
Rise of the Senju

WARNING: NOT CURRENTLY UPDATING! After a drunk one night-stand Tsunade Senju finds herself pregnant, the elemental nations will never be the same again... Being reborn into the elemental nations was far from being the ideal situation for Kazuki Senju. Toddlers being trained by the military to become preteen soldiers and expected to die before reaching adulthood is all well and good in a manga but, in real life, it is just unacceptable. Unable to see children becoming killing machines Kazuki decides he'd follow his great grandfather's footsteps, Hashirama Senju made the warring states era obsolete, Kazuki is gonna make the Hidden village's era obsolete or die trying and, with his cheat of a bloodline, he may even manage it. After losing everyone she ever cared about in life Tsunade finaly managed to find some happiness in her new son and no one, absolutly NO ONE, is gonna take it away from her! She's gonna make sure of it even if she needs to surpass her grandfather to do so.

CaptaoCav · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Kazuki Sawani was a very confused baby, confusion by itself was not an unusual state of mind for a baby seeing as they don't know anything about the world but Kazuki was different, Kazuki had memories from a previous life.

The first four months of his new life Kazuki had been in hell, he may not have been the most active of men when he was alive but even he had started to grow crazy being unable to do more than roll around on his crib, not even able to properly support his own head thankfully his little cousin was always taking care of him, constantly telling him fantastical stories of powerful warriors and muscle wizards capable of casting fire or water spells with a wave of their hands even if in the beginning he could barely understand her since she spoke japanese.

At first Kazuki was extremely glad for the company since he had not only been reincarnated but also time traveled to a past version of japan without cell phones or television but, after some time, he had started to get worried his cousin was a hopeless geek, then, while taking a walk with his mother, he had seen two samurai sparring, their feet cracking the pavement and their swords slashing through concrete like butter and understood the stories were quite possible real.

He had just started to get his head around the fact he was in a different world where magic existed when a bearded young man was left to take care of him, at first he ignored the man not liking the fact he was clearly infatuated with his mother, and concentrated on moving his big head without letting it flop around bonelessly when he overheard the man's name and profession.

Azuma fucking Sarutobi… a damn ninja.

Now he was left there, in his crib, trying to get his head around the fact that not only had he reincarnated he had done so in the world of Naruto, worse the surprise had caused him to lose concentration and piss himself.

Goddamnit being a baby was hell.

Laying there in his own piss Kazuki sighed in his mind and decided to take what little pleasure he could in this horrible situation, he opened his mouth and started crying like mad, seeing a trained killer get flustered as he tried to change a baby's diapers while he squirmed around and trying to cry as loudly as his little throat could manage was oddly amusing.

Later, when he was once again clean and starting to get sleepy, he finally came to terms with his situation, as far as words to be reborn into the elemental nations was not the worst option but it was pretty close, naruto may be the story that launched a thousand hentai with its incredebly hot kunoichi cast but it was also filled with constant wars, preteens being trained as hired killers, not one but several super powerful mad men hellbent on ending the world in varying stupid ways and the fate of the world hanging on the actions of an idiot savant with a disenbodied slave as a power source sealed inside him, the only saving grace was the fact he was born into a noble house of the daimyo's court, he'd like to learn to manipulate chakra and throw around jutsus but he'd really prefer not to be forced into becoming a killer before he was even 18 years old.

From what he remembered of the manga the nobles from the five main countries were pretty safe from the reach of the ninja… right? there were some trouble in the filler episodes and cash grab movies but he had never watched them preferring to read the manga instead, were stupid filler episodes canon? He really hoped they weren't but he didn't know the rules of words from fiction and how they dealt with changes made in adaptations to different media.

Being a baby, even a theoretical chakra wielding baby from a fantasy world, was a pretty boring job, wake up, drink some milk, feeling simultaneously lucky and guilty at being breastfed by his very hot mother, try to improve his body control until he became exhausted, which didn't take long and, after seeing Azuma, try and meditate to wake up his chakra, still he managed to crawl for a few minutes when he had just reached four months and by seven he could finally qualify as a toddler, taking his first steps and managing to briefly control his bladder.

