
Rise of the Fallen Duke

Year 2023, exactly one year ago, the world was thrown into pandemonium. No one exactly knows how or why, but the sudden emergence of portals or gates, as many refer to, started appearing all across the world. Monsters of all kinds started flooding out of these portals and started wrecking havoc. Many died as chaos ensued. But as all hope was seemingly lost, special individuals started transcending, gaining supernatural abilities that could fend off the onslaught of attacks. Now that the world has somehow regained a semblance of order, the old way of life also became no more. My name is Elijah. Join me in my journey in fulfilling what my predecessor couldn't, as I rise to power. Warning: This novel contains Graphic content, Sensitive topics, Violence, and any other 18+ content related. You've been warned

harpdance26 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Be My Advisor

[Elijah's POV]

<<January 16, 2023>>

<<Manila, Philippines>>

Waking up the next morning to a wonderful view of Jonathan's handsome face, just makes my day. It ensures that I get to start the day right and sets my mood for the rest of the morning. After admiring my vassal's perfectly handsome face, I slowly and quietly got out of bed, to start preparing for the day ahead. I went to the bathroom to do my morning routines and take a hot shower to completely wake my body up. I then changed into something that's work-appropriate but at the same time, at least what I think of as fashionable. I mainly didn't have to worry much about what I wear in the past since I was always stuck at home, but after I started working at the association, I quickly realized that how you look and how you present yourself, deeply affects how people perceive and treat you.

After I finished changing, I then prepared my essential oil concoction and placed it beside the tub, along with a bottle of mana crystal powder. It's for when Jonathan is done with his training for today. I then wrote a simple note on a piece of paper, to let Jonathan know that I'd already left for work, and left it on the bedside table. I then lightly brushed Jonathan's hair to the side, and gave him a light kiss on his forehead, before I headed downstairs.

I prepared myself my favorite breakfast on workdays, scrabbled egg sandwich with bacon, mayo, and lettuce. It's just the perfect breakfast to give me the boost I need to start my day off. I usually just pack my sandwich and eat it when I get to work, but today I decided to savor it at home since I woke up pretty early and I still have time to spare.

After polishing off my sandwich and now fully charged up, I then headed out, ready to face the day head-on.

Just as I was walking towards the entrance of the association's building, I heard someone call me, causing me to turn to the source. There, I saw my bubbly assistant rushing towards me, with her signature six-inch stilettoes and wearing a very smoldering outfit.

"Good morning boss!~" Shelly greeted me with a bright smile when she reached me.

"Good morning Shelly!" I greeted her back with an amused smile. "Did the morning get a little bit hotter?" I said as I started fanning myself, making Shelly giggle and playfully slap me on the shoulder.

I mean, honestly, I'm used to Shelly wearing very sexy clothing, but today takes the cake. I'm talking, leather corset, a white loose blouse over it, tucked under a pencil skirt with the highest slit I've ever seen. And of course, how could I forget her killer heels.

"Anyways, you look very hot and pretty today as well, Shelly" I sincerely complimented my assistant.

Other people might condemn me for not reprimanding my assistant for wearing such provocative clothes to work, but I don't give a flying flip. I say, let her dress however the hell she wants. I don't want to box or restrict my assistant in the way she expresses herself. Besides, her clothing choices are still tasteful and elegant; not like how people make it be as trashy. People are just jealous, they can't carry themselves with dignity and poise as my assistant does, that's why they project their insecurities by talking smack about her clothing choices.

"Thank you, bosssssssss!~" Shelly said shyly.

"So, shall we?" I asked, offering my arm to her like a true gentleman.

"Let's," Shelly said with a bright beaming smile, as she then delicately put her hand under my offered arm and curled her hand back over it. And with that, we both walked towards the association's entrance.

The moment we walked in though, the unrelenting buzzes all around me is starting to get irritating. I didn't want it to ruin my mood, but when I heard someone smack talk my assistant, you best believe I'm not letting it go. People can smack talk me all they want, but when it comes to the people I care about? Then that's an entirely different story.

I heard people say like:

"Is she a proustite? Did she get lost or something?"

"How can she wear something so sl*tty?"

"F*ck! I'd like to have a piece of that cake!"

"Sh*t, I think I'm getting hard! F*ck"

And some brave ones actually approached us and started talking like they were just concerned or worried.

