
Rise of the Goblin

the humans of Earth have been transmigrated to Midgard as different creatures. Some have been blessed by gods some have not. War or Peace what will happen Angus is one of the Earthlings brought to Midgard He is a Goblin Blessed by Lugh he will surpass his weakness and become strong Cover picture was found on google, not owned by me

GrizzlyCraig · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3


--inner thoughts—

--line break

Story begins




As the Day Began, Angus disregarded Meditation for today.

Taking his cloak, he loaded the inside pockets with the Goat meat.

Then he took his new spear which was made from a fallen branch and sharpened bone. This spear was 5ft long.

Taking a long swig of water from the Creek, he set out on his journey.


For Kilometers Angus jogged through the forest towards the mountains.

Soon enough something burst from a bush to cause him a problem.

This creature looked like a large Badger.

Startled Angus stumbled backwards in slight fear.

Angus—Fuck, can I handle this? Should I run and fight another day? —

The Badger was faster than Angus thought.

Dashing forward it took a slash at Angus, which he quickly jumped over.

Taking his spear, he did an experimental jab to the animal.

The Badger reared back and then rushed forward.

The Badger took another swipe which hit the chest of Angus leaving 3 claw marks and gushing blood

When the Badger went for another strike, Angus moved

Rolling to the side Angus jabbed the Badger in its left flank with his spear.

When the Badger slowed down from that wound, Angus jumped on its back in pain and stabbed multiple times into the animals' neck with a bone knife that he made earlier.


Gasping was all that was heard

This was Angus, extremely tired from the surprise encounter.

With blood soaking the Goat fur that he wore.


He then looked around for something he could treat his wound with.

A few meters from him he saw what looked to be a Scots pine.

Remembering that pinesap was a good antiseptic he went to get some

Taking copious amounts of the sticky substance he put it in his wounds and on top placed bits of moss, to keep other debris out.

After Angus had a moment to calm down, he observed his wounds.

3 claw marks went from hi right pectoral down to the left of his diaphragm.


After treating his wound, Angus, started dragging the carcass to the river clearing that was just past the Scots pine he saw earlier


Once there he started cleaning and skinning the badger.

Wanting to use the pelt for a bag, he knew he needed to make some sort of thread/cordage.

Thinking about it he decided to use the sinews from the badger.

Looking at the un he realised that the day was soon going to end.

Quickly he went to gather materials for a fire and to build a shelter.

Knowing that it would take a few days for the sinews to dry properly to be used for cordage, he also went about preparing all the meat to be smoked and cleaned his goat pelt.


For the next 2 days the sinews sat on a rock in the sun drying.

During this time Angus physically trained and meditated.

But not only that. He also started practicing with his spear.

After being injured by that badger, he realised even though he did many things in his past life, fighting to kill was not one of them.

Yes, he hunted, and went to a few boxing fights. But the only person he killed was by shooting them

To do this he thought back to ways to make the best of his training, so he took his spear and continuously thrusted into a tree, hoping that this would make his body used to shocks.

By the end of the 2 days Angus had to remake 5 spears, these ones were however not given a bone spearhead.


Once the sinews were ready, Angus found a flat stone to pound them into fine fibres, which he started cording into sturdy threads.

It took a few hours to complete this, and once done Angus went on to making his Badger Bag

He only made a little loop so that he could carry the bag on the end of his spear.

When the bag was done, Angus loaded it up with bones, meat, and leftover sinew thread.


Continuing his journey for another 2 days

Jogging, workout spear training, meditating, eat, repeat

This was all that happened, during this time Angus did not need to hunt thanks to the badger.

Coming to the mountains, his breath was taken away at the beauty before him.

In his dreams on earth, he yearned to live in such a place.

Tall Mountains encompassing a tree filled valley, and a river running through.

What more could one need.


This would be his new home. Just needed to find a better location, maybe near some other people.

Half a day later, Angus decided to set his home on top of a gully, that branched off of the river.

Even though he did not see people, this spot made his Heart weep in awe at the views surrounding him.


Going through plans in his head, Angus wanted this place to be permanent and safe for him.