Crawling turned out to be his salvation, he was absolutely sure he would have gone mad if he was stationary for even another month and, despite becoming tired in only an hour or two, he must have driven his cousin Yugai mad with how much he tried to disappear between the nobles.

Better yet at seven and a half months he had finally achieved some mastery of the japanese language and could more or less understand any conversation he heard so he liked to spy and hear the court's gossip by hiding bellow tables and other hard to reach places, by eight months he managed to form his first words and never stopped, constantly asking questions, searching for information and pestering everyone he could manage to catch with his cute baby willies.

He would have been worried someone would find something strange but, in a world where 6 year olds could be qualified genin and some geniuses could become Jonin before even fully going through puberty a curious baby wouldn't be so strange.

He first meet the daimyo in his one years old party, his mother had spent nearly an hour getting his hair in order and dressing him in a little noble dress, the man was an unrepentant troll and found great joy in making his nobles pander to the baby's every move making a game of who could get him to laugh… Kazuki himself didn't help frowning at everything the nobles did until they started to get desperate and make a fool of themselves, it was an amusing birthday even for his mother who cracked a rare smile in front of strangers.

A month latter he finally cracked the chakra conundrum, he felt a sudden hush of warmth flow through his whole body and, after checking to see if he had broken his record of 3 months without soiling himself, felt a newfound strength fill his limbs, walking had became easier and he no longer needed to struggle with his oversized head or rest on his ass after walking for only a few minutes, he promptly declared chakra the best thing ever and proceeded to experiment with it.

The first thing he managed to do with chakra was sense it, he seemed to have a very good talent with it and was already able to sense it on every guard and roughly sense their chakra amount, some of the outer guards were like torches with the amount of chakra they released while the inner guards looked like three or four torches held together and Azuma looked like a bonfire, what surprised him the most was his mother and cousin, his little cousin was almost a match for the guards but his mother felt like a forest fire, she was the only one he could feel even when he wasn't concentrating hard.

He wondered if she was at the level of a kage or just a well trained jonin, he supposed one needed that kind of chakra amount to become the personal doctor to the land of fire's daimyo.

Training chakra control became his new favorite thing, he had decided that gluing a leaf to his forehead was too much to attribute to talent alone but why does it need to be a leaf? Instead he started to glue everything everywhere keeping paper, clothes, toys and even dead insects he found around the house stuck to every place of his body, on the first month he had barely been able to keep a single item stuck to his hand or feet, a month latter he managed to stick items in other parts of his body and when he completed a year and a half Yugai found him covered in assorted items with barely his mouth and eyes visible.

His teenage cousin threw a feast, taking advantage of his mother being out to work as a medic to throw him around the house and laugh before making it a game of trying to take the items from him, at first finding it easy to rip toys and dead insects away from his body but when he was left with only 9 items Kazuki had the concentration left to start resisting, channeling more chakra into keeping things glued to himself.

The next few days this became his new game, Yugai would laugh and hand him a toy before channeling her own chakra and playing a kind of tug of war with him over who could keep the toy longer even dangling his entire body from her hand and swinging him around, he eventually failed to hold on and went flying, hitting the floor painfully with his back wasn't the best experience but his chakra enchanted body had resisted most of the damage and, when he saw Yugai almost crying with worry he laughed out loud and pretended to be a child "Again! Again!" he was pretending… really no matter how it looked he was pretending for her benefit.

Their little game continued even if Yugai didn't swing him as fast anymore it was still amusing and did help him with his chakra amount and control, every day he swore he could feel his chakra amount growing and he took to a new routine of playing with chakra as hard as he could, running around to exercise his muscles and meditating, in his previous life he had never been so active but it was surprising what one would do without video games, mangas and the internet to hold his attention.

When he was a few months short of two years his mother caught them playing around and had a fit, she actually punched Yugai through several wall on their house before berating him severely, granted their house was mostly made with paper walls but it was still impressive how far the girl flew.

After an hour of screaming and refusing to buy into his innocent act his mother actually spanked him and forbade him from even playing with chakra or dreaming of becoming a ninja like uncle Sarutobi.

