
Rise Of The Curse Lord

Finding the Truth about the calamity from a prophecy the entire world was shaken with fear. It said the one who will be born with the power of Calamity will be born as the youngest son of the Augustine family, he will receive the power on the day of the red sky and start wreaking havoc in the world. The entire world fought against the Augustine family and ended up erasing them from history. However, does it mean that they won't have to face any calamity, Many questioned this? Everything was answered on the day when the sky became red, the one they thought to be dead remains alive and gains the power that will make the world feel fear once again and pray for their lives.

Zayir_DM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


* Knock* * Knock*

Someone knocked on the room in which the three of them were staying, unfortunately, this was the only room available. The boys slept on the floor on the portable mattress they have brought with them while they allowed Yelena to sleep on the Bed.

Conan was the only one to get up, the other two were too tired from the journey.

" Mr, as you said, I brought food late. I have heated it for you, make sure to give me a tip for that." It was a 12 years old boy. Conan smiled gently and gestured for him to come inside.

" What is it?" Yelena said while trying to sit on her bed. Both of them were forcefully woken up from their sleep.

" Eat first, you can sleep later. I will be going for a little walk, you can rest then."

" Could you have not eaten and just left?" Yelena snapped.

" Eat with me, come on." Conan forced them.

Ben was up, the little boy wore clean clothes but they were sewed from various places.

" What's your name kiddo?" Yelena asked as she saw the boy working hard.

" Kenny."

" Thank you Kenny for this." She said as she patted his head.

" Here, the payment and your tip." Conan handed him the physical money, Ben was a little confused but seeing the boy accept it and leave, he didn't say anything.

" Umm! It tastes like heaven." Ben said.

" What the hell is this? Ugh! so oily."

" Che! I am never going to like any other food than what we had in City R." Conan and Yelena complained. Since Ben was only eating salad and boiled food, it was easily something he would like.

" You said, you were going somewhere?" Ben asked.

" Yeah, give me the bike keys. I will just take a look at the area." Conan replied. Yelena handed him the keys, he was the first one to finish the food. Kenny cleared everything and Conan went out of the room.

" I am going to sleep again," Yelena said as she leapt on the bed in an awkward position.

' No, why didn't I realise this before. She and I would be all alone here.' Ben turned his face and slept while covering his face.


" We finally found a decent place to rest." A girl with Violette colour hair spoke she was holding a large sword with both of her hands and was wearing a traditional long coat type of dark blue outfit that had silver stitched on her sleeves and the corner of the clothes, her face was covered under a veil.

" This shit hole can not be a decent place, if not for the order to participate in the upcoming war then I would have never come to this place. We had to go through so many horrible places and this seems to be just as worse." A man who was wearing only white clothes heads to toe spoke, the most noticeable was his white chest piece armour that had a very large glowing gem over it.

" Come on, Knox, you can just shut up. Zosia, let's go inside." a blonde girl said as she walked leading the Violette hair girl inside of the inn.

" I am the leader, you should listen to me." The man complained. There are seven others behind them but they looked to be just followers of the man.

Soon they got inside the inn, and their appearance caused everyone to look in their direction.

" M-May I help you?" Kenny approached them.

" Little boy, we need–" Zosia, tried to speak but was interrupted by the man.

" Are you the owner?" The man spoke.

" I am a staff, sir," Kenny replied.

" Get me the owner," He demanded.

" Yes sir, right away." He ran away from the man because he looked a little dangerous.

A woman walked out in her apron, it was clear that she was cooking lunch for people staying in her inn.

" I am the owner, sir." She said.

" We need accommodation, make preparation, haste!" He ordered in a loud voice.

" Sir, We don't have any rooms available." The woman said.

" You will get more money just kick whoever is currently staying here out."

" We can not do that, sir." She replied.

The man didn't react to do this for several seconds, but soon he took out some gold coins and threw them at her face. The hard coins hurt her and were spread throughout the corridor.

" Know your place, insignificant hag and do as I say or I will cut your hands." He took out his blade and pointed it at her throat.

" That is not a good way to speak to someone." Zosia protested.

The woman got up,

" I will go request them to leave." She said to Kenny, he could sense the fear in her voice.

Kenny started to collect the coins spread on the floor, he didn't like it but money was necessary.

The inn owner went and requested each of her guests to leave. Some were reluctant to leave and even lashed out but after knowing the situation they all left, she then reached the final room and knocked on the door where Ben and Yelena were.

" Sir, We request you to please leave, we will refund your money." She said when Ben opened the door.

" Wait, did Conan do anything wrong? Let me apologise, mam, my friend can be like that sometimes but please forgive him." He said.