
Rise of the pervert healer

Please see the tags before reading, if it is not your cup of tea please read some other novel: Incest, netori, no netorare, bdsm, non consensual This is my first novel and first few chapters (especially first 7 chapters) may not be to everyone's taste, things get better after chapter 8 onwards. In future when I have time, I am planning to update first few chapters. Andy got transmigrated to another world after a normal road accident which activated the [Pervert Healer] system in his new life. Follow Andy on his journey to become the greatest healer the world has ever seen, as he help others' wife and daughters by healing and satisfying them.. even though they didn't ask him to. Note: Readers be advised this novel may contain very explicit R-18 scenes and is focused heavily on netori and bdsm.

bearguard · Fantasy
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100 Chs

34. Healer Exam Part 1

"Layla, can you make something delicious? I am starving!" asked Andy

"Yes master!" Layla stroked Andy's face gently and went to kitchen. Looking at this Alex asked in rage

"You said that you will wipe her memories of last night, then why does she still remember you!? And why is she calling you master now!?"

Andy then sighed with a "pained" expression and said

"Mr Alex, the medicine which I mentioned earlier only wipes last 4 or 5 hours of memory, but the treatment took much longer than that due to your wife's condition. Its already been over 10 hours since we started the treatment"

Andy was initially not planning to keep Levi and Layla in his harem, but after getting the sweet taste of this mother and daughter duo he changed his mind.

After waking up he started teasing Levi and Layla without letting them come same as he did with Freya and they agreed to become his slave. By the time Alex woke up, he already lost his wife and daughter to Andy.

"You..." Alex couldn't control his anger and was about to hit Andy in rage, but at that time Levi said

"Father, you would have lost mother sooner or later if not for master, so just let her go. Both of us now belong to him."

Levi was still feeling a heavy sense of guilt and pain in her heart for betraying her master Frank like this. But she couldn't take Andy's sweet torment anymore in the morning, so she agreed to become his slave.

"W-What?! What do you mean by that!?" Alex couldn't believe his words and screamed out loud. What did she mean by belong to him. Isn't everything over now? Isn't his wife healed already?

"Too loud" said Andy and put Alex to sleep by touching him.


After sometime Layla brought the breakfast and they ate in silence thanks to a certain person sleeping through it for some reason.

"It is delicious Layla" complimented Andy and Layla blushed.

After breakfast, Andy revealed his true appearance after undoing his shapeshifter skill and explained everything. Although Levi was very angry at first, she forgave him since he healed her mother as part of his revenge plan.

"For now 2 of you stay here, I still don't have a place where I can keep all my women. Once I have a place of my own, all of us will stay there together. Also both of you can contact me at any time though telepathy, just think about talking to me and it will work."

Although Layla felt guilty about leaving her husband, old Layla was already dead now. Andy was the one who saved her and gave her a new life.

"We will be waiting master~" said both Levi and Layla

"Alright I will be leaving now" said Andy and left the house. His teleport skill was skill under cooldown, so he would have to take a carriage to his home this time.

After getting into a carriage, he connected to Freya

'Freya, do you know a shortcut to become a healer without graduating from magic academy?'

Without having a healer certificate from magic academy, it was illegal to practice healing on humans in this country.

'Ah! master~ yes there is, anyone can take the exam to become a certified healer in magic academy. Since not everyone has the money to pay the academy fees, some people learn it from a private tutor or are self taught and practice on farm animals to learn. Then they can go to magic academy and if they pass the test they will receive healer certificate'

'Alright thats good, all I need to do is go to magic academy then, haha'

'Yes master, this is actually the best time for this since academies are closed for students for next 1 month until next year starts, so you can go to magic academy any day during this period. Otherwise during non-vacation days they entertain outsider only once a month.'

'Alright then, I will go right away, goodbye'

Andy then got out of the carriage and got into a different carriage which was going to the capital.


Meru, the capital city of kingdom of Rhodes was the pride of the country. It had a total of over 50 million population. At the centre of the city was the royal family's residence taking up a huge portion of the city, surrounding that were the 10 most influential noble families, one of them was Arden family. But in the past 20 years or so it slipped from 1st position to 10th position and some other lower noble houses started eyeing for their position among top 10.

Kingdom of Rhodes only had one magic academy and one knight academy and both were located in the capital city.

This was only the second time for Andy to come to capital city, Meru. It took him about 3 hours to reach capital city entrance and another 2 hours to reach from city's entrance to magic academy. Before entering magic academy, Andy used the shapeshifter skill to change his appearance to that of Andrew.

"What are you here for?" Asked one of the guards

"Exam to become a healer" replied Andy

"Alright, take this token and go to healing hall" said the guard as he handed Andy one token which had 'healer exam' written over it.

When Andy reached the healing hall, there was a long queue to take the exam. He waited patiently and it was finally his turn after about an hour of wait.

In the first test examiner put a small cut on candidate's left palm and ask them to heal it using mana. Andy looked around to notice how much time others were taking, and the fastest time was around 10 seconds.

When it was Andy's turn he healed his wound within 8 seconds using essence heal. Examiner was very impressed with his performance and added 1 stamp onto his exam token.

Second test was a written exam. Due to essence heal skill he basically knew everything there was about healing and human body. It was a breeze for him. He intentionally didn't answer some of the difficult questions to not attract any unwanted attention.

After the written test result was announced he received another stamps on his token.

"Alright all candidates who haven't failed in any tests, please come back tomorrow morning for the next round" Announced one of the elder.

It was already evening, Andy went to a nearby inn and booked a room to rest for the night after eating dinner.

When he was in his room, he thought of summoning Freya to deliver her due punishment but decided against it, as he wasn't getting enough sleep in the past few days.


Next morning when Andy left the inn after having breakfast, he was about to go to magic academy to continue with his exam when he heard a threatening voice

"You there! hand over your exam token!"

'Ah finally its here! I was getting bored to death!' thought Andy as he turned to look towards the man who shouted at him with an evil smile