
Rise Of The Holy Fiend

Not my Cover Art Death to Hunters. Death to The Saviors. That is our goal and that is our mission, even if innocents must be killed in the process. They will all die. This is the story of Deus, a boy who watched as his village was massacred due to the neglect of the Hunters and the Saviors. His hatred for them runs deep and now his only goal is the destruction of them. He was taken into an organization as a young boy whose main goal is the destruction of society. With his system and his newfound powers, he plans to carry out his mission with his comrades. No matter the cost.

Samuel_Bell_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

“Why Did This Happen”

"Hah! Hah! Hah!" A young boy was running through a forest, breathing heavily as his stomach caved in and expanded rapidly, tears dried and a trail of blood followed him. His hair was burnt at the tips, his clothes were burnt in tatters, and light and moderate lacerations could be seen on his arms, and under the scraps of cloth that once was a black pair of pants and a white t-shirt. The wound that would catch the most attention was a wicked scar on the left side of his face, from his mouth to below his ear, some of his skin hanging off his face leaving the inside of his mouth exposed. His wounds appeared to be made from the claw of a beast.

'Where are the Hunters? Where are the Saviors?!' The boy, about the age of 6 years old was erratic in his thoughts and his movements becoming more lethargic every second that passed due to the mental strain and blood loss from the wounds he had suffered.

'Why did this happen…'

Just a few moments earlier.

"Deus take your sister and run!"

Deus, the main character of this story turned away from his father as he saw monsters pounce on him one by one. His limbs and flesh were being torn from his body and his body lit up like the flame on a candle. His mother had already suffered a similar fate to his father, and so had most of the rest of his small village in the mountains, they weren't fighters, after all, just people trying to make it by in the mountains where monsters were free to run wild as long as they didn't grow to a point where they could threaten the livelihood of those within the cities.

Everything had been going just fine in their lives up until this moment, life was difficult with the Blue Flame Wolves that roamed the mountain, but they had always made it work, everyone was just happy to be able to eat every night and make it through another day as their strength kept increasing from the constant hunting of the Blue Flame Wolves. Their lives eventually became stable to a point that walls were becoming built all around their village that was increasing in size and strength every day.

'So tell me why?! Why did a Warlord-type Adult Blue Flame wolf appear?!'

There had been no indication from the cities Hunter Association that a Warlord-type monster was on the verge of forming.


"Deus! Help me, my mother isn't moving, please help!" A girl he had known and played with multiple times growing up called out to him.

"My foot is stuck, give me a hand, please!" The old man who was always kind to him and passed him pieces of candy every morning was laying on the grown in pain, his left foot stuck under rubble and debris from his destroyed house. Next to him, he could see the corpse of the old man's wife

Multiple more voices pleaded out to him as he passed by, all of them he had known. He had eaten with them, was raised with them, played with them, laughed with them. Now he could do nothing but hear their pleas as he ignored them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me..." his voice died out as tears streamed down his face.

Deus shook his head violently as he kept running being awoken from his thoughts at the sound of pleas from his family members(villagers). He wanted to help them, he really did, but he remembered what he was taught in the case the village did come under a threat such as this. and he had his sister to look after. He just couldn't stop.

'Save yourself. Run towards the city as fast as you can and never look back.'

Those were the words that were made clear to every child in the village during the weekly meetings. They weren't strong enough to fight them at their young age, their system not even awakened yet. All he could do was hold his 3-year-old sister tightly in his arms as he ran outside his village and down the mountain, towards the city praying silently they would make it there safe and hopefully meet some hunters on their way down who were alerted to their village by the raging blue flame.

About halfway down the mountain he finally spoke to his sister who had fallen asleep in his arms while he was running after crying the whole time. "It's ok Cassidy…we're almost…there. We're almost to the city." He gently stroked her head, as he rested against a tree. He had not stopped once from the village all the way to here which would be about 2 miles,(remember, Hunteresque world, even the weakest humans here are stronger than the majority of the average ones in our world.) mostly willpower and the threat of him and his sister's death keeping him going. He was exhausted, slowly catching his breath he remained in an inactive position for around a minute before a…


was heard somewhere behind him immediately startling him.

'No no no, please God, no.' he pleaded and prayed in his head that that noise wasn't what he thought it was, but his hopes were soon shattered into thousands of pieces and his worst nightmare came to be. A lone adult Blue Flame Wolf had followed him all the way from his village. It was in the process of hunting him and his sister down he just knew it.

Even if it was just a Normal-type there was no way of beating him without a system or weapon. He couldn't even move due to the acute hearing of the wolf, not being sniffed out by the powerful sense of smell the Blue Flame Wolf possessed was already a blessing in its own right.

'As long as I don't move it will go away. I'm sure of it.' That was the only thought he processed right now. 'No movements.'

So all Deus could do was wait as the Blue Flame wolf walked around, searching for any signs of life.

After a while, it found nothing and began to leave, much to the joy of Deus and the disappointment of the wolf. The tension in his body that had built up to truly abnormal amounts had been released slowly. Only for his nightmare to be restarted again and this time worse than the last.