So, he thought back to on earth on the internet there was this bush crafter who made a neat fort, with a bedroom, tower and woodshed along with walls

This would be his template, which would be expanded and improved on over time


A week, of back breaking work

Making a stone axe, he went on to chopping down trees.

The majority were Hard maples, which had a strange glowing moss growing on them

This made him happy since that means he would have a constant light source.

Trenches were dug, Stones, and Gravel lugged, Rope made from Cedar Fibres made.

Post placed and bound.

This work was continuous, with no time to train or laze about.

But the good thing about the tree removal was now he had a place to start a small farm when he found some good seeds to plant.

Once the small fort was done, he could not help but to marvel at it even if it was basic.


In his old life, he never had the need to do this since his own home was passed down for generations.

Deciding to take a well earned and long nap, he went into his new home.



Else where among the world of Midgard

At the time that Angus was adventuring, many earthlings were either suffering or given much luck.



Location: Fungus Forest of the Hill dwarves


A small gathering of Hill dwarves and hobbits observed a grouping of Dwarves and hobbits led by 1 God and 1 goddess.

These were Geb- God of earth and Makosh- goddess of Fertility and agriculture.


Geb: Greetings creation of my loins (Hill Dwarves), Behind me are those from a world that was destroyed. We have given them a chance at a new life, please treat and teach them well.


As this was happening Makosh was pinching the cheeks and rubbing the hair of her creations the hobbits.


These earthling behind the deities were 5 hobbits and 7 Dwarves.

They had no clue as to what happened, just that they are in a new world as a different species. A world that contained magic. The only thing they were told to do was learn and live.



Elsewhere, Orcish pits of flame

A god known as Lucifer appeared before a group of roaring Orcs.

Lucifer: hello my disgusting creations. I have brought before you sinners of another world. To repent they will be your slaves


At that moment Lucifer waved his hands a group of 80 goblins and 30 orcs appeared.

The Midgard Orcs went into a frenzy.

Earthling Orc: NO, what have I done to deserve this, please let me go to a better race!


Lucifer grinning: Now why would I do that? In my eyes al earthling are sinners for destroying the Gods creations.

Lucifer: Now My creations, use these gifts to enjoy yourselves, and to prepare for war! Soon you will be given the chance to reap many rewards, you just need to be prepared.


The Orcs Roared is glee, dragging their new slaves away.

Some to be put to work, and some to be used as bed warmers



Elsewhere, Golden Plains of the High elves


High Priest Elf: O Great Athena, Aphrodite and Freyja, thank you for giving unto us your champions.

What must we do to repay this kindness.


Athena: For too long have the dirt dwellers (Mountain Dwarves) and the Orcish bastards been a stain on this world. Go show them the power of Beauty, and intelligence.

Aphrodite: Yes, Show my Crippled husband that his creations pail in comparison to mine

Freyja: Not just that, prepare for Ragnarök will soon appear, the forces of all gods are gaining strength from champions. You must not lose the fight or the world may crumble!


(AN: Ragnarök is an actual myth of the end of days, I will follow myths more than Anime or movies when I can)


Those brought to the Elves were also all high elves. A total of 50 men and 70 women.

They were as beautiful as a sculpture, each bearing smiles at their fortune.



Elsewhere, Human clan of Fire

Prometheus god of Fire, trickery and a master craftsman

Prometheus: Poor little humans, soon wars, and deaths will come. I gift upon you 3 champions. 1 blessed with a portion of my knowledge and powers.

Prometheus: Use and aid them well. For your lives and world depend on it.



Above Midgard in what looked to be a Gaelic longhouse, sat three gods

One had golden hair, one had an eye patch, one that was a hulk of a being.

These were Lugh, Odin, and Gofannon.

They were all looking into the flames of a fire that showed a goblin building his new home.


Gofannon: Is it so wise to make a champion of three gods, such a pitiful creature?

Lugh: we have all seen his life, once pushed down he will grow stronger than any other.

Odin: This world is in peril, more than just the game of the gods. There are movements in the shadow not even I or Heimdall can see. This young goblin, must be prepared.

Gofannon: why did you not tell him of our blessing, Lugh?

Lugh: Is this not supposed to be a game? Let him find out on his own!