
Rise of The Fallen Hero

Once hailed as the world's hero, the protagonist sacrificed everything for the sake of humanity—family, friendships, and even love. His relentless training and countless adventures were undertaken without regret, driven solely by the belief that humanity's survival was paramount. But after vanquishing the once-invisible Demon King, betrayal struck. His own allies, driven by jealousy and fear, plunged a blade into their back, revealing the depths of humanity's dread. As their soul dispersed into the void, a desperate roar reached the ears of Satan himself. A pact was struck, and he was granted an opportunity for vengeance. Reborn at the beginning of their hero's journey, his heart harbored no hope for humanity, no reverence for gods. Only the power of darkness remained, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for retribution. Guided by the malevolent Dark System, the fallen hero embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, and his path marked by shadows and treachery.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Demon's Favour

In the dark abyss of hell, where the boundaries of reality and nightmare blur, a succubus named Lilith found herself consumed by boredom. Time stretched endlessly, and she yearned for a diversion from the eternal monotony of the underworld. It was then that she hatched a plan, one that would bring her to the attention of the one being whose power transcended all others—Satan himself.

With graceful poise and a wicked gleam in her eyes, Lilith made her way to the heart of the infernal realm, where Satan, the lord of darkness, held court. Demons bowed in reverence as she passed, acknowledging her beauty and power, for Lilith was no ordinary succubus.

Arriving before the throne of Satan, she knelt and spoke with a voice that dripped with honey and venom. "Your Highness," she purred, "I find myself in possession of an unusual request, a whim born of my endless boredom."

Satan regarded her with eyes that smoldered like burning coals. "Speak, Lilith," he commanded, his voice a rumbling thunder that echoed through the depths of hell.

Lilith smiled, revealing sharp fangs that glistened with malice. "I ask for the boon of power—a taste of your dark gifts, Your Highness. I wish to aid a mortal, a fallen hero, in the world above. Grant me the strength to shape his destiny."

Satan leaned forward, his horns casting ominous shadows. "You seek power to meddle in the affairs of the living? What would compel you to make such a request?"

Lilith's gaze never wavered. "Boredom, my lord. The tedium of hell has left me yearning for something more. And this hero, this fallen one, offers a spark of excitement."

Satan considered her request, his eyes piercing her very soul. After a contemplative silence, he leaned back on his throne, his decision made. "I shall grant your request, Lilith. You shall be bestowed with power and authority to aid this hero in his quests."

Lilith's heart skipped a beat, and a delighted smile spread across her lips. "Thank you, Your Highness. I shall not disappoint."

But Satan's voice held a note of caution. "There is one condition, Lilith. You shall be more than a mere benefactor to this hero. You shall be his companion, his guide through the trials that await him."

Lilith nodded eagerly, though she barely concealed her excitement. "I accept, Your Highness. I shall be his unwavering companion on his path to glory."

Satan's crimson eyes bore into hers. "Remember, Lilith, your actions in the mortal world reflect upon me. Aid the hero, but do not forget the rules that govern your existence."

With that, the deal was sealed, and Lilith was granted the dark power she had coveted. She couldn't contain her elation, knowing that the world above would soon be her playground, and the fallen hero her pawn.


Meanwhile, in the divine Domain of the Gods, the atmosphere remained tense following the sudden return of the fallen hero. The gods had barely recovered from the shock of his intrusion when a figure emerged, a god unlike any other they had seen in their celestial realm.

The god in question was Hades, a being who had long been banished from the domain of the gods for reasons shrouded in mystery. Her presence sent ripples of unease through the gathered deities, their expressions a mixture of surprise and wariness.

Modi, never one to mince words, was the first to speak. "Hades," he said, his tone laced with suspicion, "what business do you have in our domain? You are not welcome here."

Hades regarded him with an air of indifference, her gaze unwavering. "I came only for the fallen hero," she replied coolly, her words carrying an undercurrent of threat.

The other gods exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected intrusion. Hades's presence was an unsettling reminder of past conflicts and ancient grievances.

Modi, his patience wearing thin, pressed further. "And what does the fallen hero have to do with you? He is no concern of yours."

Hades's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "He is my chosen one, Modi. His fate is intertwined with mine. I will not allow any harm to befall him."

Her words hung in the air, a declaration of intent that sent a shiver down the spines of the gods. Hades had always been a wild card, unpredictable and dangerous. She had been banished for good reason, and her reappearance in their domain was cause for alarm.

The gods exchanged tense glances, silently communicating their apprehension. Hades's presence was a harbinger of uncertainty, a dark cloud on the horizon.