
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 17: Primal

Rosario woke with a start. Looking around it took him a little to reorient himself as to where he was and what was going on. He had taken the bloodline upgrade pill and then the overwhelming pain had assaulted him.

Rubbing his face with his hands he sat up and looked around. He was in the tent Tormund had set up, deciding to find out what had happened he stood up to exit. Unfortunately for him the tent seemed really small, he couldn't even get to his feet he had to crawl on hands and knees out.

Finally getting outside he saw the sun was behind the mountains and the plateau that he had set up camp on was in the mountains' shadow. Looking around he found Tormund not far away at a campfire cooking some meat. For some reason he felt off like something wasn't right.

Tormund saw as Rosario emerged from the tent, as he had suspected it was obvious that Rosario had become a Primordial. Sighing he prepared for a tough discussion.

Walking over to Tormund, Rosario noticed that as Tormund stood up he seemed to be shorter than he was previously. Frowning Rosario asked. "Did you shrink, or did I get bigger?"

Tormund gave a dry laugh. "Oh, you definitely got taller I am still the same height as I was yesterday. Have a seat we have a few things to talk about."

Taking a seat on the trusty crate Rosario looked expectantly at Tormund before asking the main question on his mind.

"Why do my clothes still fit?"

Tormund, who had been taking a swig of water before going into detail about Primordials choked on his water as he was expecting a lot of questions but not that one. Tormund sputtered for a couple seconds before Rosario leaned over to smack Tormund's back. Not realizing his own strength he knocked Tormund face first into the ground.

"Oh Shit! I am so sorry I didn't think I hit you that hard."

Reaching to help Tormund up Rosario was stopped by a raised hand from Tormund.

Mumbling with his face in the dirt Tormund responded. "Please, stop I don't think you realize your own strength right now."

Retreating back to his seat Rosario waited as Tormund stood up and dusted himself off. Sitting back down he looked at Rosario.

"I am going to assume those are the clothes provided to you prior to being deposited on this planet?"

With a nod from Rosario, he continued. "As the system expects your body to transform as you increase your stats it provides clothes that have runes that allow them to resize to the wearer, within reason. Yesterday you were almost my height if not a tiny bit taller, now I only come up to your chest."

Rosario knew he used to be 6'1" (185.5 cm) and Tormund was around 6' (182.9 cm), that would mean he was standing at around 7'6" (228.5 cm) now. Eyebrows arching upwards, Rosario stated. "Wow, so the pill made me really tall, that's cool I always thought my previous height was tall, but this is pretty cool."

"I am sure the pill did much more." *Sigh* "It seems the pill was a blessing and a curse, from what I can see and what I can only assume happened is since you were the only Celestial Asura in existence the top purity of your bloodline reached that of a Primordial."

Seeing Rosario about to ask a question he raised a hand. "Let me finish. Primordials are myths told to kids at bedtime, they are beings that are the leaders of their races, unmatched on the field of battle. If anyone ever came against a Primordial, save for another Primordial, they would meet a quick end. Of course, most Primordials are old creatures that had withdrawn from society to meditate or whatever they do. However, when a new race is born it's possible a Primordial of that race can be created. Usually, it's the first of that race to reach the 10th Evolution but there were rumors of those who were able to purify their bloodline to become a Primordial before ever reaching the 10th Evolution."

"And you think I am one of the later ones, one of the ones who has purified their Bloodline prior to reaching the 10 Evolution?"

"Yes, and before you ask no its not because of your height changes, it is because only Primordials have the runic script on their faces like you have."

Bringing his hands to his face, Rosario felt around trying to see what Tormund was talking about. "What runic script?"

"All Primordials have one thing in common and that is when they become a Primordial, the Collective identifies them by etching runic script into their face, for you the script covers the right side of your entire face. Starting at your jawline the runic script swirls up under your eye and goes through it onto your forehead where it morphs into an intricate design. There is more script coming from your right ear, across your temple, flowing down past to your eye, and over your cheek bone to meet the other script coming from your jaw." Staring Tormund continued. "The lines are alive; they move across the right side of your face but still maintain the main design. They are a deep unfathomable black and a dazzling and purifying gold. Some warriors like to tattoo their faces to make it look like they have Primordial Script but seeing it now in person there is definitely no way we can pass yours off as tattoos."

