
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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429 Chs



Voices of the creatures from hell and beyond echoed through the hallway, surrounding practically every path of escape.

It was now obvious that the only path to victory was not by escaping, but rather by subjugating every last Demon in this building. I had to do so in a way that tilts the advantage in my direction since I still couldn't handle surprise attacks.

Also, I was going to have to get to a higher level if I intend on living outside.

"It's all or nothing now!"

[Moments Later

Two Demons trotted by the hallway, walking sluggishly as they growled. Sniffing the air, they raised their monstrous heads high as they attempted to catch a whiff of their prey.


They appeared to be the same breed of Demons as the one I had killed earlier. Perhaps this apartment is their turf. From what I know about Demons after watching them in the Sacred Hall, they are highly territorial. If this was an exclusive area for their kind, then I should expect to see only these type of monsters here.

"No! Idiot, you shouldn't assume just like that!" I snapped at myself.

Underestimating my enemy would be fatal to me, especially if I ended up having the short end of the stick. I couldn't afford to make careless deductions without proof!

Since there is no 'Danger Alert', I must be fairly safe… For now, I'd like to keep it that way. Focusing my attention on the two Demons, I squinted my eyes, and immediately, their Status Windows opened before me.

[System Information]

- Name: Hell Kobold Spawn

- Level: 3

- Race: Demon (Lesser) – Grade: 1

- Age: 31 days


- HP: 20/40

- MP: - -

- Strength: 11

- Agility: 40

- Vitality: 14

- Intelligence: 1

[Status Condition]

<Hunger >

- HP continues to decrease until the Demon feeds. Currently active.

[End Of Information]

I looked at the information on the other one. It looked bulkier and far more grotesque than the first.

[System Information]

- Name: Hell Kobold Spawn

- Level: 5

- Race: Demon (Lesser) – Grade: 1

- Age: 34 days


- HP: 40/60

- MP: - -

- Strength: 20

- Agility: 50

- Vitality: 20

- Intelligence: 1

[Status Condition]

<Hunger >

- HP continues to decrease until the Demon feeds. Currently active.

[End Of Information]

Cold sweat appeared on my face as I observed the stats of the Demons who were prowling and searching for me.

"They're much stronger than the last one…" I muttered to myself.

It's a good thing I decided not to run. If more of these creatures were swarming around this building, I wouldn't make it out alive until I got stronger.

The Demons moved closer to the stairs where the stench of blood was the most pungent. Upon reaching the pool of blood, they instinctively realized that the slowly evaporating puddle belonged to one of their own.

"Skraaaaaaakkkkkk!!!!" They screeched out in a high pitch.

I couldn't tell whether they were bellowing out in sorrow or rage, but one thing was for sure… These Demons had emotions. One of their own was dead, and they would make sure to show me the same amount of mercy I gave to their fallen comrade, none.


Fortunately, I was within five meters of them… Too bad they couldn't see me!

I tapped on one of the bulkiest things I could find within my arsenal.

"Deep Freezer!"

Immediately, my huge and heavy freezer appeared above their heads as they mourned their dead brethren.


Showing surprise in their eyes, they tried to escape the falling object, pushing their legs to dash away from danger.

"I won't let you!" I immediately said, propelling myself from my hiding spot to ensure their demise.

I removed the duvet I wrapped around myself and threw the two sharpened rods I had in both hands at the Demons.

"Skraaa?!" They bellowed in surprise.

My arm still ached from the damage inflicted on me by the first Demon I encountered, but I ignored the pain and focused on the Demons.

I don't know why, but thanks to the system, my accuracy, strength, endurance, and general perception have improved drastically. The metal rods pierced the monsters in their chest and stomach respectively, causing them to stumble backward and recoil.

"Got you!" My thoughts rang.

My blow wasn't fatal, it wouldn't kill the Demons, but I wasn't counting on it to finish the job for me anyway.


The massive freezer landed on the two injured demons, crushing them instantly. Their blood splattered on me, causing me to cover my eyes as the disgusting liquid touched my sensitive skin.

"Urgh, gross!" I gagged.

It was surprising how the death of these Demons didn't faze me at all. It would be easy to attribute it to the system, but that's not what was happening. I was getting used to this. Unlike last time, I suddenly felt excited… Like I wanted to try this again.

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

"Whoah!" I exclaimed, watching the two icons which appeared in front of me.

Sweet, I went through two level-ups in an instant. However, this wasn't the most surprising thing that happened.


A bright light, followed by a low warbling sound radiated around me. The slight pain in my hand disappeared instantly. The blood on my clothes also vanished.

"A-Amazing!!!" I beamed, looking at my body, closely observing the changes on it.

I expected to feel stronger after I leveled up, and counted on it to progress through this apartment. However, I never expected instant regeneration.

"Instant recovery… Then this changes things entirely. I just might live through this!" I smiled.

"Status Window" I stated.


- Name: Jeremy Lewis

- Level: 3 – Exp: 80.00

- Race: Human – Job: None

- Age: 16 Years

- Sex: Male

- Height: 5" 3. – Weight: 115 pounds

- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

- Karma Points: 100 - (G) Karma Points: 10


- HP: 200/200

- MP: - -

- Strength: 70

- Agility: 400

- Vitality: 200

- Intelligence: 800

- (G) Factor: 90

- Gift: [Subspace]

- Items Equipped: Demon Core (Lesser) x 1

- Allies: None

[Status Condition]

<None >

[Additional Information]

A human with the last Gift. Possesses the interest of God.

[End Of Information]

I was in awe as I looked at my Status Information. To think that I had grown this strong already. And I was just 20 Exp away from leveling up again!

I was feeling even more motivated now.

My risky plan worked, and now I was even stronger than I was a few hours ago. Other crazy ideas started popping into my head, but I calmed myself.

"There's no rush"

I smiled, opening my pocket storage unit, and removed a piece of cloth to clean the blood that trickled on me. After a thorough cleaning, I threw it into the pool of blood that oozed on the floor.

I touched the Deep Freezer, placing it back into [Subspace] with a thought.

Quickly, I went back to my duvet and wrapped myself in its warmth, hiding as I awaited the arrival of my next prey.

Jeremy becomes accustomed to the new world slowly... Danger lurks everywhere so he can't let his guard down for a minute!

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