"Trainer Elijah, I think it's about time you tell your assistant to dress appropriately. Her, dressing like a lost proustite all the time, is going to ruin your prestige and image." A lady with a bob cut said.

"I agree Trainer Elijah. The way that she dresses is not going to be doing you any good in the long run. Unless you let her dress like that for your pressure," The woman beside bob cut woman, said. Suggesting that I and my assistant have an illicit office affair going on, which was completely absurd.

I could see Shelly was about to burst out, but I beat her to it. They've made some snide remarks that didn't sit right with me, and I took it personally, so I started blasting.

"If you people are so concerned about how my assistant dresses, then why don't you start dressing like her? I know you people are just projecting your petty insecurities." I told them straight up, right in their faces. My voice was cold, calm, and loud enough, that people could hear our conversation.

"How could we? This is a place where people go to work, not a strip club," The bob-cut woman said with a huge frown on her face.

"So then what's wrong with how my assistant looks? She's pretty covered up. It's not like she's outright showing her boobs or something. She came here to work and does her job pretty damn well. So tell me what you people are getting so riled up about?" I asked them, keeping my voice calm but freezing cold.

"I don't know why you are so hostile towards us, trainer Trainer Elijah. We were just telling you this because we're concerned for you." The other woman said with a pitiful voice as if I've wronged her dearly.

"Concern? You, people, are concerned about me?" I asked in utter disbelief. "You know what, it's too early in the morning for this kind of drama. So instead let me give you both a piece of advice. In fact, let me give everyone here a piece of advice!" I said making my voice louder so that people can hear what I'm about to dish out.

"You said this is a workplace, right? THEN WORK! You people sure have a lot of time in your hands to be busy gossiping and chatting about people. This country is desperately trying to get back on its feet, but it's parasites like you that prevent it from doing so. Instead of wasting your time gossiping and chatting all day, why don't you focus your energy on doing something more productive! And you, pigs," I then turned around to the men who were staring at my assistant with lustful and predatory eyes. "The reason why so many women lose their confidence in expressing themselves through what they wear is because of shameless bastards like you. Keep your mind out of the gutter for goodness sake!" I then returned my gaze to both women in front of me. "If it were just me, I'd start firing you people. You people not only waste valuable space but resources as well."

"Then let it be known that both of those employees are now fired," A booming voice said.

Turning my head, I saw the association's president, along with his assistant and his brother William, walking towards our direction. The sudden appearance of the association's president, shocked every employee loitering around the main hall of the association. His presence alone demands attention and respect. It's definitely not an exaggeration to call him the Philippine's strongest hunter. With his sheer strength alone, he could go head to head on equal footing, with other legendary classed hunters from other powerhouse countries. He along with his assistant Lucas and his brother William; the three of them exuded pressure that could make people easily cower in fear.

When they arrived, they stood next to us and gave both women a piercing stare.

"It is as the association's president said, both of you are dismissed from your jobs. Kindly, clear your stations and leave the association immediately," Lucas said with a disgusted glare.

"Do you have anything to say to them, before then leave for good?" I urged Shelly, just to add salt no their gaping wounds. Shelly has one of the sharpest tongues I know, and I've never seen anyone who crossed her, ever walk away unscathed. Either they have their entire confidence completely shattered or slowly dragged to the mud, then shatter. Besides, they were talking smack about her, so I think it's only fair that I let Shelly say her piece.

Shelly gave them a vindictive smirk, before dishing out her revenge cold.

"Bye, B*TCH!" Shelly said, every word crispy and clear.

"Say it again for the people in the back," I urged her, as I do enjoy Shelly doing her thing.

"BYEEEE, B*TCHHHH!~" Shelly repeated, but a little louder this time.

"Sing it for me!"

"BYEEE~, B*TCHHHHHH OHHH YEAAAHHH~!" Shelly dished out her amazing voice, by doing vocal gymnastics on their faces, completely destroying their egos along the way. Her savagery truly knows no end.

"Now, end it soft,"

"Bye, B*tchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" Shelly did so with a soft voice, almost like a whisper, but still packed a punch, as she prolonged the ending part.

"I assumed, you can handle your employees from here?" I asked the association's president without an ounce of fear. People might think I'm shameless for not talking to the association's president with respect, but the reason I could do so is because, I'm confident that the president will let me get a pass, at least just for today.

"Of course," Benjamin answered with a hard tone in his voice, but I could see the glint of amusement in his eyes, that he's trying so hard to conceal.

