
Rise of The Fallen Hero

Once hailed as the world's hero, the protagonist sacrificed everything for the sake of humanity—family, friendships, and even love. His relentless training and countless adventures were undertaken without regret, driven solely by the belief that humanity's survival was paramount. But after vanquishing the once-invisible Demon King, betrayal struck. His own allies, driven by jealousy and fear, plunged a blade into their back, revealing the depths of humanity's dread. As their soul dispersed into the void, a desperate roar reached the ears of Satan himself. A pact was struck, and he was granted an opportunity for vengeance. Reborn at the beginning of their hero's journey, his heart harbored no hope for humanity, no reverence for gods. Only the power of darkness remained, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for retribution. Guided by the malevolent Dark System, the fallen hero embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, and his path marked by shadows and treachery.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Domain of the Gods

The bewildering sight before me left me paralyzed with confusion. The monstrous Chimera had frozen mid-roar, its distorted form glitching as if caught in a digital nightmare. My mind struggled to comprehend the bizarre turn of events, and I felt myself on the verge of passing out.

The panel gave me a series of warnings, flashing messages that seemed to scream at me, alerting me to danger. My vision blurred, and my consciousness wavered. Just as I felt like I was about to succumb to unconsciousness, a final warning flashed before me: "Danger! Danger!" Then, in the blink of an eye, I found myself in an entirely different place, a realm far removed from the boss's chamber.

I blinked, disoriented and bewildered, trying to make sense of my surroundings. This place bore no resemblance to the fiery battleground where I had faced the Chimera. Instead, I found myself in a room of opulent design, with intricate carvings and plush furnishings that spoke of grandeur.

My gaze wandered, and I noticed a group of people seated at a long table. They regarded me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine, as if they had been waiting for my arrival. Their attire was unlike anything I had seen before, elegant and distinct.

I cautiously approached them, my heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. I needed answers, and these enigmatic figures held the key. I asked them where I was and how I could return to the world I knew, desperate for any information.

One of the individuals, a man named Modi, fixed me with a cold, knowing stare and instructed me to remain silent and return to where I had come from. His tone was harsh, leaving me shocked and confused.

Amidst my bewilderment, a woman with striking blonde hair and an air of authority intervened. She silenced Modi and acknowledged my presence, her voice commanding. "Don't treat our guest harshly," she chided him, earning a displeased scowl from Modi.

I explained my predicament to the woman, telling her that I had no idea how or why I had ended up in this place. Modi remained skeptical, and the tension in the room grew palpable.

Another man, dressed in emerald-green robes, offered his assistance and asked if I needed anything. I declined, instead focusing on the enigma of my current location. When I expressed my disbelief at having reached this dimension, the gods in the room were stunned into silence, Modi's suspicions deepening.

The man, Balder, revealed my location—the territory of the gods, the 'Domain of the Gods.' The revelation sent shockwaves through me, as I realized the gravity of my situation. If these were indeed gods, they could wield unimaginable power. They would surely know of my contract with Satan, and that spelled certain doom.

The gods drew their weapons, and I could feel their scrutiny, their caution. I knew I had to act quickly. I offered them a deal—a pact that would ensure I would not interfere with their divine plans or harm any of their "graced ones."

Balder seemed intrigued by my offer and accepted, but the price for breaking my contract with Satan would be severe, even worse than I could imagine. Still, I had no choice but to agree to their terms. The alternative was far grimmer.

Just as the pact was sealed, another woman appeared suddenly, her presence transcendent. With an overwhelming surge of power, she pushed me, creating a rift in the fabric of this dimension. I was sucked into it, and in the blink of an eye, I found myself back in the boss's chamber, the echoes of my encounter with the gods fading into distant memory.

The room was once again empty, devoid of any life except for the glitched, frozen form of the Chimera. The strange journey I had just undertaken left me breathless and bewildered. What had transpired in the 'Domain of the Gods,' and how had I returned to this place?

As I stood before the still-glitched creature, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had crossed paths with forces far beyond my comprehension.