
Rise of the kronian

In the mystical kingdom of kron, King Elvis enters an eternal slumber, leaving his throne to his second son, Lucas. Trusted with the kingdom's future, Lucas's reign is abruptly challenged when his older brother, Trivia, seizes the throne in a swift and ruthless coup. Forced to flee for his life, Lucas escapes to Earth, seeking refuge and time to plan his return. On Earth, Lucas discovers a world unlike his own, filled with both wonder and peril. Amidst the unfamiliarity, he finds companionship in a diverse group of allies, each bringing unique strengths and insights. Together, they embark on a journey to help Lucas reclaim his rightful place as king. As Lucas and his companions prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Trivia, they face numerous trials, forging bonds and uncovering hidden strengths. With the fate of kron hanging in the balance, Lucas must harness his courage and the support of his newfound friends to reclaim the throne and restore peace to his homeland.

Abel_Joseph · Fantasy
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15 Chs

crash landing

Lucas was now in the vastness of space, he sat at the control sleek of the silver space ship given to him by Owen, the endless expanse of space spread before him.

The engines hummed with power, the soft glow of the instrument panel casting a warm light across his face.

"Owen said I should go to Earth, but how the hell am I going to get there, when I don't even know which galaxy it is, and i honestly don't even know how to fly this thing. I wonder if it sensed I was danger and took off immediately I was on board, no that's not it, perhaps Owen had set a timer on it, so it took off immediately the time was up and lucky for me I was already on board, that should explain why they were in a hurry, but I don't think that's right either. Wait a minute 'aahah' I've got it, the ship on autopilot that's why it's still heading to Earth even though I don't know how to fly it, wow Owen is a genius," Lucas said.

Lucas looked at the screen on the control panel of the ship, the screen showed coordinates and navigation leading to Earth, " now that explains it" Lucas said looking at the green screen, "so that's how I'll get there, I'll just sit back and relax, but never the less immediately I land on the surface of earth, I'll get the alpha box filled with energy and head back to kron, and I'll make sure I kick Trivia's ass, and revenge for Axiel, and free kronax from his evil rule." Lucas said clenching his fist. "I hope Owen is ok." Lucas added.


Meanwhile in the darkened chamber stood Trivia, his eyes fixed on the owen's battered body. Owen was suspended from the ceiling by thick chains, his limbs twisted and broken, "again" Trivia shouted commanding a guard to continue torturing Owen. The guard wearing an iron guantlet delivered an heavy blow to owen's head, 'aahh' Owen growled in pain.

"You will tell me where lucas is," Trivia hissed, his voice filled with a terrible rage. "And if you do not, I will make you suffer in ways you cannot imagine."

Owen raised his head, a defiant glint in his eye. "There's nothing I can't imagine Trivia, and I will never betray my patient," he rasped, his voice strained with pain.

Trivia smiled, a thin, cruel line of teeth bared against the shadows. "Very well," he said, his voice a low, dangerous whisper. "Then let us begin."

He moved forward, his hands glowing with a sickly red light. He placed his glowing hands on Owen body, heating him up with his laser blast.

Owen let out a scream, the sound raw and primal. His body thrashed against the chains, his muscles spasming as the pain tore through his mind and soul.

For hours, Trivia worked the laser blast of his hands against owen's tortured form.

Owen screamed and pleaded, his voice growing hoarse from the agony. But still he refused to break, his will as unyielding as the chains that bound him.

Trivia's face grew dark, his anger rising with every passing moment. He leaned in, his breath hot against owen's cheek. "There are other ways to make you talk," Trivia said, his voice little more than a whisper.

"Can't you just kill him," kendrick said, tired of just standing watching the torture. "He's still important, I have lots of things to do with him." Trivia replied.

With that, Trivia and kendrick left the room, Trivia's footsteps echoing through the chamber.

But in the darkness, Owen lips curled into a smile. "Well that was tough, I guess he won't be finding out where Lucas is anytime soon, that should but Lucas enough time to charge the alpha box and return for the battle of the throne ones again," Owen said spitting blood.


