2 “at least this will be interesting”

[Welcome to the King of the Damned system] as that message displayed across Aaron's vision he regained consciousness. Waking up and not knowing where you are isn't normal but in the grand scheme of things isn't that strange but loosing control of your body is a whole lot worse than being lost. So it is safe to say he freaked out; "what the fuck!" He screamed as he tried to jump out of the chair but he only made it a few inches before black chains wrapped around him anchoring him to the chair. "Hmmn this hasn't happened before" a demon voice said from somewhere in the room. "Who the fuck are you?! Where am?! I what just happened?!" Aaron said while tugging against the chains trying to escape the chains but failing to make them move at all. "Relax and be silent" the strange voice said and for whatever reason Aaron relaxed. He knew he should be worried and freaking out but he couldn't. He tried to say something but couldn't, so he just sat there calm and collected. "Hello, you can call me Grim" said the demonic voice as the darkness in the room seemingly condensed and formed a tall muscular man in a suit but the strangest thing about him were the large black feathered wings on this back. "For what seems like forever ago the powers that are in charge have chosen me to pick the ruler of hell. They say they chose me so I can have piece of mind about where I send the souls after death." Aaron tried to speak again but couldn't. "Beings with power normally try to claim the throne beings like wizards, demons, and angels. So few of those beings make it here. They have to travel through all of hell to this throne room many die before they can make it here. But! For whatever strange reason you a human with no magic power themselves and you are from a dimension with so little magic power only the bare necessity to make the place run shows up in the throne room bypassing all the guards and on top of all that, you are dead! I swear one of the gods of trickery are involved!" Grim looked genuinely upset at this development. "It doesn't follow any sound logic for this to had happened" he mutters under his breath. "I will now observe your soul core to see if you are really the right fit witch I doubt." Grim reaches out his hand and reaches into Aaron's chest. Aaron expected Grim's touch to hurt or be uncomfortable but it was somehow comforting. His hand was only in Aaron's chest for a second before he pulled it out. "You are worthy" he says with a frown "at least this will be interesting"
