
Rise of the God of Kouh

Alex was granted a second chance at life. Though of course he ended up as his least liked character, Issei Hyoudou. Now he has to work hard to lose the title he has and become respected. Though of course he sets his sights on an ambitious goal—to become the greatest Emperor the world has ever seen. Having gone out with a bang in his first life, he is determined to savor every moment of his newfound existence. Yet, as memories of his previous endeavors linger, an audacious idea takes root: perhaps it's time to explore the untapped potential of world domination.

Phantom_M0narch · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4

The month of intense training had taken its toll on both my body and mind. Each day was a grueling test of endurance as I pushed myself to the brink, following Ddraig's relentless regimen without question. The 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km run became my daily ritual, a torturous routine that left me questioning my sanity. Yet, amidst the physical strain, Ddraig also delved into the depths of dragon lore, unraveling the secrets of our kind and the history of the world in ways I had never imagined.

As I sat down for a rare moment of respite, slurping noodles to replenish my energy, Ddraig's voice broke the silence, pulling me back into the realm of training and transformation.

"I think it is time, Partner," he announced, his tone grave yet tinged with anticipation.

My brows furrowed in confusion as I set down my bowl, regarding him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Time for what?" I ventured, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.

Ddraig's eyes gleamed with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "You've pushed the limits of the Boosted Gear," he explained, his voice a low rumble. "But there's a path to even greater strength."

Leaning in, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with trepidation. "How?" I breathed, hanging on his every word.

The revelation he offered was nothing short of astonishing. To merge as one with him, shedding my human form to become a true dragon and inherit his title as the Dragon of Dominion. The gravity of his proposal struck me like a thunderbolt, igniting a whirlwind of emotions within me.

The prospect of transcending my human limitations, of wielding power beyond imagination, beckoned to me like a siren's call. And yet, the thought of forsaking my humanity, of embracing a fate so far removed from everything I knew, filled me with a sense of unease.

"Are you ready to take that step, Issei?" Ddraig's voice cut through my inner turmoil, his gaze unwavering.

"Hold on, what will happen to you?" I questioned, my voice laced with concern as I sought reassurance from my steadfast companion.

Ddraig met my gaze with a reassuring nod, his unwavering tone a beacon of certainty amidst the uncertainty swirling around us. "Oh, don't worry," he began, his words carrying a sense of calm assurance. "I will still be here with you. Well, we won't be able to converse as we do now, but you will inherit the ability to transform into a dragon."

His words lingered in the air, prompting me to take a moment to ponder the gravity of our decision. The weight of our impending fusion pressed down upon me, each passing second marking a crucial step toward an irreversible transformation.

"Are you sure about this, Ddraig?" I asked, seeking validation one last time, my heart heavy with the weight of our shared destiny.

Ddraig's response was resolute, his conviction unwavering as he affirmed his decision. "Yes," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of existence. "I have pondered this long and hard. I am weary of the cycle of passing from one wielder of the Sacred Gear to the next. After an eternity of existence, I yearn for the solace of rest."

His words resonated within me, stirring a sense of determination amidst the tumult of emotions churning within. With a nod of affirmation, I made my decision, ready to embrace the unknown that lay ahead.

"Alright, I will merge with you," I declared, my voice tinged with resolve as I prepared to embark on this monumental journey.

A soft smile graced Ddraig's features, a silent expression of gratitude for my acceptance of our shared fate. As a pillar of fire engulfed me, I surrendered myself to the ancient ritual, the ancient words of the Dragoik tongue resonating with a primal power that coursed through my veins.

Pain erupted within me, every fiber of my being wracked with searing agony as the flames consumed me, reshaping me from within. I felt my very essence intertwining with Ddraig's, our spirits merging into a singular entity bound by destiny.

My physical form underwent a profound transformation, muscles bulging with newfound strength, skin hardening as scales formed across my body. Wings erupted from my back, spanning wide with a majestic span of twelve feet, while horns sprouted from my forehead and my canines and nails sharpened to lethal points.

