
Rise of the Dragon God

Rob felt punished his whole life. Like he did something wrong but couldn't remember what it was. His mother dying during birth, his father remarrying a hateful woman and then leaving him with her... Finally one day while heading to school he sees a kid walking while looking at his phone about to cross the street. He immediately jumps into action saving the kid at the sacrifice of himself. With this sacrifice as well as all the good karma he had from such a hard life, he was given a second chance. One of the gods decided to give him a new life in a world of fantasy and gifts along with it. This is the story of his rise.

TheGhOsTGeneral · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Ch. 2 - Where am I?

Rob couldn't believe his eyes. Had it all been a dream? He looked around the unfamiliar room. Everything was so clean but it looked old. He didn't see anything electric anywhere. No clocks, TVs or anything. He was sitting on a rocking chair and it was extremely comfortable. He also noticed across from him, there was an older gentleman watching him while sipping some tea. He could smell the tea from where he was sitting and it smelled amazing. He looked at the man a bit more closely. His eyes almost had a glow to them. They reminded him of someone holding a sapphire over a flashlight. He had a gentle look to his face being framed by a soft looking long white beard. It went down to his chest.

He clears his throat and sets the tea on the table between them while also motioning that there was a cup in front of Rob as well. Rob blinked quickly, getting lost staring into his eyes. They seemed to be able to read your very soul.

"Hello Robert. Would you like to guess where you are?" The man asked while leaning back into the chair and begun to slowly rock it. Rob just looked at him and then looked around the room quickly.

"Is this a dream? I don't know this place. I remember waking up and leaving the house..." Rob paused briefly as he recalled. "I sat down for awhile and watched the ducks play in the river. I started to walk to school. I was thinking about how I wanted to play my game at the arcade. It's amazing, you get to play as a dragon! You can fly around and everything. It's so cool. Then it also made me think about what it would be like to be a dragon, the freedom to fly around where ever you wanted. Even above the clouds. I came to another street and waited to cros-" Robs eyes widened as he remember the guy on the phone. He remember pulling him back but being pushed into the street.

As he was thinking about this, the mans face began to take on a sad look. As if he was able to read Robs mind. Heard him remembering the tragic events that brought him here. "Wait." Rob began to speak again. "Am... Am I" Rob couldn't finish the sentence, he was at a loss for words. "Yes my boy. You died, protecting the other child. You sacrificed yourself to save another life. Of course, you've always been like that, haven't you? You put others before you. Also tried to see the best in everyone. In everything. No matter how bad of a situation you're in, you always saw the light in the darkness." Rob watched the man as he spoke. He thought that it sounded like the man knew him but he didn't remember ever meeting him. Well, of course he hadn't. He's dead. Then... "Wait, are you God?" Rob quickly put the pieces together and said the question before he could finish his thoughts. The man chuckled softly. "In a way, yes. However not like what you think. I am one of many. There are many different gods for many different things. Want to hear a funny one? Did you know there is a god for street lights? Sometimes he blesses people, sometimes he makes sure they hit every red light on the way to wherever they wish to go. He's an interesting one..." The man looks off into the distance, deep in thought.

He quickly shakes his head and looks back at the boy in front of him. "Sorry about that. So, you must have so many questions. Please feel free to ask them." Rob watching him as he spoke immediately asked a question that had been bothering him since he opened his eyes. "Are they okay? The guy and the driver?" Hearing the concern in his voice the man softly sighed as he looked at Rob. "Yes, they are both fine. The driver ran into a light pole and has some scratches but was able to walk away from the scene. The boy was also okay, you managed to pull him back up onto the sidewalk so he was unharmed." Rob let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, breathing a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. I'm so glad they are okay"

The man smiled again, reached forward and took his cup of tea. Taking a brief sip of it before sitting it on his leg, still holding it. "You have such a kind soul. You have had such a hard life, a trying life and you have not let it blacken your soul at all. Many others have had worse results. Your mother died giving birth to you. She was your fathers high school sweetheart. For this, he hated you. He found another woman when you were ten. That relationship lasted a year, give or take... However instead of taking you when he left, he left you with the woman who equally showed disdain towards you from day one."

