
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

You know, when I was younger I ran into this old decrepit man sitting on the side of the road. His face looked bruised and beaten, his feet looked bloody and swollen, His clothes were scraps and he was sitting… looking to the sky as if his time was almost up.'

'I was young at the time so I didn't think much of him. I was running past him chasing some of the other orphan boys. As I did he called out to me.'

"Hey sonnie…. Come over here for a second."

'To this day I don't know why I walked over there but I did. Against my better judgement I slowly walked over to him. When I got about 3 meters away from him without even looking at me he said…'

"You know I've been on this planet for 90 years… and I want to tell you something son… The best day of your life… is also often the… worst….day."

'Just like that, the old man who's name I never learned and who's face I'll never forget died right in front of me. Why I'm thinking about the scene now… at the end of my life is a mystery to me. Today shouldn't have been the best day of my life…'

'But alas the last thing I saw before everything going dark was my friends with tears in their eyes throwing my limp barely breathing body over the cliff into a deep… and dark ravine'