As the flames receded, leaving only a smoldering silhouette in their wake, I rose to my feet, my body pulsating with newfound power. Towering at six feet tall, I marveled at the changes that had overtaken me, a testament to the fusion of human and dragon.

"I will ensure that your legacy endures, my friend," I whispered, a solemn vow to honor the bond we shared. With a sense of purpose coursing through my veins, I tucked my hands into my pockets and began the journey back home, ready to embrace the challenges that awaited me as the new Dragon of Dominion.

<----------- >

"Son, where were you?" My father asked as I sat down to eat. "And what the heck happened to you, you look so different."

"I was... training," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper as I avoided his gaze, my hands fidgeting with the spoon in my bowl of cereal.

"For a whole month?" Dad's incredulous tone cut through the air, his expression a mixture of concern and confusion as he gestured wildly with his spoon.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, the weight of my secret burdening me as I struggled to find the right words to explain the inexplicable.

"Are you doing drugs?" Mom's voice chimed in, her worry evident in the furrow of her brow. "I heard that there are some substances that can drastically alter your physical appearance..."

"Mom, no, I'm not doing drugs," I interjected, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "I've just been hitting the gym a lot lately, that's all. Trying to get in shape."

With a heavy sigh, I pushed back my chair and stood up, the tension in the room palpable as I made my way to the door. "Look, I'm heading to school. I haven't been there in a while."

My father's puzzled expression followed me out the door, his confusion echoing in the air as I left the familiar confines of home behind.

Arriving at school around noon, I spotted two raven-haired girls engaged in conversation behind the closed gates. Ignoring their presence, I leaped over the gate with practiced ease, and went to head inside the school.

"Excuse me," one of the girls called out to me, interrupting my stride as I made my way towards the school building. I turned, raising an eyebrow in mild irritation at the intrusion.

"You are late, and you have to-" she began, but I cut her off with an exasperated groan.

"Oh, can you just shut up already?" I interjected, my patience wearing thin. "Who are you anyway?"

"I am Sona Si-," she started to reply, her arms crossed in a gesture of authority, but I couldn't be bothered to listen.

"Oh, wait, I don't really care," I interrupted once more, my impatience getting the best of me. "I'm heading to class."

"No, you're coming with me," Sona declared, her tone firm as she seized my arms with a surprising strength, dragging me along towards the school building. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of shock at her unexpected grip, though I quickly masked it with a smirk.

"If being rude means you manhandle me, I'll be as rude as I want," I retorted, a laugh escaping my lips as I shrugged off her hold. The other girl, meanwhile, delivered a swift reprimand in the form of a book to the back of my head, eliciting a yelp of pain from me.

"Ow! What the hell?" I protested, rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"Just be quiet, Mr. Hyoudou," she scolded, her words laced with exasperation.

"Whatever," I muttered, falling into step behind them as we made our way to what I assumed was the student council room. Seating myself casually in one of the chairs, I observed as Sona took her place behind the desk, an air of authority surrounding her.

"So, what now?" I inquired, my tone laced with nonchalance as I awaited their decision.

"Well, you did enter the school without proper authority and have missed a month of classes," Sona began, her voice measured as she began to jot down a note. "So, you are going to be suspended."

"So, my punishment for missing school is... not going to school?" I quipped, a chuckle escaping my lips at the irony of the situation.

"In-school suspension," Sona clarified, her patience wearing thin.

"Won't go," I stated simply, shaking my head in defiance.

"You will be put in detention for the rest of the yea-" Sona's irritation was palpable, but I cut her off with a casual yawn as my gaze landed on a nearby chessboard.

"Actually, let's make a deal," I proposed, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Let's play a game of chess. If you win, I'll accept any punishment you decide. But if I win, I go free."

Sona's eyes narrowed at my challenge, her competitive spirit rising to the surface. "Just know, I am undefeated in chess," she warned, moving the chessboard into position.

"Sounds like someone's scared to play," I teased, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Alright, you've got yourself a game, Mr. Hyoudou," Sona declared standing up.