" Wow it's been some days now and I've been in space the whole time," Lucas said, at that moment he could see a blue and green coloured planet in a distant, it looked like it had lots of life in it. "Is that what I think it is? Is that Earth? wow it looks so beautiful or should I say pretty" Lucas said.

Now Lucas could see a beeping light from the control panel of his ship, "what could that possibly mean?" Lucas asked himself, looking closer he could see that the beeping light had a label below it " caution" Lucas read, what could that be, the radii, I have to check the radii," Lucas said. Lucas looked at the radii and noticed something closing fast on him.

Then without warning, a thrilling alarm blared through the ship, it's high pitched wall walk sending Lucas heart racing

Lucas jerked forward his hands flying across the control panels. But no matter what he did the alarm refused to quiet down. It was as if the ship itself was in revolt.

The asteroid crashed into Lucas space ship, Lucas brazed himself for impact, as it hit, the ship began to shudder, the thrusters sputtering and misfiring as if they were possessed by some unseen force.

Lucas fought against the controls, his hands slick with sweat as he tried to bring the ship back under his command. But it was no use. The ship was spiraling out of control, hurtling towards the greenish surface of the planet.

With a thunderous crash, the wreckage of the ship shattered against the hard surface of the planet, the twisted remains of steel and circuitry strewn across the barren landscape.

Lucas lay motionless in the cockpit, his body battered and bruised by the impact. The world around him was dark, silent, save for the soft beeping of the ship's dying systems.

For what felt like an eternity, Lucas remained still, waiting for his senses to return, for some sign that he was still alive.

A man was nearby the wood taking some time out from fixing his van that suddenly stopped near the woods, when he saw a ship crashing right into the woods. The man named 'Sam' a skinny, rough haired man, he looked within his mid twenties rushed heading straight to where the ship had crashed.

As Lucas remained motionless, waiting for his senses to return, for some sign that he was still alive and then as if in answer to his silent plea, he heard a voice.

"Hello?" a man called out, his voice muffled by the thick layers of wreckage. "Are you alive in there?" the man asked seeing that there was some in the ship.

Lucas blinked, the light of the moon filtering in through a crack in the ship's hull. He tried to call out, but his throat was dry, his voice little more than a hoarse whisper.

The man appeared, his face shrouded in shadow. "I've got you," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "My name is Sam. You're going to be okay."

Sam worked quickly, his hands moving with a practiced efficiency as he pulled Lucas from the wreckage and carried him away from the burning ship.

The night air was cold, biting at Lucas's skin as Sam navigated through the trees. The forest loomed around them, a sea of darkness pierced by the occasional glint of moonlight.

After what felt like hours, Sam set Lucas down on a patch of soft moss, the cold earth pressing against his back.

"We're almost there," Sam said, his voice firm and steady. "You just hang on a little longer."

With a final burst of energy, Sam carried Lucas to the edge of the forest, the outline of a van visible in the distance. The moonlight glinted off the top of the van.

Sam pushed open the door, his breath fogging in the cold air. The interior of the van was simple, but warm.

"You're safe now," Sam said, laying Lucas down on a leather sofa. "I'll fetch some water and bandages. " I'll fetch some water and bandage, you rest." Sam said, but before he moved he heard a faint voice. "thank you" Lucas said before he shut his eyes.

In the depths of his sleep, Lucas found himself standing in a golden field, the sun warm and radiant on his face. Before him stood a figure, tall and regal, his silver hair glinting in the light.

Lucas recognized the man instantly - Elvis, his father.

"My son," the king said, his voice deep and resonant. "How far you have come. How much you have endured."

Lucas's heart ached at the sight of his father, tears stinging his eyes. "Father," he murmured, unsure if he were awake or dreaming.

Elvis smiled, the lines of his face achingly familiar. "I am here, Lucas. And I am proud of you, as I always have been. Even in your darkest hour, you refused to give up, to surrender to despair."

He stepped forward, his hand coming to rest on Lucas shoulder. "Your crown may be lost, but your spirit remains unbroken. You will reclaim what is rightfully yours, my son. I know it."