
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Background Creator

What would you like to do?

You looked at the message, and thought. You liked the name Leo, and you decided to use it as your own. You said "Exit" in your mind, and saw the screen change again. You read the message, and felt a sense of progress and satisfaction:

[Name Generator: You have exited the name generator feature. You have generated a new name, and you have used it as your own. Your name is:

- Leo

Leo is a common and popular name, among the humans of Lora. It means "lion", and it implies courage, strength, and nobility. Leo is a name that suits you well, and it will help you blend in with the people of Lora.

You have completed the first part of your sub-objective, and you have created a new name. You still have to create a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You still have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

The system will now scan your current situation, and assign you your next task. Please wait for a moment.]

He waited for a moment, and saw the screen change again. He read the message, and felt a sense of challenge and opportunity:

[Quest 2: Find a New Identity

Description: You are currently outside the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which has exploded, and destroyed the castle. They have also spread the news that you are dead, and declared themselves as the new rulers of the kingdom. They have also sent their agents and assassins, to hunt you down and confirm your death. You have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

Objective: Find a new identity, and hide your true identity.

Reward: 2000 Death Coins, 2 Random Items, 2 Skill Points.

Penalty: Exposure, Capture, Torture, Death.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The easiest way to find a new identity, is to use the mask of the Death Ruler, which can change your voice and appearance. You can also use the cloak of shadows, which can increase your stealth. You can also use the system, which can provide you with tips and hints. You can also use your skills and items, which can help you fight and survive. You can also use your charisma and intelligence, which can help you persuade and deceive. You can also use your luck and intuition, which can help you choose and decide. You have to make your way to a safe place, where you can rest and plan. You have to be careful, and avoid detection. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Sub-Objective: Create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story.

Reward: 500 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point.

Penalty: None.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The best way to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story, is to use the system's features, such as:

- The Name Generator: The name generator is a feature that can generate a random name, based on your preferences, such as gender, race, and origin. You can access the name generator anytime, by saying "Name Generator" in your mind.

- The Appearance Changer: The appearance changer is a feature that can change your appearance, based on your preferences, such as hair, eyes, skin, and clothes. You can access the appearance changer anytime, by saying "Appearance Changer" in your mind.

- The Background Creator: The background creator is a feature that can create a random background, based on your preferences, such as age, occupation, and history. You can access the background creator anytime, by saying "Background Creator" in your mind.

- The Story Maker: The story maker is a feature that can make a random story, based on your preferences, such as genre, theme, and plot. You can access the story maker anytime, by saying "Story Maker" in your mind.

You can also use your imagination, and your creativity, to create your own name, appearance, background, and story. You can also use your skills, and your items, to enhance your name, appearance, background, and story. You can also use your charisma, and your intelligence, to convince the people, and the system, that your name, appearance, background, and story are true.

You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story, before you leave the inn. You have to be careful, and avoid contradiction or inconsistency. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Task: Change your appearance, using the appearance changer feature.]

He felt a mix of emotions and thoughts. He had a new task, and he had to complete it. He had to change his appearance, using the appearance changer feature. He had to create a new look, that matched his new name.

He had no idea how to do that, or where to start. He had no idea what to choose, or what to change. He had no idea how to look like a human, or a Loran.

He felt overwhelmed and clueless. He wished he had a guide, or a tutorial, or a manual. He wished he had someone to teach him, or help him, or explain to him.

But he had no one. He had only himself. He had only the system.

He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the appearance changer feature. He said "Appearance Changer" in his mind, and saw a new screen appear. He read the message, and felt a sense of curiosity and excitement:

[Appearance Changer: You can change your appearance, based on your preferences, such as hair, eyes, skin, and clothes, by using the appearance changer feature. You can access the appearance changer feature anytime, by saying "Appearance Changer" in your mind.

Please select your preferences, by saying them in your mind:

- Hair: Color, Length, Style?

- Eyes: Color, Shape, Size?

- Skin: Color, Tone, Texture?

- Clothes: Color, Type, Style?]

He looked at the message, and thought. He decided to change his appearance, to look like a typical human of Lora. He said "Brown, Short, Spiky, Blue, Round, Medium, Tan, Smooth, Light, Casual, Simple" in his mind, and saw the screen change again. He read the message, and felt a sense of surprise and satisfaction:

[Appearance Changer: You have selected your preferences, as follows:

- Hair: Brown, Short, Spiky

- Eyes: Blue, Round, Medium

- Skin: Tan, Smooth, Light

- Clothes: Casual, Simple

The system will now change your appearance, based on your preferences. Please wait for a moment.]

