
Rise Of The Giant Legend

In a world where babies choose their abilities, Jotnar declines, surprising everyone. As he grows up, he faces challenges due to his ordinary nature. However, when unforeseen events unfold, Jotnar finds himself embarking on a grand adventure. With courage and determination, he sets out on a journey that will change his life and the world forever.

ogre_5582 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The mistake

"Wahh... wahhh" was all that was heard.

"Quite the loud one you got there, Lady Elizabeth," said a large lady in a white gown. "Well, can't choose what we get," she continued. "Well, don't we all wish for a proud, healthy child?" replied Lady Elizabeth from the bed. "Let's prepare for the baby to choose its system."

"Ding, please pick what system you would like," announced a voice, and cries filled the room again, most likely due to the sudden blue light that appeared in front of the baby. The child raised its hand before clicking.

"Decline," the baby chose.

Silence filled the room as everyone shouted "Decline" at the same time. The baby started to cry again after the sudden noise. Then, a man walked in slowly and proceeded to say, "What son did this slut make?"

Before the nurse-like lady bowed her head, she said, "He declined the system." Confusion arose as more cries filled the room. "Stop with the jokes; the last time this happened was 10,000 years ago," someone exclaimed. "Of course, a slut produces a useless child."

"Please, he is your child. Don't call him useless. Shut up, you pig," Lady Elizabeth defended fiercely. "The only reason I keep you around is because of your looks."

"Lady Elizabeth is not a pig, you man whore," a small kid said. "She is my mom. She has pretty blue eyes and blond hair, wearing a cute green dress."

"You look just like your mother," the man said. "I will let you live because of that. I am the strongest giant, the king of Jotunheimr."

Yes your majesty and i thank you for spearing this useless daugther of mine and her foul mouth


"Get down here Jotnar" Elizabeth said before a small boy then reveals himself with a decently toned body red medium sized spiky hair and emerald-green eyes with a pair of horns on his head.

"boy put a shirt on" lady Elizabeth says " its my first day to school mom most kids don't wear shirts any way unless their girls "

"yeah yeah don't complain at least wear ur leather strap to hold ur axe"

"yeah okay mom i am ready see you in 3 years mom "

WHAT!... a loud noise could be heard throughout the town

"What do you mean by that?"

"The academy."

"You can't enter the academy, Jotnar. Huh, why not? Sister did it."

"(That's because your sister has a strong system.)"

"Well, you can't. The knight exam is in 10 years. Just wait ten years, alright, Jotnar?"

"Alright, but isn't the academy gonna boost your chance for succession? Really high since I am one of the chief's sons. Shouldn't I be a part of this, mom?"

"(Normally, yes, but because you have no system, the chief wouldn't even let you come near his palace, let alone the academy.)"

"Sorry, son, but if you do well in the knight exam, you will still have a chance."

"(That's a lie, and I know it, but I can't tell Jotnar that.)"

"Really, mom? You mean it?"


"Alright then, I'ma work hard and practice swinging my axes every day. Also, why are your arms behind your back?"

"The kids at school said I look weird, that I am only taller than them because I am just a dumb meathead, which is why I declined my system, and that I was even born imperfect."

"Jotnar, don't listen to those kids. Mommy's here."

alright ma ima go play out side

alright stay safe


Silence filled the room as everyone shouted "Decline" at the same time.

But then, we seemed to zoom out, following a blue light that flowed from Jotnar to another boy, a stranger.

"Mary, I am sorry, but it seems your son isn't even fit to receive a system."

"No, you must be joking!"

Ding! A red light lit the room as a young boy, by some strange twist of fate, received a system along with the name THOR. Everyone in the room was left in awe when they saw the radiant glowing light.

Unlike a certain dumb baby, which passed this up, Thor quickly clicked "Accept." Also, if you're wondering, giant babies are born with a certain level of IQ, making it easy for them to understand when they get an opportunity. Yet, Jotnar declined this very system. What system was that?

Once you have a system, it is ingrained in your mind and his said:

[Supreme god system: Pick the power of a god]







[Lightning selected]

[Supreme lightning god system]


Jotnar opened the creaky door of his run-down house and ran outside. He saw a boy and worked up the courage to say hello.

"Hi," the boy said back. "My name's Thor. What's yours? Wanna be friends?"

"My name's Jotnar," he replied.

Jotnar began to blush at the thought of making his first friend. All the kids at school bullied him, so he could never make any friends.

"Nice to meet you, Jotnar. What's your system name? I am a bit of a geek when it comes to that stuff."

"I, umm, don't have one."

"You must be kidding! Without even intending to be rude, Thor laughed at the thought of Jotnar not having a system. 'Welp, this must suck,' said Thor."

"Yeah, it does. So, wanna spar?"

"(This will be my chance to know where I reside when it comes to fighting a system user.)"

"Hahahaha, you're hilarious! You're not joking? That wouldn't be fun for me. No thanks."

"Just one match."

"Fine, you're gonna lose pretty fast, though. But here we go. 3... 2... 1... Go!"

Jotnar charged at Thor with all four of his wooden axes in his strap.

Thor was surprised by the two arms that were hidden behind his back, making his attack slightly less powerful but nothing serious.


A giant 20 feet tall spear appeared, but Jotnar didn't back down and ran at full speed, almost closing the distance before with his other hand, Thor said, "[HEAVENS, HEAR MY CALL, LIGHTNING BURST!]"

The attack blasted Jotnar back before releasing the giant spear that had just finished charging. Jotnar got up, gripping his axes tighter, and used some low-level techniques: {Perfect Throw} and {Enhancement}.

Jotnar threw the axe after muttering the first technique, hitting Thor right in the head, causing him to bleed a little. With his second technique, he tried to block the giant spear of lightning coming for him, still in pain from Thor's earlier attack. But to no avail, Thor won without much effort. Sad Thor touched the blood on his head, a small cut, before walking away, leaving Jotnar there passed out and in pain.

When Jotnar woke up, he swore that even without a system, he would get power just like that.

Arthur here, wait! Don't leave. This is important to the story.

I'm going to talk about the ranks of a [system] and the ranks of a {technique}. Let's start with the system.


[Ascended] - Thor is at this level.

[Heaven and Earth]



These are the levels someone who uses a system has to climb through the ranks. For reference, if you look up, you'll see Thor's ascended level, and the chief would be much higher.

There are also levels within each rank that go like this: [Earthly Beginner Stage 1], [Earthly Medium Stage 2], [Earthly Peak Stage 3]. They're all the same rank inside the level, just different names. So, if I say someone is at [Atomic Stage 2], you should know they're an expert who falls just behind a Peak Master Stage 3 and the stage after it.

Now for techniques, here's how their ranks work:




Demi-Human/Purple/Epic Super Rare

Black/Red/Legendary Ultra Rare

Void/Light/Impossible/Evolved versions of red and black cards

There are no ranks within these cards, just proficiency levels 1-100. The higher your proficiency, the stronger you'll be. Even if you both use the same technique, whoever has higher proficiency would win. If the proficiency is the same, the technique will just cancel each other out.

Next are cultivators. Here are their ranks. They have in-between ranks, but it works exactly the same as system users: 1 stage, 2 stages, and peak stage 3.

Earthly Practitioner







Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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