
Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension

A diehard Marvel fan who wakes up to find himself reincarnated as a Yautja, one of the legendary hunters from the Predator movies. Big surprise he is in marvel. 'Mother@#$_&!!'

Vekay_Legend · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 7



~Yautja Language ~

Watching transfixed at everything that's going on she was stunned beyond belief that she, a loner had a Champion and The Avatar of their very Deities as her mate. Seeing all of them now bowing to him Victor felt uncomfortable, he went and helped the Elder to his feet as he said

~Unless it's for our Gods and Goddesses never kneel, even Infront of Me.~

The old man only smiled at him before Berenike approached the Old Chief and said "Old man, I've become his mate. Could you help me understand him and teach me about him and his culture?"

The old fellow nearly had a heart attack hearing that before he bellowed in surprise " You did what?!?!'

After some time Victor lead the people to his cave and helped the Elder to take his seat and rest his weary bones, looking thankfully at Victor he said

~Thank you for your graciousness my Lord~

~Think nothing of it.~ Victor replied as he took a sit close to him, Berenike then sat down on Victor's lap causing the large cave to erupt in whispers as the other people were shocked by her audacity to act inappropriately with the Champion of their Deities.

"Child you were not only a very bright child who succeeded in her efforts but also the most troublesome one, explain from the beginning please. How did all of this happen?" Asked the mentally exhausted Chief, Looking back at Victor with him looking back deep into her eyes before she broke the connection first and explained.

The crowd as well as the chief and her brother who sat down and listened, transfixed on the tale she wove of the search, the ambush, Victor's intervention and Victory. Hearing the end of tale the others gave roars of approval one of the others, a scarred bear gave a hearty laugh before he roared out out "Now that is something worth drinking to! Ahahaha!!!!" Causing some of the other's to nod their head chuckling in agreement, one of the trackers and trap huntresses then asked with curiosity "And how did he accept you as his mate?"

Shrugging Berenike responded with "I don't know, I just happened. Ever since I saw him I've felt like I found the missing piece of my soul."

After some dialogue and exchanges celebrated Victor their at last found The Avatar and Champion of their Deities, the elder came to Victor who was busy carving and sat next to him drawing his attention.

"Hunter, both of our people had gone through crisis that drove us all to extinction. After the betrayal there were many proud and warmongering races who feared us, but on our weakest moments and amongst them were the Kree.

They and Thanos drove out people to near annihilation and blasted our technological advancement back by centuries, many of your people as well as our own who fought back were captured and only our Gods and Goddesses know what they are going through now.

Your appearance heralds the moment we can take back what belongs to us, as well as justice and vengeance upon those who attacked us, and so I ask you....not as a chief nor an elder but a weary old soul, a father, a widower, a grandfather.....please help us." Said the old lion, his face seemingly aged by decades with tears streaming down his face as he recalled the pain and horrors his people as well as himself experienced.

The pain of losing his mate, his son, his daughter becoming a widow, it was too much for him to bear. His daughter and her cubs were the reason he did not follow his beloved mate to the afterlife yet, and so with her loss he became a shadow of himself.

Victor witnessing all of this could not help but empathize with him, putting his hand on his shoulder he said "I will need all the help I can get, even if I'm a champion and avatar. I'm mortal just like the rest of you. Do you have any technology left even if they don't work?"

Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude the old fellow could not help but laugh in joy in what seemed elation, after eating and celebration they rested before they all rested.

Waking up the next day they all set for their city with Victor in tow, the others helping by carrying the body parts of the creature to their city. Along the way Berenike walked along with Victor side by side, shoulder bumping him causing him to look down at her with her looking up at him with a smile making him to spank her on her rear jokingly causing her to giggle with her tail wagging.

This exchange did not escape her brother notice causing him to snort before asking for the Elder to translate what he was about to say to Victor, seeing him nod he called the attention of Victor before walking towards him standing face to face before he began

"You may have saved me and my sister's life and we are grateful, and even be The Champion and Avatar of our Deities. But if you ever break my sister's heart, and I found out about it? You can run or hide or even better fight, I Thut of the Nakor clan upon our ancestors to make you pay...Are we clear?"

Victor said nothing to him only keeping his gaze on Thut with him doing the same, tension started to build until Victor only raised his arm to him causing him to look at it before grasping it.

~I can't make promises I can't keep, but know that she's mine and I keep mine safe and sound. ~

Having said their piece they went ahead to the city where they saw over the hill a beautiful kingdom from afar, seemingly a mix of Medieval and Scifi with the beautiful expanse.

The old lion turned his head towards Victor and said to him with his arms spread.

~Dear Champion, Behold our Proud and Unbroken Home ISH'LA'REN!!~

The people of course could not understand what was said between The Elder and The Champion but hearing the name of their kingdom caused every single person including Berenike except for Victor to raise their weapons high and roar with pride.


The roars from the people of their city also accompanied the roars of their returning warriors and companions.