumb but he had only played a little chess before dying and four months was not enough time to learn everything about the game.

Kazuki didn't love Shogi but he liked it well enough and being forced to think seemed to actually be beneficial to the spiritual part of his chakra, not that he needed much help with that since his own spiritual chakra was much greater than the physical one since he was reincarnated.

The fact Asuma was a master player at shogi didn't help him win.

"Did Kazuma stop by to talk with you or your mother?" the man asked while trying to play with a nonexistent cigar.

"Yeah, he talked with mom a little but it's been three weeks since he spoke with me" Kazuki said while analyzing Asuma's latest play, then he tried to move a piece and Asuma started humming.

"So he seemed in a hurry?"

Kazuki narrowed his eyes, he wasn't stupid he knew when someone was fishing for information, still Asuma was supossed to be the good guy so "Yeah, he barely stayed for five minutes before disapearing with that annoying jutsu of yours"

"You just say that because nobody will teach you the shunshin" Asuma smiled.

"Stupid disappearing ninjas" Kazuki mumbled and decided to hit back "So you're jealous then I see"

"Ugh, me noooo why would I be jealous?"

"So you're okay that mom's gonna go out with Chiriko-san later this week?" Kazuki told him and spied his face from the corner of his eyes.

"Why that little traitor!" then Asuma noticed what he had said and blushed.

"So much for being a sneaky ninja" he gloated, and moved another piece"I lied by the way, mom isn't going out with anybody."

"Stupid smartass kid" Asuma complained and must have been very annoyed because he started crushing him at the game.

"Anyway, when are you gonna try and ask out mom?" Kazuki asked while pondering on another of Asuma's hacking noises

"I'm not gonna ask her out kid what am I, fifteen, why did you wanna know anyway?"

"Because then she can brutally reject you and you can stop pinning for her already"

For a time they were both quiet as Asuma decided that he needed his cigar after all and Kazuki was trying everything he could to find out the right move on their game, when he couldn't do it even five minutes he decided to press his luck a little.

"So… about that shunshin"

"Don't even think about it pipsqueak"

"Come on" Kazuki threw his hands up in frustration then decided to use his ultimate jutsu, the puppy dog eyes jutsu, he lowered his head and widened his eyes as much as he could even managing to get the beginning of some tears "Come on look at my face you gotta teach me a jutsu!"

"Kid if this doesn't work on your mother why do you think it's gonna work on me?"

"Fine!" turning towards the board again he decided it was getting too late to stay "I give up, what was I doing wrong here?"


"What!" Kazuki screamed, he had spent nearly 15 minutes thinking about his play! "Then why the hell did you start with your noise making!?"

"I lied" Asuma said with a wide mocking smile "How's that for a sneaky ninja huh?"

"You… you… that's not fair!"

"Ninja here, I'm not supposed to play fair" Then he burst out in laughter when Kazuki started throwing his pieces at his head "It's about time you start thinking for yourself anyway, you're getting good enough to play without receiving tips"

Kazuki left Asuma's house equal parts annoyed and amused at the man's trickery, his chakra had been fully recovered so he started channeling it into his body again, strengthening his muscles and even his organs, he didn't know if it did anything but, seeing as he already had the strength preteen while still a young child and looked at least 3 years older than he was he thought it improved his body, at least it couldn't hurt.

Arriving at home two hours earlier he decided to play a little prank on Yugai, stopping his chakra channeling he gathered it all inside his body as tightly as he could making sure so she wouldn't notice his presence he tried to be as quiet as he could while he entered the house, imitating what he had seen from the way the 12 Ninja moved.

He was sure any gennin would cringe at his mad stealth skills, 9 times out of 10 he got caught and he wasn't really sure if the one time he managed to surprise his family it wasn't because they were humoring him but he still tried.

Taking care not to make any noise he slowly opened the door and sneaked inside, his mother was still working but his cousin was already inside the house, she also had company it seemed as another pair of sandals laid besides her own at the entrance.

Crouched down he almost crawled through the kitchen and living room but found no sight of his cousin or her guest anywhere then he heard the noise, a slight banging of wood against the floor and a muffed cry of pain coming from Yugai's room, he didn't think about how young he was, he didn't consider his lack of training or skill he just acted, releasing his chakra he dashed towards his family, he may have been reincarnated but being showered with love for seven years had managed to move him, they were his family as much as the first one and nobody was allowed to hurt them.

Then he froze as he saw his cousin's door slightly open at the end of the corridor, he didn't stop because he came to his senses or because of indecision, it was the discarded pants and shirt thrown around the ground that stopped him dead on his tracks, they were not his cousin's clothes.

"What… haaaa… what was that?" asked his cousin in a voice he barely recognized, breathless, filled with equal parts want and frustration at the interruption. a few seconds later came an amused response.

"Nothing, it seems Tora was trying to find refuge with your cousin again" said Tou, then there was the sound of kissing "You're not giving up are you?"

"Never" Yugai said with petulance "your torture methods won't work on me vile ninja"

"Then I guess I'm gonna have to get creative won't I" she said in a throaty voice

Kazuki was dumbfounded, were they just… Tou must have noticed him did she just… and they didn't even lock the door! The world made no sense anymore and Kazuki was left equal parts confused, scared and curious.