"Then we're done here. C'mon Shell, we have work to do, unlike some people," I said as we passed by the two freshly fired employees.

"Toodles, B*tches!" Shelly said as she gave them a taunting wave. And as we were walking towards the elevator, I notice Shelly, giving Benjamin a seductive wink and a flirtatious little finger wave, before turning back, making sure that she adds a little sway in her hips as she walks.


[Jonathan's POV]

<<January 16, 2023>>

<<Manila, Philippines>>

Walking up, I noticed that the master's side of the bed is cold and empty. Stretching out my limbs, I sat upright and let out a big yawn. Blinking the sleepiness away, I noticed the piece of paper on the bedside table. As I began to read it, a smile just naturally lifted from my face.

[Morning Sleepyhead,

I'm already at work when you read this. I made breakfast for you, so make sure you eat it before you start training. I've also given you the list of workouts. And after you finished your training, go soak in the tub again, so that your body can relax and heal. I've already made the mixture of essential oil, so all you have to do is dump it all in the tub, along with mana crystal powder. You can also just order in lunch.

I get out of work at 5 PM, so come to the association at about 3 PM, so you can get your new Hunter's license. Call or text me when you arrive, I'll come and fetch you.

Don't overwork yourself and worry too much, okay?


Just reading my master's words, gives me the energy and motivation to do my absolute best for him. Getting out of bed with a huge grin on my face, I went to the bathroom to freshen up, before facing the day head-on.


[Elijah's POV]

<<January 16, 2023>>

<<Manila, Philippines>>

Thankfully today's one of my slow days, so after working on some stuff related to the association, I then poured out all my focus on researching and planning for the Arachne's nest subjugation. And in the middle of doing so, Shelly peeked on my door.

"What's up?" I asked Shelly, curious as to what's so important that it made her personally come to my office when she could've just sent me a message.

"I have the association's president's secretary waiting in the lobby. He said that he wanted to talk to you urgently." Shelly replied.

"Kindly lead him in," I instructed Shelly.

"Will do," Shelly immediately complied.

As my curiosity heightens, I went ahead and tidied my desk, keeping all my research from prying eyes. It is then, that the ever so dignified assistant of the association's president entered my office. Handsome, polite, dignified, what more can you ask for in a man. That's why Lucas Greenleaf is so popular. Not only is he what as I've mentioned before, but he's also a very powerful hunter, that could be compared with Benjamin's brother, William. Although not a combat-type hunter, his supporting skills and ability to read the battlefield with ease, is what got him his prestige.

"To who do I owe the pleasure of your visit? What would you like to drink?" I asked politely, as I got up from my chair and headed to the refreshments table of my office.

"There is no need for that," Lucas declined politely. "In fact, the reason for my visit is because the President would like to have a talk with you."

"Me? Why?" I asked, taken aback by what he said.

"I do not know the details, but I assure you that it is something of importance," Lucas replied.

"Very well then, let's not keep the President waiting," I said, and with that both Lucas and I headed to the very top floor of the association's building where the president's office is located.

When we arrived, Lucas lightly knocked on the wooden double doors of the office, before opening them, urging me to enter first. The moment I took a step inside the President's office, I was thoroughly amazed by the sheer size of it. Added with the simple yet masculine décor, I'd say that the Association's president has taste.

The moment the president saw me, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Nurturer, you're here! It's a pleasure to finally be able to talk with you." The president said, as he walked over to me and stretched out a hand to shake.

"The pleasure's all mine, Sir. and please, just call me Elijah," I said politely, as I shook his hand.

"Well, Elijah, please have a seat. What refreshments would you like to have?" The president asked as he led me to the sleek black couches, located in the middle of his office. "Oh and please, just call me Benjamin."

"Very well, Benjamin. And I would like to have some tea, please." I replied politely, as we both take out seats.

"You must be curious as to why I called you here," Benjamin said, as Lucas prepared the refreshments.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't," I answered honestly.

"You see, that's what I like about you. You're very forward and direct," Benjamin said, as Lucas put a cup of tea and coffee on the coffee table between us.

"Thank you, you flatter me."

"Anyway, I'll go straight to the point. I asked you to come here today so that I can ask you to be my personal advisor." Benjamin said with a serious voice.

The moment I heard what he said, I kid you not when I say that I almost died, choking from the tea I was just sipping.

