
Rise of the Night Hunter

Oliver was living his secular life, until he receives a letter from someone who claims to know him and his family, delivering legendary weapons so he can prepare for war. Even with fear, he decides to use the letter and information he obtains to find his family and who sent the letter, until he is suddenly attacked by swordsmans.

Abysmado · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 5

It was still late at night and the silence of the place was gradually interrupted by distant footsteps that became faster and faster as time passed. 

Quickly a shadow with a green cape quickly passed in front of a window and headed towards an alley, as he ran he turned his face back and highlighted his green eyes shining in a strong tone that revealed Oliver panting. 

When he looked back, Oliver saw the beginning of the alley, but soon the two swordsmen emerged from that same entrance and continued to chase him at high speed. 

Oliver clenched his teeth in irritation as he increased his running pace so he could distance himself while he thought. 

'Somehow, I survived the fall.' 

His mind went back to moments ago when he was falling. 

In seconds he had managed to put on the cape and from then on his body had moved on its own, making the fall more relaxed and rolling as he fell to start the race, returning to the moment when he was with the two swordsmen chasing him. 

Oliver knew the streets and could move around, quickly passing through alleys and crossing streets as he tried to escape, but even though he was faster, the swordsmen were still always on his trail. 

Oliver continued to run and crossed the streets of his city, making zigzags as he tried to disappear, but he soon realized that his breathing became increasingly heavy and he was sweating much more than he should. 

When he looked at his surroundings, Oliver noticed that he was also faster compared to before, the images passing by him seeming to be blurred by speed. 

He soon realized that he was already miles away from his building, even though he had only run for a few minutes, but all that had a price and he knew it would end soon. 

'I must be as fast as an ordinary car.' He looked at his surroundings, still surprised, but soon concluded. 'It won't last long, no matter how much I try to lose these guys, they always find me.' 

Again he looked back and realized that he was still being followed, making him click his tongue, still with an irritated expression. 

Looking ahead, Oliver noticed a local park in the distance that was empty at the time. 

He closed his eyes, still thinking, but he knew that it wouldn't last long and he quickly walked towards the park. 

Both swordsmen continued to chase, until they finally reached the entrance to the park where they noticed countless tall trees that made the environment darker despite the lights and made the smaller one click his tongue when he realized that Oliver was gone. 

The two looked at their surroundings and started walking while looking for him. 

Nearby and hidden behind a tree was Oliver who was still panting, but was trying to breathe deeper to make less noise while just listening to the footsteps of the two swordsmen, trying to recover from the run. 

The entire environment was silent, making it possible to hear them talking. 

"Where is he?" 

"I don't know, look, he didn't go far." 

The two continued to walk slowly looking through the trees while Oliver gradually caught his breath and thought. 

'There's no way to use the bow as a club because yesterday, with these swords, the bow will break easily.' 

He continued to recover as his breathing gradually diminished, until he closed his eyes quickly and then opened them focused. 

'They haven't seen me yet...' Oliver looked at the arch and slowly turned towards the two. 'I don't need to get it right, I just need to give a warning even if it only works to threaten... maybe...' 

As soon as half of his face turned, he soon saw a shadow take over his vision, seeming to stare at him. 

His entire body was paralyzed while his head did not complete the turn, remaining still and seeing that in front of him was the swordsman with the gigantic sword facing him standing upright. 

It was as if his entire body was warning him to run away, but his legs didn't even move and all he could see was the faint glow in the man's eyes that stared at him. 

Both remained staring at each other, even seconds seemed to last minutes and hours as Oliver looked directly into the hooded man's eyes. 

However, against his expectations, the man soon raised his head and straightened up as he heard the other speak. 

"What was this? Did he find it?" 

The older one remained silent while Oliver remained paralyzed, just listening. 

"I thought I heard something." 

"If it's nothing, keep looking, we don't have time." 

Oliver's eyes widened as several thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to understand what had happened. 

'He didn't see me? Impossible! He was staring at me! Did he want to save me? No... you can't...' 

Until the logical conclusion came with his raising of his hand. 

Oliver realized that somehow his skin and clothes were transparent, but that changed as he moved, slowly becoming visible again. 

He noticed that the cloak gave off a faint greenish glow and seemed to somehow cause that effect, but soon he looked at his bow while thinking. 