"Is that bad though? I mean you said Primordials are the most powerful beings, so is it really so bad to have these?"

Tormund rolled his eyes at Rosarios naivety. "I said that most Primordials are powerful, and I am sure you are much more powerful than you were before. HOWEVER, in this world essence contracts can be made, and people can be forced to sign them. All we need is a person more powerful than you to find out you're a Prime (Primordial is too much to type each time) and then forces you to accept an essence contract that makes you their slave basically."

"Others can do that?"

"Yes, when I was alive slavery was a very real issue. The Divas and Asuras never partook of the slave trade, but many Empires did. It was an extremely lucrative business, and I don't imagine that has changed over the years, not unless greed has been bred out of these current generations."

Clenching his fist Rosario felt a rush of anger thinking about there being something as horrible as slavery. Sighing he looked back up at Tormund.

"So how do I hide the markings from others."

Tormund smiled. He had the whole night to think of a solution to this problem. "Easy, we get you a mask that is inscribed so that it cannot be removed unless you want it removed."

"Where would we get a mask like that?"

"You only summoned me correct? That means you have another 9 summons. If we get lucky one of them might be a blacksmith or engraver that can make you a mask. For now, we will use some of the animal hides you procured. If anyone ever asks why you are wearing a mask, you tell them it's an essence burn. Most scars and injuries can heal quickly or over time but if an injury contains essence in it they can persist for much longer, as if you were still a normal person."

Rosario nodded. Pulling out his knife that now looked much smaller in his hands he held up the gator skin he retrieved from his storage. "Shall we."

After working on the mask for an hour or so they were able to create a crude mask that covered Rosarios face except for his eyes. Walking over to the river, running through the Plateau, Rosario looked at his reflection staring back at him. He looked nothing like his previous self, staring back at him was a tall, male with a light grey skin tone that had an almost golden shine to it. His hair must have grown out during one of the many times he had passed out recently as it reached his shoulders, however its color was now snow white, a total absence of color. His eyes peering back at him through the crude mask were Violet with a Golden Pupil in them. His body had been transformed and he was now filled with muscle. He didn't look like a body builder, but the strength was obvious in the muscles he could see.

Seeing the ellipses flashing Rosario moved back from the bank of the river and sat down to look over his notifications.

[Congratulations Denizen, as the first of your race to purify your bloodline you have joined the ranks of the Primordials.]

[Blessed Abyssal Body I -> Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I]

[Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I – Your body is an extension of the powers of the Void and Chaos. Your proficiency in using Void and Chaotic powers will grow unhindered by anything. You are now a Primordial and are able to fully use the essence of the awakening crystal that was left in your body.

A physique that is a combination of the Abyssal Body and the Radiant Vessels Body combined with the Physique of a Primordial. You are the Void and Chaos. Your proficiency with Void and Chaos will increase with no hinderance. Your Regeneration and Stamina are enhanced greatly. You are able to refine your body to higher degrees. To refine your body, ingest 10 evolutionary materials of the X rarity or higher. (0/10 Ingested) NOTE: The same evolutionary materials can be used more than once.]

[Current Level: Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I.

+100 all body stats

+40 all mind stats

Next level: Blessed Abyssal Body II (Consume 10 X Evolutionary Materials)

+200 all body stats

+80 all mind stats]

[One with the Void: Your affinity with the elements of the Abyss is unmatched. Learning and controlling the Elements of Void, Darkness, and Chaos will be as easy as breathing.]

[As you are the Primordial of a new race you will be considered the father of your race. Please choose a Surname.]

Closing his eyes and breathing deeply Rosario could feel he was much more powerful. He felt like one does when they are in an adrenaline-fueled rush. It was intoxicating.

Before getting up to go back to Tormund Rosario took a look at his updated status sheet.

[Name: Rosario {Please choose a Surname}

Title: Squire (1/1,000), Primordial

Race: Primordial Celestial Asura

Evo 0

Level 0 (75/100)

Talent: Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I (0/10)

Mana: 0

Constitution: 108

Strength: 107

Agility: 108

Dexterity: 105

Mind Capacity: 50

Mind Processing: 51

Passive Abilities: Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I, One with the Void


Light(Beginner II)

Dark(Beginner VI)

Void(Student III)

Chaos(Novice I)

Life(Beginner II)

Death(Beginner VII)]