Not like anything she said would stop him, in his previous life Kazuki had always dreaming of using magic and becoming a wizard, he had almost made it too dying at 26 years old, just short 4 years of the goal.

Ever since he discovered he was in naruto he had debated with himself if using jutsu qualified to make him a wizard and had eventually came to a simple conclusion, a fireball was a fireball no matter if it was done with a piece of wood and some chanting or by forming hand signs and screaming Jutsu at the end, chakra and mana had no practical difference in his previous life anyway, they were both made up and inexplicable energy sources capable of bending the laws of physique to someone's will.

When he wasn't training he liked to imagine that, if he sailed away from the elemental nations for long enough he'd eventually find some anglo-saxon or latin language speakers that called jutsus spells and chakra as mana. from that point of view he was becoming a mage and it made him happy.

When he was 2 years and seven months old he finally managed to stick himself to the wall, he could only do it for a little over 30 minutes before he ran out of chakra but he absolutely loved it crawling around on the ceiling to freak out some of the guards, while out of their immediate sword range of course, no matter how many times his mother would spank him for doing it, it was just too amusing, then he found a spot where he could see the woman's bath and he thought he would be in heaven.

It was all a lie, every time he saw Jiraya spying on a bathhouse in the manga was a fucking lie! Where were his hot kunoichi, where were the hot milfs like Tsunami or Tsunade! Goddamnit he was not a gilf or chubby lover and there were only those around in the noble's bathhouses! that or some strange beings that were so ugly he refused to believe they were human, they must have been some beast Kaguya brought with her from another world, did all nobles get fat or horrifyingly ugly when they grow up? he swore he had seen some cute kids running around when his mother had taken him for a walk.

"Kazuki where are you" Came his mother's angry voice "Kazuki I know you can hear me come here right now!"

Kazuki went white, his mother couldn't find him spying on woman, she sometimes went on minute long rants about killing perverts, stopping his chakra he dropped down from the tree limb and managed to turn around in the air, he knew he couldn't manage the ninja thing and fall flawlessly on his feet so he tried to got for a cool three point landing, unfortunately he managed to do it, then he felt to the side cradling his wounded knee with both hands since he hadn't managed to channel enough chakra to strengthen his body.

"Kazuki Sawani what were you doing!" his mother screamed even as her hand glowed green and she started healing his wound.

"Nothing mommy" he said making his best cute toddler look.

"I'll only ask one more time Kazuki what were you doing?" When he managed to get some tears out of his eyes his mother sighed and started squeezing his knee harder and harder.

"But mommy!" he tried one last time.

"Kazuki I'm your mother your little tricks won't work on me" she got up and started tapping her feet on the ground "The last time you called me mommy was when you put ants on lord Nozoki's food"

"He got what he fu…lly deserved!" then he received a punch to the top of his head and was left rolling around on the ground from the pain.

"You were practicing your chakra again weren't you?"

"...Yes" well it was true enough he had been hanging upside down on the tree to practice his chakra control

His mother lifted an eyebrow his way but decided not to pursue things deeper "How many times have I told you chakra will only bring you pain, people will start targeting you if you become strong, we are nobles little star we don't want any ninja clan aiming for us because we are stepping in their toes"

"But mom!" he protested.

"Very well I can see you wont give this up" She sighed grabbed him and lifted him on her lap "when you are older I'll start teaching you like I do your cousin alright?"

"YES!" using medical chakra may not be a fireball but it was still cool as hell.

If his mother through her promise would stop him from training his chakra she was sadly wrong as he continued to attempt to climb walls and stick his body to different materials since most of them required different chakra amounts, the manga may have shown Naruto and Sasuke managing a tree in only a few days but Kazuki himself wasn't that good and the exercise wasn't a once and done thing, he had to do it again and again and he still failed once every four times and sometimes he tried to stick to some different material only to get violently thrown away as the thing absorbed too much chakra and exploded.

Sometimes Kazuki wondered what people thought when they found so many holes and destroyed material in such odd places like top of walls or under street lamps.

Then came october 10 and Kazuki woke up sweating, he was utterly terrified of the night and he just didn't know why, despite his adult mind he decided to get up and go after his mother but, when he was approaching the door a new wave of terror hit him like a punch to the gut and he dropped to his knees.