When his cousin released another moan of pleasure Kazuki's face became scarlet and he started slowly walking back attempting to give them some space, he had taken three steps back and was turning around when a devil arrived on his shoulder and held him in place, was he really going to leave, now?

Surely he still had to make sure his cousin was alright, he may suspect she was fine but he didn't know, auditory genjutsus were a thing after all, he had to verify, it was his duty even.

On the tip of his toes he approached the door, it was mostly closed with only a very small gap from which he could check inside and then retreat if everything was alright, he froze in place his hearth beating as fast as a rabbit's every time he hear a louder gasp or moan, all the while his little devil was whispering at his ear how much he was losing by taking his time, finally he made it to the gap and spied inside.

Yugai was completely nacked, her body was curvaceous and covered in sweat as she laid in the bed her generous breasts clear for him to see as she arched her back and released a moan then fell back to the bed with a sigh, her eyes were closed and she was biting her lips hard, Standing over her was Tou, still wearing her outfit but her top was open and hanging from her waist, the bandages around her breasts were thrown to the floor revealing her small but perky breasts with pink nipples while her lower body was still wearing an extremely small undergarment.

They were laying on Yugai's bed which stood sideways to the door so he couldn't see their whole bodies but Tou kneeled over his cousin's body, one hand between her legs moving slowly while a second one held the breast he could see and made slow circles around her nipple.

"Did you like that huh" said Tou in a harsh voice "Ready to give up?"

"Ne…ver" breathed out Yugai and tried to struggle free causing him to notice her arms tied up on the bedpost.

It still wasn't clear if she was safe so Kazuki found a more comfortable position on his knees and continued to observe, for her own safety!

Tou smiled, she got up on her knees and sneered down at Yugai's body her large chest going up and down with her hard breathing, she used her free hand to take her short, sweat soaked hair out of her eyes while licking the hand that had been inside Yugai.

"Hmmm, you're delicious" then she put both hands into a very deliberate position, a hand seal, and changed it with deliberate slowness "It seems I'm gonna have to go harder, lightning flow jutsu"

Separating Yugai's legs with her own Tou lowered her hands now crackling with visible lightning chakra.

"No don't… AHHHHHH FUCK ME!" Yugai screamed and trashed, her legs spamming around and her arms struggling hard against her bindings as Tou used one hand to pinch her clitoris and another to penetrate her with two cracking fingers

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, don't stop! Oh my god Tou don't stop!" Yugai climaxed hard lifting her waist up she almost seemed to be seeking more contact with her partner her toes curled in extasy and all of her muscles trembling from the strain, then she collapsed "Haa….. haa…. haa…. that was…"

Kazuki agreed wholeheartedly with her, That Was, Tou herself started kissing her way up Yugai's body laying gentle kisses on her belly, each breast her neck and finally her mouth, laying with both of their bodies Kazuki swore she had glanced his way for a second with a satisfied smile before meeting her lover's own gaze "Do you give up?"

"I do… oh gods I give up" panted a tired Yugai before smiling and releasing a chuckle.

Tou kissed her some more, sticking her tongue inside Yugai's mouth then bitting down on her lower lip and pulling, when they finished Tou got a truly wicked smile "Then it's time my little prisoner serve her master"

With a simple move Tou released Yugai's hands and then, before she could recover her breath, manhandled her, Kazuki was afraid he would get caught but Tou seemed make sure Yugai never turned towards the door as she forced her to kneel on the ground between the kunoichi's legs and with her back towards him.

Kazuki was enjoying looking at her big and bubbly ass when Tou got to her feet and took out the remaining of her clothes, The kunoichi was the opposite of his cousin despite being the same height, she was very fit with a petite body with perfect B cup breasts, looking at her perfect body he saw her belly had the bare hints of a six pack and the muscles of her arm and legs were far more pronounced than Yugai's her pubic hair was short and cut into a thin strip leaving her small and delicate lips exposed.

Sitting back down Tou threw her panties aside before lifting her thin right leg and laying it over Yugai's shoulder then, looking down at her partner's eyes, she smiled, grabbed her hair and comanded "Lick me!"

Yugai obeyed.

Kazuki stayed there transfixed as he watched his cousin pleasure her lesbian lover and hearing the soung of her mouth sucking at her lips and clitoris and cursed the fact that he still couldn't get a hard on, then his eyes meet with Tou's and he saw the kunoichi watching him back with a wide smirk on her face.

without looking away from his face Tou used her leg to pull Yugai deeper into her pussy and commanded "Use your hands… hmmm…. yes like that, faster" she then took her left hand from his cousin's hair and started playing with her own nipples all the while her eyes never left his own.

Eventually Tou's breaths picked up speed and she finally took her eyes off him, closing them in pleasure as she started pinching her nipples hard "Hmmmmmm, harder now do it harder! Oooh, that's it baby, aah, aah, AAAHH!" then she fisted Yugai's hair and drove her mouth down on her sex while laying her head back and climaxing, using both hands she forced Yugai to drink her orgasm down as she tried to bit down on a scream.

Releasing Yugai's hair Tou let her body fall back to the bed and pulled her lover in with her giving her a more chast kiss while they smiled at each other, noticing the show was over and unwilling to get found out by his cousin Kazuki retreated from the door and decided he needed to take another short walk, hopefully Tou wasn't going to say anything to his family and he wouldn't return to the worst punishment of both his lives.