
13. Level up

Andy placed an arm on Freya's stomach and healed the damage which his big brother caused inside her little sister. Freya felt a soothing sensation between her legs and let out a slight moan.

"Put your clothes back on" ordered Andy


After 2 minutes both of them got ready, Freya nervously asked

"Can you heal the hickies and bite marks as well?"

Andy smiled slight and said

"Nope, I will leave it to you to convince your husband that it was him who did all this to your body after getting drunk, and everything he heard was just a dream"

Freya bit her lips and nodded, she was getting very nervous if she could pull this off.

When Andy was about to leave he heard the system notification.

[Congratulations host for levelling up! You have received new skills and unlock a new shop feature as well. Host can bring up the stat panel at any time to see the changes]

'Nice! system bring up my stats'


Name: Andy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Level: 5 (3 -> 5)

System: Pervert Healer

System level: 2 (1 -> 2)



HP: 160/160

MP: 80/80

STR: 16 (12 -> 16)

AGI: 13 (10 -> 13)

INT: 8 (6 -> 8)

Essence (class exclusive): 12,650



Heavenly touch 2

[Active, enhance the feeling of pleasure or pain of target with a touch, different modifiers can be applied to different areas instead of same modifier for entire body, min 0x max 100x]

Heavenly presence 1

[Active, targeted persons will feel attracted towards the host, max 10 targets at a time]

Absorb essence

[Active, since the user is straight male, can only absorb the essence from the fluids of women]

Barrier 2

[Active, create sound and light barrier]

Essence Heal 1

[Active, can heal any wound, disease, poison etc as long as target is alive, uses essence instead of mana, max 1 target at a time]

Slave mark 1

[Active, need target's consent for placing slave mark, slave's mind body and soul will belong to host, max 10 slaves at a time]

Memory wipe 1 (new skill)

[Active, can wipe memory fragments of target, needs physical contact, will not work if target has higher INT stat than host and is on guard against host, requires more mana depending on how old the memory fragment is]

Mana siphon (new skill)

[Passive, essence will be used when host runs out of mana for casting skills, 1 essence = 1 mana]






1 attribute for 1000 essence

low-tier skills

[Level up to unlock more features]


'Nice! these 2 new skills are great and what I need. Heavenly touch and barrier skills are also upgraded.'

Suddenly an idea flashed his mind 'Wait a minute, does the light barrier works in the same way as sound barrier?'

Without waiting, Andy immediately activated the sound and light barrier. He got surprised by its new max radius at first, this skill could easily cover the entire Wright mansion. What surprised him even more is that using light barrier he can see everything within the barrier. He focused his mind to see the room in which Tamara and Frank were in, he could easily see both of them were sound asleep, he could also change the angle from where he could see them.

'System, this barrier skill is truly broken!' said Andy with excitement.

[I don't remember ever saying it is not broken host]

Andy ignored the rude reply from system, he was too happy right now for having an argument with system.

He then looked into the shop to look for a useful skill, but none of them caught his eye as they were trash when compared to his existing skills.

'Aren't these skills completely trash?'

[You have only unlocked low-tier skills in shop host...]

'What is the tier of my existing skills then?'



His system skills were truly broken it seems.

'Anyway I want to purchase the clean skill for 1000 essence'

[Ding! host have purchased Clean skill from shop for 1000 essence]



[Active, can clean target's body and clothes, can be casted on self, physical contact needed]


'Alright lets try it, clean!' within a split second he felt refreshed as if he took a nice bath.

Andy went to where Thomas was "sleeping" and put his hands on his forehead.

"What are you doing?" asked Freya

After a second Andy walked close to Freya and whispered in her ears so only she could hear it

"Nothing, just making sure he never get an erection ever again. You belong to me now, only me"

Freya blushed after hearing this and nodded in agreement.

"I will be leaving now, before everyone wakes up" said Andy and left the bedchambers of Baron and Baroness.

After Andy left, Freya sensed a feeling of loss, she whispered in a soft tone which didn't go unheard by her husband

"I will be waiting for you tomorrow"


Andy went straight for his room, and thought of getting some sleep. It was already 6 in the morning, his duty stats in 2 hours. But when he reached his room he remembered he didn't have any mattress.. how was he supposed to sleep like this?

Thankfully he was really tired after all his labours for the night, he fell asleep within 2 minutes.

Whereas Freya couldn't get a wink of sleep thinking about everything that happened today and also thinking about how she would handle her husband after he wakes up.


After Andy woke up he checked the time.

"Fuck, I am doomed" it was already 9:00 AM, which was the time for breakfast for Wright family.

He used his clean skill and put on his butler uniform and rushed out to dining area.

Jenny was standing at the entrance and stopped him from entering.

"Boy this is only the second day of your work and you are already late? That too by 1 whole hour? You know even 5 minute delay is punishable offence, right? After breakfast is over come to the meeting room where we will decide your punishment. You are discharged from all your duties until then"

'This bit*h!' Andy really hated her.

After 30 minutes, Andy went to the meeting room to receive his punishment.

"Boy do you want to say anything in your defence?" asked Jenny coldly.

Andy gritted his teeth and said "No excuse, I just overslept"

Frank who was also present in the room grinned from ear to ear. He thought his plan paid off and Andy overslept because there was no bed or mattress in the room so he wasn't able to fall asleep on time.

"Good, master Frank would you like to decide his punishment for his crimes?"

"Very well, how about 200-"

But before he could finish, Freya came into the room and asked

"What is happening here? I have an important meeting this morning"

"I am sorry lady baroness, we were deciding on this boy's punishment who was late to work by an hour" said Jenny.

"Its just a trivial crime, I grant him pardon. Leave now I have an important meeting"

"Yes lady baroness" said Jenny and left. Andy also left after Jenny after giving Freya a meaningful smile.

Frank wasn't too happy about this and was about to retaliate but Freya glared at him. He swallowed his saliva and left the room as well.

"What happened to your neck mother, are you alright?" Asked Tamara, she noticed the hickies on her mother's neck.

Freya blushed a little and said

"Yes, darling. It is just that your father can be too much when he is drunk"

Tamara thought for a second, when she realised what her mother meant, she immediately blushed and ran out of the room.

'Haah, it was a difficult morning' Thinking about the argument she had with her husband to convince him of everything she sighed.

Next chapter