'Was it… because of those items?' 

Soon his body moved slowly as he tried to remain silent, even his breathing, which had stopped this time, returned, but this time more calmly and silently. 

Oliver knelt on one leg and his hands shook as he slowly aimed the bow towards the back of the giant's head. 

'If he didn't see me… I can do this. His hand slowly moved to his quiver, reaching for his arrows which were then positioned on the bow as he moved the string towards his chest. 'From this distance I won't miss, if they come at me it will be the end of me.' 

Once again his body moved and positioned itself on the side as he felt his vision clearing, his hand shaking stopped and the arrow was positioned following the giant's steps with Oliver's aim. 

The questions came out of his head for a brief moment and he took a deep breath, aiming for a brief moment and shooting the arrow that in the blink of an eye hit the giant's back of the head. 

The sound of the wind being cut alerted the other who saw his companion's body giving way and hitting the ground with his neck pierced by an arrow. 

He still stared in disbelief and then gritted his teeth when he saw Oliver surrounded by a slight green glow with the bow in position. 

The swordsman started to run towards Oliver who opened his eyes wide seeing his opponent approaching at high speed and responding to the advance, he soon took a deep breath and started to run. 

Again he noticed his speed by how quickly the trees passed between the two, looking back he saw the swordsman getting further and further away as he thought. 

'I can do this!' 

During the race, Oliver wielded his bow with one hand and pulled out another arrow, quickly nocking it on the bowstring and turning quickly. 

The change made the swordsman's eyes widen and again Oliver fired another arrow, hitting the swordsman's thigh. 

When hit, he grunted and Oliver widened his eyes in surprise. 

'Did the arrow move? No... for a moment I aimed at his leg and it hit him...' 

Having his leg hit reduced the speed of the swordsman who clenched his teeth, but he soon pulled the arrow out of his leg and returned to chasing Oliver, who was also running again. 

Realizing that his shots were hitting, he soon pulled out another arrow while thinking. 

'I can shoot, once again.' 

Once again he turned and aimed the bow at the swordsman's shoulder, the shot was fired and the arrow passed quickly, piercing the shoulder of the pursuer who stopped his advance feeling the pain. 

However, this time Oliver didn't stop and pulled out another arrow, aiming at his opponent's other thigh and again the arrow was fired, hitting the swordsman who grunted again. 

Oliver looked with surprise reflected on his face, but soon the swordsman grunted and wielded his sword with both hands, crouching and running with his last strength while shouting. 

Oliver, on the other hand, once again pulled out an arrow without moving a millimeter from where he was. 

Little by little, the swordsman positioned his sword behind his body, prepared to make a cut, while Oliver aimed at the hooded man's face. 

In an instant, the boy released the arrow that passed at high speed, cutting through the wind and hitting the man squarely in the face. 

The jump went straight past Oliver, who remained with his eyes wide open and the bow in his hands as he heard the sound of the hooded man's body falling behind him. 

That moment was recorded in his mind and as soon as the sound of the body stopped, Oliver knelt, panting and drenched in sweat, having to look down as he tried to recover. 

In a few moments the pain in his body came and he felt his hands burning, his whole body was tired and showed that it wanted to give in while he thought. 

'Somehow I managed… damn… what an unbearable escape.' 

His whole body screamed for rest and he gave in, letting himself fall forward, setting the bow aside as he lay down on the grass in relief. 

As much as he was tired and out of breath, he could finally give himself a rest after that chase and relax after everything. 

But soon he heard the sound of something stepping on the grass, making his eyes widen and look towards the footsteps that slowly approached him. 

Oliver clenched his teeth and tried to get up, but he realized that his arms weren't responding, he was completely tired after what made him think with an irritated expression. 

'Not now… were there more?' 

He soon saw the image appear, but unlike the hooded men before, he saw a tall woman with long silver hair that swayed in the wind. 

On her face was a smile and her blue eyes seemed to shine as she looked at the boy, saying. 

"No need to worry, I won't hurt you. I confess that I was surprised by what I saw, you subdued them." 

Oliver raised his head and saw that woman, her expression was a mixture of confusion and anger as he questioned. 

"Who are you?" 

At the end of the boy's sentence, she just tilted her head slightly to the side while maintaining the same smile.