"I'm sorry?" I asked in disbelief, as I kept coughing my lungs out.

"I see that from your reaction that I've surprised you with my request."

And I just have to say, merely saying "surprised" is a complete understatement. I was astonished, flabbergast, bewildered, stunned, dazed, and all the other adjectives you can think of.

"You see, I believe that the association needs drastic change, and needs it desperately. I'm gonna be honest with you, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but the association is filled with parasites that are slowly eating it away. I built the association to be a pillar for every hunter in our country, but in the long run, greedy and power-hungry people have been slithering their way into its heart and are slowly poisoning it." Benjamin said straightforwardly. "I'm extremely embarrassed by what the association has become. I was naïve and childish when I first built the association. I easily believed in people's 'good will'. But in the long run, the association has started becoming a laughing stock."

Benjamin then let out a tired sigh before continuing, "If I want to make changes in the association, I need people that can help do so."

"And I am one of them, because?" I asked

"Ever since you've entered the association, I saw your perseverance and hard work for the association's sake. You are one of the only few people that sincerely want to save this drowning ship. And If it's people like you, I know I can put my trust in you," Benjamin said.

"How can you put so much trust in a person that you've just met, in person?" I asked, not knowing what to think about Benjamin's choices or decisions. I mean, yes, I do want to see some changes to be done in the association, but appointing me as his personal advisor? Someone, who he's only seen in employee reports? People would start, questioning him, no questions asked.

"I don't know exactly how to explain it, but my gut is screaming at me, to make you me personal advisor," Benjamin said sheepishly.

What he said almost made me want to do a backflip when I don't even know how to. I turned to Lucas, silently asking him if his boss is "for real" right now because I don't know how to interpret it. Seeing my reaction, Lucas just let out a sigh and nodded.

Massaging my temples, I then said "Benjamin, you do know that this is a big decision that could make or break the entire association, right?"

"Yes," Benjamin answered simply.

"And you still want me to be your advisor?" I confirmed once again, because honestly, no matter how crazy things are progressing right now, the outcome could very much be advantageous for me. I was worried about how I could ask permission to enter the Arachne's nest, but who would have known that the opportunity would present itself to me, and then some. Not only can I accomplish what I set out to do, but I can also help the association gain back its fading honor. It's definitely a win-win.

"Absolutely," Benjamin answered vehemently.

"Very well," I said with a deep sight. But as Benjamin was about to rejoice, I held up a finger, stopping him from doing so. "But before I accept your request, I only have two conditions."

"Name them," Benjamin said, going back to being serious.

"First, you will fire every other advisor you have, leaving me as your sole advisor," I wasn't sure if I was demanding too much, but the thought of working with his other advisors repulses me very much.

"Consider it done. And the other?" Benjamin replied right away. I thought I'd been shocked and surprised enough today, but it seems that the surprises just kept coming. Benjamin didn't even think twice about firing all his other advisors, which actually me proud of him. He's finally grown up to take a stand for himself and see those old geezers for who they truly are.

"My second one is; I would like to arrange a conference that will be attended by yourself and Kampilan's guild leader and vice guild leader," I said, finally turning the tide on them. They've been surprising me with every turn the conversation went. It's about time, they get a taste of their own medicine.

"May I ask, what's the reason why you want to arrange a conference?" Lucas asked, voicing out Benjamin's question.

"I can't really tell you any specifics right now, but I can tell you that, it could affect our country's standing in the worldwide power charts," I said which made their eyes widen.

"Very well, consider it done," Benjamin said, after composing himself. I know that he wanted to ask more questions, but decided to hold himself back, for the time being, knowing that eventually, he will come to know what I'm talking about.

"Okay then, if everything is settled, when do I start?" I asked with a smile, trying to change the mood into a much lighter one.

"If it's alright with you, as early as tomorrow would be the most ideal," Benjamin said.

"Okay then," I nodded in agreement. "Just make sure that my new office doesn't have a single trace of those stinking old men, when I arrive to tomorrow," I added, which made Benjamin bellow out in laughter. Truly this man can have such a carefree attitude.

"We'll make sure of that," Lucas was the one who responded since Benjamin is currently too busy laughing. His composed demeanor was also on the verge of collapsing, as his face kept twitching.

"If that is all for today, then I would be taking my leave," I politely said, but as I was about to stand, Benjamin, stopped me. Making seat back down.