As wave after wave of anger and hate hit him it caused him to curl up into a ball and cry like the little kid he appeared to be, he had to escape, he had to get away from here or he was gonna die.


Then Kazuki hyperventilated and passed out.

Tsunade woke up to the familiar sound of breaking masonry, her reaction was near instant as she flew out of her bed and directly into her son's room to find a straight line of destroyed paper walls towards the outside of the house, she didn't pause enhancing her body as hard as she could but she did note the damage seemed to be coming from the inside out.

Being the strongest kunoichi on the elemental nations bar none meant that when she wanted to move fast there was almost nothing that could stop her such that she ignored the approaching outer guards and was little more than a blur as she followed a path of destruction straight towards the outside of the city, she did find a single guard, his arms bent in a strange angle and his chest caved in but didn't stop to heal him.

She finally caught up with her son by moving faster than most kages ever could and she though she was ready for anything from an enemy jonin trying to use her son as a hostage to her own sensei taking the latest member of the senju clan back to the village, instead she found Kazuki his shirt and pants ripped, his little body covered in dark plates of some kind of organic material and both his arms having become the size of a grown man's torso with some spikes growing out of the elbows "Kazuki?"

"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

"Come on little star nobody is gonna kill you" she tried to calm him even as she cut off his escape path and approached him slowly

"NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!" he screamed and changed directions but she blocked him again, despite his mutations her son was nowhere near even a jonin's level as she was far above that, then she saw his eyes change color and shape becoming a deep yellow collor surrounded by utter darkness "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Tsunade dodged a clumsy punch noticing the blow had quite a lot of strength behind it, enough to cause cracks to appear on the ground, she was unwilling to hurt her own son but as a kunoichi she had other options, instead she formed a single seal with her hand and used a minor genjutsu to put him to sleep, when that didn't work she used a much stronger one to cause him to relax, it seemed to work for a second but them the bot seemed to shake himself, his flesh almost flowing over his form as he began forming horns and shake off the effect.

Without option and running out of time before some of the 12 guardian ninja arrived she used her speed to deliver a blow with medical chakra to the boy's neck trying to disrupt the boy's control of his own limbs, it worked and Kazuki fell down bonelessly but, when she tried to lift him she felt his body start healing the damage.

In desperation she tried to feel his own chakra network to find out what was wrong and was surprised, and scared to feel two foreign chakra signatures influencing him, both of them were things she had felt before one from her teammate when he had been attempting a new training method and another from her own grandmother a long time ago.

Putting the boy down she took some distance and bit both her thumbs before summoning Katsuyu "Tsunade-sama long time no see"

"Quickly Katsuyu cover the boy and seal his chakra network before he regains control of his body" She commanded.

"Very well Tsunade-sama" thankfully her summon knew when to act and when to question her requests and proceeded to flow over her son's body, a minute later the mutations seemed to simply disappear from his body revealing perfectly fine flesh

"Sawani-hime!" shouted one of the approaching guards, as he let almost twenty samurai towards their location "What happened here!"

Seeing as Tsunade was under disguise Katsuyu was smart enough to unsummon herself before she was perceived and, not even 10 seconds later the Monk Chikhiro jumped out from a nearby building and started looking around the situation, he was content enough to watch and wait for her explanation.

"I… it seems I had an adverse reaction to some chakra" she explained "My son noticed my state and followed me here"

"Adverse reaction?"

"Yes!" she said with more certainty while acting as if she was shaking off some confusion "I'm afraid you're gonna have to warn the daimyo, I can feel an ominous chakra coming from Konoha's way it's possible the village has been attacked despite the recent cease fire"

"Hmm" came the monk's own voice as he closed his eyes and concentrated on his chakra sensing for a few moments, then he stumbled "What is this thing… how can I feel it from all the way over here?"

He then disappeared in a burst of speed, probably to speak with Azuma, bowing down some of the guards sheathed their swords and retreated but the captain saluted her "At once lady Sawani"

Shaking her head Tsunade cradled her son's body to her chest and accepted the escort of two guards back to her house, she had a lot to think about.