
Chapter 2

The time has come. It is the time of The feast of the Phoenix, the time of my departure for freedom. I don't want to leave but they are not giving me any choice, and Jenny and Arlen knows this but I still feel bad for putting them in to this type of situation. They, unlike me, would be delighted to be the next master. Only if they knew what horrible secrets they have.

     I have what I need and the way to my grandmothers house, whom I will stay with untill the magisters and Master is off of my trail.

    I gave Arlen and Jenny the signal to let all hell break loose. Jenny went into the hallway to do the 'summon gone wrong'. Don't worry she is master enough at the spell not to kill anyone. Thats the whole reason why I asked her to do it.

    My thoughts were cut off by a huge explosion in the hallway, most likely due to our 'experiment gone wrong' Jenny is working on. Once everyone was focused on the hallway we saw a blue cloud of dust come from the hallway as well and took it as our signal to leave. The nurvousness of the situation finally dawning on me as we ran toward the vault doors; I was finally running away from all the stress becoming master has put on me.

   The endless hours of extra training, the counless all-nighters trying to perfect spells I had to learn. Also the guilt of raising peacefull souls finally got to me. Their bones covers in scabs of skin,muscle, them shaking like they recided in Alaska with no coats.  What was left of their faces withered in agony. These pictures forever burned into my brain.

    My thoughts were cut off by Arlen.

"May? Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked my blood vile that was linking me forever to this place in his hands. I nodded my head." Arlen of you want to say something now would be the time." He pulled me into a hug, "Please don't leave, please don't leave me."He started to repeat as his shoulders shook. Its then I relized he was crying.

    "Why are you crying?" I mumbled. "Because I love you. No its because I'm in love with you." He muttered out in between sobs. "Please." He begged so low that I barley heard him.

   "Arlen..." I muttered coming out of shock. "You above all people know that this is the only choice, if I want to be happy." His sobs got louder. "I know, but let me do one thing." I nodded.

    He grabbed my face in his small hands, the vile falling onto the floor. I heard the glass shatter, but ignored it as I felt the sparks ignite from where he was holding me. I looked up to look him in the eyes, the soft blue eyes I fell in love with, long ago. He started to pull me closer, until he finally touched his soft firm lips to mine.

    I immediately kissed him back. I wish I'd known that he liked me before all the Master training. He reluctantly pulled away, and put his forehead on mine. "Why did you wait?" I asked when I cought my breath.

    "Because I was afraid you would reject me." I nodded in understanding. "You remember the crush I told you about but I refused to tell you the name?" I asked. He clenched his fist and nodded. "You were that person, Arlen, I fell in love with you." He looked at me in shock. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, but he would not speak. I chuckled and stood on my tippy toes, and gave him a peck on the lips.

    "After all this and when we meet again, we will work it out and be together, alright?" I said. He nodded and asked, "Do you promise?" I pecked his lips and said, "I promise." He reached for the skull ring on his middle finger and put it on my right ring finger. "Let this be a symbol of our promise. I nodded, as I closed ny eyes to enjoy the moment as long as it lasted.

   The sad part is that it didn't last long. After 2 minutes at the most we heard the vault door open and the voices of the current Master and a teacher enter. Their voices were muffled but I knew what they were looking for, Me. I started the chant for the invisibility spell for me and Arlen.

    While we were walking towards the exit we passed the currret Master and Mrs. Abernathy. "If she is the next master why does she want to leave."

    "Because she is the one we've been waiting for. 150 years ago The Anarchy was diminished, but before that they warned us that Cody will come back, and haunt the future Master. They gave us signs of who the person might be; The Master will be a she, she will be wary of the art of raising the dead, and much more yet to be seen."