He took a long sip from his tea this time, and then placed it back onto the table. Once he had, he leaned back and began to rock again. "Every day that woman talked down on you. Made you feel useless. She would watch you get bullied from the window and laugh." Hearing this, Rob softly gasped. He never told her he was being bullied. He thought she didn't know. He tried to hide it. "Yet, through it all. You smiled. You figured she had a lot on her mind. You figured those kids had issues they didn't want to talk about to anyone and they were using you as a punching bag to escape the hopeless feeling in their chest. You gave food to the homeless guy even when you yourself hadn't eaten in days."

The man looked at Rob with such a warm smile. A proud smile. "I can't remember the last time I've looked upon a soul and felt so proud and so sad at the same time. Robert. You've lived such a hard life yet took it with a smile. As such, I'm going to reward you." Hearing this, rob tilted his head slightly in confusion. Reward? What kind of reward? Can the dead have things? Well, obviously. God is sitting here drinking tea and has a bookshelf. Nice chairs even! Seeing the look of confusion the man let out a loud laugh. "My boy, what I'm about to give you is no physical reward. It isn't something you can hold and admire. This is something far more special. You've read books of people reincarnating into other worlds. Magical worlds With heroes, villains, mages. Magical creatures like Werewolves, unicorns and d-" Rob stood up so fast the chair slid backwards a little. "Dragons?! There are real live dragons!?" Rob yelled with excitement in his voice.

The man once again let out a thunderous laugh. He stood up and walked around the table and placed his hand on Robs shoulder. "Yes my boy. Even dragons. Dragons of different sizes and shapes. Weak dragons and strong dragons. All different colors." As he's explaining this, Robs eyes are wide with wonder. Just imagining all the different types of dragons. He couldn't wait to see them. Maybe even make friends with them?

As he looked down at the boy watching his imagination go wild, he gave his shoulder a soft squeeze to bring him out of his thoughts. "No, don't misunderstand. You won't become friends with them. At least, not in the way that you're thinking." Robs face showed clear signs of sadness and disappointment. "My first gift to you, is to make your dream come true. You wondered what it would be like to fly amongst the clouds. What it would be like to become a dragon. My first gift to you is a choice. Would you like to be reborn as a dragon?" Robs face went from one of sadness to excitement in the blink of an eye. Was this really happening? Was he really about to become a dragon? "Yes. Yes. Yes. Please, yes."

The man nodded at Robs enthusiastic response. "Very well, then on to your next gift. In this world you are going, there are many strong people. They worked for that strength. You will need to do the same, but you will not be alone. I will give you a system. Almost like your games from your world. You will level up. You will gain stats and skill. You will evolve."

Rob still had a massive smile on his face as he thought of all of this. He loved the dragon game he used to play but this sounded so much better. Better than anything he ever thought of.

The man nods as he finishes explaining it to Rob. "Now my third gift. This is a very special and unique gift for a special and unique soul. Through all your hardships you've shown kindness. You've shown good judgement. You've been fair to all those around you. My third gift is an option that you'll have to work towards. The trials in this next life will be tough and have many twist and turns however if you are able to keep your heart and soul the way you have in your past life." The man paused briefly to ensure Rob was listening well. "Once you have reached a certain level, you will be able to ascend. You will become a dragon god. You will be able to fly amongst the stars."

Rob stared in disbelief. He knees grew weak and he took a step back from the man, falling back into the chair. His eyes never broke contact with god though. A god... Becoming a dragon was one thing. Becoming a god was something else entirely. How would he become a god? Would he be a good god? Could he handle the responsibilities? What responsibilities would a dragon god have? How would other react to him? Would they fear him? Love him? All of these questions flooded Robs head.

The man knelt down so he was eye level with Rob. "The fact that you didn't immediately yell yes please volumes to your character Robert. This is not something you will need to answer now. You may focus on living your dream. When the time comes, you'll be ready to make your choice." Rob nodded as he kept eye contact. The man place his hand on Robs head as he stood. "Sleep now. When you wake, your adventure will begin." Sleep? Sleep?! How was Rob supposed to sleep? Now of all times! He was so excited, confused, scared and anxious that there wasn't an ounce of tiredness in his body. How did God expect him to-

Robs eyes slowly closed as he lost consciousness.