1 God of the Damned

Aaron decided to ask to get off early from his job as a bouncer so that he could walk the few blocks to his apartment under the lunar eclipse. As he was admiring the beauty of the moon when he heard a woman yell "He stole my purse!" Turning to look he saw a hooded man running towards him with purse in hand. 'He might have a knife or gun' as he thought this he stepped out of the thief's way and promptly got hit by a bus; the same bus he would have ridden home if he wouldn't have gotten off work early.

"Shit, what happened?" Aaron groaned, sat up and looked around "and where the hell am I?" He was sitting in a long room made of black stone; on one side of the room there was a set of large dark wooden double doors and on the opposite side of the room there was a throne seemingly carved out of the black stone. The throne was of rough and simple design with a few strange symbols on it, but it radiated power. When Aaron's eyes landed on the throne seemingly in a trance he pulled himself off the floor and walked to the throne and sat down.

[Welcome to the God of the Damned system]

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