"Actually, I have one more request," Benjamin said, suddenly turning nervous. I really can't keep up with this guy's sudden mood changes. He can go from serious to lively in a split second, he's honestly giving me a whiplash.

"Fire away," I politely said.

"Your assistant. What was her name?"

The question came out of nowhere, and it confused the hell out of me.


"Yes, her," Benjamin nodded nervously. The man kept fidgeting his fingers, that it was making me nervous. And I don't even have a reason to be. "Since, she's technically not an employee of the association and is employed under you. I would like to ask for your permission if I could pursue her."

Once again, the man left me speechless. I turned to Lucas, and even his assistant expression says it all. He looked so done with everything, with the sigh that he just released. At that moment, I didn't know what came over me but I then began doing something, that could either end my life or be the greatest helping hand I've ever given.

Lifting a finger, I pulled out my phone and proceeded to dial Shelly's number. Putting her on speaker as I waited for her to answer. After a couple of rings, Shelly's vibrant and bubbly voice came through the phone, suddenly making Benjamin tense.

"Hey~ Boss, what's up?" Shelly asked.

"Shelly, what do you think of Benjamin?" I asked, but my gaze never left the association's president.

"Benjamin? You mean the Association's president?" Shelly asked, giving me a vivid visual of her confused frown on her face as she does so.

"Yep, him. And be as honest as possible." I told her.

"Hmm... He's hot," Shelly responded, but then spoke again after a short pause. "Actually, scratch that. He's ultra-hot! His face, those eyes, his edible lips; *Mwah* just chef's kiss. Just thinking about his lips makes me want to straight-up gobble him. Oh! And that neck? Mmmm-mhhhh! After I'm done with his luscious lips, I'd like to leave marks all over that sexy neck of his! And that body? just thinking about it is making me drool. I could already imagine what's underneath those tight-fitting clothes that he always wears. *Slurp* Boy, I'd like to take my time licking those hard pecs and trace those abs with my tongue. Then after that, I'd slowly go down on him and start savoring that monstrous meat between his legs. I mean, have you seen the bulge on his pants earlier? I swear, just the sheer size of it is making me soaking wet right now. Just imagining sliding my tongue up and down that deliciousness, and gulping all the milk I can squeeze out from his two jewels, is making me salivate. Also, I know that this is kinky but, I just want to shove a finger or two, down those tight buns of steel. Lastly, he can always put me in the middle of those meaty thighs he has. Need I say more?" And 'twas honesty I got. I mean, I asked for it, and I got the whole unfiltered truth.

"You need to gargle holy water and bleach to clean that filthy mouth of yours," I deadpanned over the phone, but inwardly I was howling in laughter. Just seeing Benjamin so flustered and beat red from blushing is so worth it. I even saw him shift on his seat, and cross his legs while listening to Shelly's dirty talk. It was safe to say that he was undeniably and utterly turned on.

"You wanted me to be honest," Shelly just replied as a matter-of-fact. "Anyway, why'd you ask?"

"You see, Benjamin wants to ask you out on a date. Maybe a little dinner, then afterward, chatting over some wine at his place. How's that sound?" I asked, which made Benjamin's eyes widen in panic.

"Sure, I'd love to. Tell him, I get off work at 5, so he maybe can pick me up by then. Then we'll go from there." Shelly said excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan," I said in agreement, but Benjamin's looked so terrified. "Alrighty then, tell Benjamin goodbye before you hang up."

"See you later babe! *Mwah*" Shelly said with a seductive voice before hanging up.

"And with that, my work here is done," I said as I stood up. "You heard the lady. Pick her up at about 5. And please, don't run her dry all night. I still need her to be functioning tomorrow, okay? If everything is clear, then I'll see you both tomorrow," I said before leaving both Benjamin and Lucas gaping in disbelief behind me.


[Benjamin's POV]

<<January 16, 2023>>

<<Manila, Philippines>>

"F*ck" Was all I could muster after Elijah left. Everything happened so fast, that I couldn't even keep up. "What the hell just happened"

"Seems like you have a date," Lucas said with an amused smirk on his face.

"What do you even do on a date? F*ck! Lucas help me!" Benjamin begged as he starts to panic.

With a helpless sigh, Lucas said "How can you even survive without me."

And with that, as Benjamin prepares for his date, Lucas started booking reservations after reservations.

Thanks for reading y'all and God bless always!

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