
Rise of the Dragon Emperor

Hello there! I'm the author and this is my second attempt at making a novel. I have put in a lot of effort to make this novel as good as possible so that you can enjoy the novel which I have written. There will be minor mistakes within the novel, but I have tried my best to make the reading experience as best as possible. If you notice any errors or things that you do not like I will try to improve the problem as soon as possible. I hope that you enjoy my novel and continue to read it. I look forward to seeing all your comments and being able to interact with all of you :) Druak was an aspiring mage who wished to gain vast amounts of knowledge and had an incredibly amount of curiosity. Fate, however didn’t allow him to follow the path which he wished to follow. After a failed experiment Druak was sent into a coma for many years and lost his best chance to learn anything about magic. After living for 27 years Druak tragically died after being pushed off a cliff by a figure which was cloaked in black. Druak had lived a miserable life, each person he ever cared for or got close die before his eyes. Even his best friend was brutally killed in front of his eyes and Druak was powerless to stop it. 100 years after Druaks death a battle that shook the entire continent took place between a Lich king and four minor kingdoms. This battle resulted in the death of the Lich King. And the death of this Lich King seemed to set something into motion. Traveling all the way back in time Druak was once again alive, this time inside his 17-year-old body. He was finally given a second chance however, unbenounced to him he wasn’t the only one who was given a second chance. The cover of this novel does not belong to me so if the original owner wishes for me to take it down please let me know and I will be sure to change it.

RaygonWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
118 Chs

First lesson

Both Druak and Oscar enter the classroom at the same time. As they do so it becomes clear the disparity between nobles and commoners. Each time Druak glances towards a noble they glare at him as if he is nothing but a pile of trash. This is however completely reversed when they look towards Oscar, as they look as if they are looking upon a saint.

Druak ignores the constant stares and goes towards his seat.

"Oi. Get the f*ck out of here peasant, you don't belong." Krane Adders' expression of disgust made it clear to Druak that he would make this easy for Druak, but for now, Druak had to be patient, even if he had this strong urge to punch the sh*t out of this brat.

Druak slowly walks toward a different seat, completely ignoring Kranes antagonising.

Seeing that he was completely ignored Krane becomes infuriated, getting out of his seat he starts marching towards Druak.

Before reaching Druak a hulk of a man steps in front of Krane and slams his hand into Krane's chest sending him tumbling backwards. "Who the f*ck did th…." Krane pauses as he realises who it was.

"Oh I'm really sorry about that, I didn't even see you there." Oscar says as he puts his hand to the back of his head, almost as a sign of apology, but everyone knew Oscar didn't do this by accident.

Druak looked towards the infuriated Krane who walked away, furious about what had just happened. As Krane walks away he glances at Druak who has a massive grin on his face.

'It is so easy to annoy that brat. Guess it will make it easy to set my next plan in motion.' Druak then glances toward Freya who was hiding away in the corner of the class. 'Might need her help too, but it looks like it won't be as easy.'

The sound of the door creaking could be heard throughout the classroom as one of the professors opened the door. Standing up and taking a bow, all the students said in unison. "Greetings professor Morgana Yemei."

A giant smile grew on Morgana's face as she said." Good morning everyone. I look forward to teaching all of you and I hope that all of you look after my wonderful daughter." Morgana looked towards the student who now had a bright red face and was completely covering her face.

'So she's Morgana's daughter. I don't know why I didn't realise it sooner, they look almost identical.' The only real difference between the two was their hair style and Morgana's face looking slightly more angular.

"So today we are going to be testing each of your magic affinities and the strength of your mana cores. This is to allow us to better understand what you should be learning. For those that aren't mana users, you will be moved to another room which will do the same but for your aura. If there are any questions feel free to ask away now as none will be answered once the testing starts."

Learning that he could find out his magic affinity made Druak ecstatic, as this was normally a process that wouldn't be allowed till your second year within the academy since the resources required to find out were very expensive and the academy didn't want to waste them on students that left before the second year.

Not many of the students asked any questions as they had already had this test done thanks to their family status. Druak on the other hand still had a few questions he wanted to ask.

"Professor I was wondering, if you had the correct conditions would it be possible to change your elemental affinity."

As Druak asked that question Morgana seemed surprised, as she paused for quite some time before answering. "Might I know why you want to know this kind of information. It's not something a normal student would ask."

Druak was confused as he thought that it was a completely reasonable question. He soon realised that what he asked must have been very dangerous, as when he looked around the majority of students had disgusted expressions on their faces.

The panicked expression on Druaks face calmed Morgana down as she quickly realised Druak didn't understand what he had just asked. "Yes, it is possible. But the act of doing so is forbidden since someone attempted it over a hundred years ago…" Morgana paused for a moment as she seemed to remember a horrible memory, and after pausing yet again she finally answered Druaks question. "You must massacre a thousand mages which have the same attribute which the person wants, it is similar to what necromancers do to become liches."

Druak's face dropped. He finally knew what that despicable Lich was doing with his body.

'That as*hole was going to use my body as a vessel.' The thing that confused Druak was why his body, after all, Druak had only just become a mage and gained his mana core so why him instead of someone else.

Too distanced by his revelation, Druak hadn't realised that the questioning session was now over and it was now time for everyone to be tested.

Despite the class having 30 students, only 10 of them were magically gifted, the rest of which were aura users.

Once all of the aura users had left Morgana approached each of the remaining student's desks and placed 3 different crystals down on them. Once she reached Freya, her daughter, she had a massive grin on her face. "I hope I helped you in making friends. I can put you into a group if you want, it'll make it easier for you to make friends."

Freya's mother was incredibly clingy due to events that happened to Freya in the past. Freya normally didn't mind but today Freya couldn't take it anymore and shouted. "Just leave me alone. You're so clingy, it's annoying. I wish you'd just leav…" Freya quickly realised what she had just said and was about to apologise but before she could her mother had already walked face down towards the next desk.