
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 6: Taking Stock

Visibly frustrated about his initial introduction into the new world Rosario pushed some of the supplies off of one of the crates and sat down on top taking a second to soak in the atmosphere. As he sat there taking deep breaths in through his nose and out his mouth as he looked at the forest around him he noticed a blinking ellipsis in a circle, in the corner of his vision. Focusing his attention on the ellipsis a blue transparent window appeared in front of him. The screen in front of him looked like blue tinted stained glass and moved with his vision but allowed him to still see behind the screen. Thinking about seeing clearly behind the screen it disappeared again becoming a tiny ellipsis again.

Re-opening the screen he read the queued-up messages.

[Welcome Denizen, as it has already been explained to you, your world will be destroyed when your sun supernovas within the next year on your world. You have been moved from a mini-Galaxy to a small-Galaxy. There are a total of twenty planets in this solar system with only one of them being able to sustain life naturally. This planet's total surface area is 23,712,853,926 miles around 120 times larger than Humans earth. There are a total of 1,327 continents on this planet while 52% of the planet's surface area is ocean. You have chosen your starting supplies, and each of you have been deposited at random, along with 100 billion others onto this planet. Currently you are all temporary Nobles, you have one week to place your summoning crystal before the summoning crystal becomes inert, and you will lose your Noble status and become an Initiate. Gain Power, Grow Stronger, Survive, and Thrive.]

[Each Denizen will be given a [Potential Gem] allowing them to have the chains sealing their innate abilities broken. This will allow each new denizen to awaken their latent potential hidden within them. Not everyone is born equal though, some will have powerful abilities while others might have none.]

[In your supplies you will find the [Summoning Crystal], ten [Charged Summoning Vellums], and one [Ability unlocking gem.]

As he sat there looking at the text, the wind blew a little too hard causing a shiver to run down his spine, distracting him from reading any more messages and focusing on getting out of his wet clothes. Standing up he turned around and took a look at the supplies in front of him. Except for the packaged dried meat, that he had pushed off the side of the crate he had been sitting on, everything else was neatly arranged in front of him. The left side of the crate had clothing stacked on it while what had been on the right side was around 5lbs of jerky, his plates, utensils, and cup. These had all been dumped in the sand when he sat down but as the meat was packaged and the other supplies could be wiped off he wasn't too worried. Looking to the right he found two wooden barrels sinking heavily into the sand. Sitting atop the barrels were five waterskins, some twine, fishing hooks, and the copper arrowhead necklace. Leaning against the barrels was a fishing rod and a spear, while at the foot of the barrels were two pairs of boots.

Turning back to the pile of clothes Rosario rummaged through them grabbing out a change of clothes. Looking around him to be sure nothing was approaching him; he began stripping out of his wet clothes. He used a clean shirt as a towel to dry his body before changing into a black pair of leather pants and a black linen shirt. Now that he wasn't soaking wet and was in dry clothes he took a second to bask in the small amount of sun spilling onto him on the small beach. It was a very comfortable 60-70 degrees out and the slight breeze wasn't as biting now that he was dry. Dropping his wet clothes on the sand he looked around him at the tree line. Still not seeing or hearing anyone or anything approaching he went over to the barrels. Grabbing his spear, he hefted it and felt its weight in his hands. Moving away from the barrels he took a couple practice swings and jabs with the weapon. Satisfied he walked back to the supplies and grabbed a belt out of the clothing pile and attached the Bowie & Skinning Knives to the belt on his right side.

Felling a little more secure now that he was holding a weapon and had a couple of knives on his hip he took in a deep breath ready to start this new chapter of his life.

The ellipsis was back to flashing, so with a thought he opened the screen to see what was new.

[Upgradeable: Lugged Hewing Spear. Point the sharp side away from you. This weapon is upgradeable. Durability: 100/100]

[Upgrade Requirements: 100 Evo 0 Essence Stones]

Seeing that he could see the description of the spear in his hands, Rosario rushed over to the barrels and grabbed the Copper arrowhead necklace. Seeing the ellipsis begin flashing again he opened the screen with a smile. "Give me your secrets! Haha!"

[Upgradeable: Copper Arrowhead Necklace of Holding. This is an upgradeable accessory that is rare to come across in smaller galaxies. Only Void mages that are proficient in the laws of Space can create pocket dimensions and only the best of them can attach these dimensions to objects. This is a mini pocket space attached to a Copper Arrowhead on a Necklace. This pocket space is unaffected by the passing of time and any living organism cannot survive in this space. This object is upgradeable. Current storage space is 125 cubic feet.]

[Upgrade Requirements: 1000 Evo 0 Essence Stones]

Rosario stood there for a couple minutes with his mouth hanging open completely shocked. 'I got spatial storage. Holy Shit! I got a spatial storage!!!'

Holding the necklace, Rosario was trying to figure out how to store items into the necklace. 'I remember in the fantasy novels back on earth some people would have to wrap the object in their mana, others had to be able to lift the object.' He eyeballed the two barrels of water. 'Let's hope I don't have to lift the objects. Walking over to the fishing rod he held it in his left hand while holding the necklace in his right, willing for the rod to enter the subspace he closed his eyes and concentrated. The fishing rod just sat in his hand.

Peeking out of one eye and seeing nothing had happened he sighed and tried touching the ring necklace to the rod and imagined the rod entering the subspace again. Again, nothing happened. Taking a deep breath, he dropped his hands to his sides and sat back down on the crate. Thinking it over he remembered reading in novels that people used their blood to bind objects like this to themselves. Remembering that these people would all weirdly bite their fingers he looked at his finger and shook his head instead he grabbed the bowie knife from his waist and pricked his thumb causing a tiny amount of blood to come out. Smearing the blood on the ring he felt a connection established in his mind allowing him to be able to visualize the emptiness of the necklace.

Picking up the fishing pole again Rosario thought about it being stored in the necklace. Instantly the weight of the pole disappeared from his hand causing him to slightly smirk. With a thought he checked the necklace again and this time he found that, in a corner of the allotted space, the fishing pole sat untouched. Standing up and turning around to look at all the supplies in front of him Rosario smiled widely and began slowly taking inventory of what he had while storing everything in the necklace.

He left his spear, one crate, and a leather satchel sitting upon the crate out. The satchel was not an item he remembered selecting as one of his supplies. He assumed it was the gems and vellums the system spoke about but wanted to take a look to be sure. Kneeling in the sand and opening the satchel he reached inside feeling for its mysterious contents.


PrimordialGiocreators' thoughts