He waited for a moment, and felt a slight change in his body. He looked at his reflection, and saw that he had a new appearance. He saw that he had brown hair, that was short and spiky. He saw that he had blue eyes, that were round and medium. He saw that he had tan skin, that was smooth and light. He saw that he had casual clothes, that were simple and comfortable.

He felt a thrill of change and novelty. He had changed his appearance, and he had used the appearance changer feature. He had created a new look, that matched his new name.

He heard a beep, and saw the screen change again. He read the new message, and felt a sense of progress and satisfaction:

[Appearance Changer: You have changed your appearance, and you have used the appearance changer feature. Your appearance is:

- Hair: Brown, Short, Spiky

- Eyes: Blue, Round, Medium

- Skin: Tan, Smooth, Light

- Clothes: Casual, Simple

You have completed the second part of your sub-objective, and you have created a new appearance. You still have to create a new background, and a new story. You still have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

The system will now scan your current situation, and assign you your next task. Please wait for a moment.]

He waited for a moment, and saw the screen change again. He read the message, and felt a sense of challenge and opportunity:

[Quest 2: Find a New Identity

Description: You are currently outside the royal castle of Zalora, the residence of the king and his family. You are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, and the leader of the hidden masters. However, you are also the target of a conspiracy, orchestrated by your enemies, who want to kill you and take your place. They have planted a bomb in your room, which has exploded, and destroyed the castle. They have also spread the news that you are dead, and declared themselves as the new rulers of the kingdom. They have also sent their agents and assassins, to hunt you down and confirm your death. You have to find a new identity, and hide your true identity. You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story. You have to convince the people, and the system, that you are someone else.

Objective: Find a new identity, and hide your true identity.

Reward: 2000 Death Coins, 2 Random Items, 2 Skill Points.

Penalty: Exposure, Capture, Torture, Death.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The easiest way to find a new identity, is to use the mask of the Death Ruler, which can change your voice and appearance. You can also use the cloak of shadows, which can increase your stealth. You can also use the system, which can provide you with tips and hints. You can also use your skills and items, which can help you fight and survive. You can also use your charisma and intelligence, which can help you persuade and deceive. You can also use your luck and intuition, which can help you choose and decide. You have to make your way to a safe place, where you can rest and plan. You have to be careful, and avoid detection. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Sub-Objective: Create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story.

Reward: 500 Death Coins, 1 Random Item, 1 Skill Point.

Penalty: None.

Status: In Progress.

Hint: The best way to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story, is to use the system's features, such as:

- The Name Generator: The name generator is a feature that can generate a random name, based on your preferences, such as gender, race, and origin. You can access the name generator anytime, by saying "Name Generator" in your mind.

- The Appearance Changer: The appearance changer is a feature that can change your appearance, based on your preferences, such as hair, eyes, skin, and clothes. You can access the appearance changer anytime, by saying "Appearance Changer" in your mind.

- The Background Creator: The background creator is a feature that can create a random background, based on your preferences, such as age, occupation, and history. You can access the background creator anytime, by saying "Background Creator" in your mind.

- The Story Maker: The story maker is a feature that can make a random story, based on your preferences, such as genre, theme, and plot. You can access the story maker anytime, by saying "Story Maker" in your mind.

You can also use your imagination, and your creativity, to create your own name, appearance, background, and story.

You can also use your skills, and your items, to enhance your name, appearance, background, and story.

You can also use your charisma, and your intelligence, to convince the people, and the system, that your name, appearance, background, and story are true.

You have to create a new name, a new appearance, a new background, and a new story, before you leave the inn.

You have to be careful, and avoid contradiction or inconsistency. You have to be creative, and improvise.

Task: Create a new background, using the background creator feature.]

He felt a mix of emotions and thoughts. He had a new task, and he had to complete it. He had to create a new background, using the background creator feature. He had to create a new history, that matched his new name and appearance.

He had no idea how to do that, or where to start. He had no idea what to choose, or what to say.

He had no idea how to fit in with the people of Lora, or the world of Death Quest.

He felt overwhelmed and clueless. He wished he had a guide, or a tutorial, or a manual.

He wished he had someone to teach him, or help him, or explain to him.

But he had no one. He had only himself. He had only the system.

He decided to follow the system's advice, and use the background creator feature. He said "Background Creator" in his mind...to be continue